
Gravesend C.C. offers its members a wide range of racing activities. A racing program is published annually detailing all Club events and those open events that count towards the Club championship

The Club is affiliated to the following organisations;

Cycling Time Trials, Kent Cycling Association and British Cycling

Summer Tuesday Evening Time trials

From April to September, the club runs a series of evening time trials every Tuesday night. These are usually 10 miles long and open to both club members and riders from local clubs. They are friendly events and provide a very good introduction to more competitive side of cycling but many just ride them for training and to meet up with the other members.

We always end up at the Fenn Bell afterwards for a quick drink and chat.

Club Runs

Sunday Club runs start at Cobham War Memorial every Sunday at 9:00am. These runs vary in distance but are usually between 30 & 40 miles.


Riders from the club regularly take part in Sportives, both far and wide.

The ones in our “patch” are –

- The Gravesend Reliability Ride – January

- The Castle Ride (Tonbridge) – May

- The Radar rode (From Brands Hatch) – July

- The Cyclosportive (From Seal) – September

Social Events

These vary from year to year but include The Annual Club Dinner and Prize Presentation, visits to major races, quiz nights and socialising with other local clubs.

Club Nights

We meet on the second Monday night of the month, from 8:00pm at the Harden Hall, Hall Road, Northfleet. The hall is large and ideal for training/turbo sessions so feel free to bring your training gear along or just come down for a chat and a cup of tea.

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Club Clothing

Race clothing including jerseys, skinsuits and shorts as well as a range of Club leisurewear are available from the clothing secretary.

Cyclists Touring Club

We have a friendly association with the local CTC and share many activities with them, in fact many of our members are CTC members too. Event lists are published regularly on the Gravesend CTT Website (

Who’s Who?

Mike Coulter Hon. General Sec 01474 814 475

Patrick McMaster Social Secretary 01474 356 181

Andy Sangster Assistant Secretary 01474 707 747

Roger Stevens Membership Sec. 01474 745 884

Ian Stone Treasurer & Eve. 10s 01634 220 281

Jason Tibbs Club room key holder 01474 533 612

Keith Ward Runs Captain 01474 703 060

Please feel free to contact the appropriate official if you need any assistance.

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