Hampshire Adult Services
Continuing Professional Development Record Sheet/Reflective Log
Name ………………………………… Date ……………… HCPC number …………......
Type of CPD:
(This is any activity that has enabled you to reflect on your practice, to identify and apply learning and to evaluate how this will contribute to your future practice and development – a list of ideas and suggestions can be found on the CPD Framework WebPages)
Brief description of the activity and its aims and objectives (e.g. what was my role in the activity, who else was involved, what was I intending to achieve, what was the relevant legislation?)Critical reflection on the learning and development gained from this CPD (e.g. what did you do and why did you do it that way, what links can you make with social work theory/policy, what went well/not so well, what would you do differently next time, how did it make you feel, what learning have you taken from it?)
How has learning from this CPD activity contributed to the quality of my practice and service delivery? (e.g. what are the outcomes, do they represent best practice, what knowledge, skills and values can you evidence?)
How has the learning from this CPD activity benefited service users and carers? (e.g. have you practiced in a person-centred way, have your actions empowered service users and carers, did you consider issues of oppression and discrimination?)
How is the learning activity related to my professional development? (Can you make links with the Professional Capabilities Framework, HCPC guidelines and your IPP personal development plan?)
Have any gaps in knowledge/training been identified during the course of this CPD activity? (These can be discussed in supervision)
This form is intended to be used electronically – the boxes will expand as necessary
If you make reference to theory, policy and legislation ensure that you reference it appropriately
WFD Prof Dev CPD Reflective Recording Tool version 1