Starting S.M.A.R.T.

Bedford County Teacher Orientation

July 24, 2012

Essential Question: What do I need to know in order to successfully adapt to the prevailing culture and climate of my school, the community, and the district?

·  Bell Work: Make a Name Tent and “Getting the Most from Any Workshop or


·  Introductions by Dr. Ray Butrum, Superintendent of Schools

·  Overview of Orientation

·  First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg

·  Vocabulary Banner, Community Building Activity

·  Professionalism, Social Media, and Professional Conduct


·  PowerSchool and PowerTeacher

·  Overview of the Bedford County Schools Website

·  Overview of Technology

·  Once Upon MacDonald’s Farm by Stephen Gammell

·  “Understanding Poverty in the Classroom”

·  LUNCH -- On Site

·  Rita’s Stories “Meet the Parents” by Rita Pierson

·  Reflection

·  Bus Tour

Starting S.M.A.R.T.

Bedford County Teacher Orientation

July 25, 2012

Essential Question: How do I connect procedures and routines to best practices?

·  Bell Work: “Teaching Quote Reflection”

·  “Me in Three” Community Building Activity

·  "I wish I had known about. . ." Katie Osborne

·  Introductions

·  “Hear Say” Reflection Strategy


·  SNL Video

·  "Label the Learning” Prior Knowledge Strategy

·  “First Days of School" video by Harry Wong

·  “Pass the Plate” Reflection Strategy


·  "Discipline and Procedures” video by Harry Wong

·  “Procedures and Rules Sort” Debriefing Strategy


·  “ABC Chart” Graphic Organizer

·  "Procedures and Routines" video by Harry Wong (Part 1)

·  “High 5” Reflection Strategy

·  “Procedures and Routines” video by Harry Wong (Part 2)

·  “Give One Get One” Reflection Strategy

·  “Even Eagles Need a Push” Video Clip

·  “Ticket out the Door” Exit Ticket

Starting S.M.A.R.T.

Bedford County Teacher Orientation

July 26, 2012

Essential Question: Why are positive expectations essential to motivating my students, my colleagues, and myself?

·  Bell Work: “Successful Restaurant”

·  “Find the Fiction” Community Building

·  “I wish I had known about. . .” Melynda Whitaker

·  Introductions

·  Overview of Classworks

·  Overview of Compass

·  Rainbows, Head Lice, and Pea Green Tile by Brod Bagert


·  Bill Daggett’s Rigor/Relevance Framework

·  Overview of Power Curriculum Maps

·  “I wish I had known about…” Ashley Schmidt

·  Center Activities Using Marcia Tate’s Twenty Brain Strategies


·  “A Lesson from Geese”

·  Grade Span Meetings


o  Introductions of Instructional Coaches

o  Instructional Coach Menu

o  TEAM Rubric Overview

o  Information Sheet

o  “Concern Carousel”

o  Exit Slip


·  “Gallery Walk”

·  “Priority Dots”

·  “2120: the extra degree” by Sam Parker and Mac Anderson

·  “Positive Expectations” video by Harry Wong

·  Closing Remarks by Dr. Ray Butrum, Superintendent of Schools

·  Evaluation and Exit