Grace Episcopal Church Parish Hall Policy

Effective January 1st, 2013

209 N. Pine Street

New Lenox, IL 60451

Rental Coordinator: Mr. David Poole (815)485-3158

Building Manager: Mr. Joel Powless (815)530-8133

The primary purpose of the Grace Church’s Parish Hall is for the social development and fellowship of the church community. It is a facility in which church meetings, educational and social programs may be conducted. The hall’s secondary purpose is to provide facilities to community groups who wish to use the hall for spiritual, religious, or secular purposes consistent with the overall goals of the church. Permission to use the hall shall not be construed as endorsement of non-church group.

In order to request use of the Parish Hall, please adhere to the following.

1.  Reservations for use of the hall must be made through our rental coordinator Mr. David Poole by calling (815)485-3158 or by email at .

2.  Requests should be made as far in advance as possible, and in all cases a minimum two-week notice is suggested.

3.  A signed agreement of responsibilities is required of anyone who wishes to us the Parish Hall

4.  The Church reserves the right to have representative present during any use of the Parish hall.

RATES- *Rates are scheduled to change as of September 1st 2014*

Church Groups and Church Members

Parish Hall Only, groups of 30+ $30

Parish Hall Only, groups under 30 $1 per person

Parish Hall with Kitchen $45

Community Groups and Individuals:

Parish Hall Only $45/per hour

Parish Hall with Kitchen $90/per hour



1.  Chairs, tables, and other equipment belonging to Grace Church may be used, but MUST BE RETURNED to their original location unless otherwise directed.

2.  Where approval for the use of the kitchen has been given, dishes, tableware, and other equipment MUST BE CLEANED AND RETURNED to their original location.

3.  All food, drinks, disposable paper products, and other consumable supplies will be furnished by the users.

4.  Recycle cans and paper and re-use materials as appropriate. We hope you can help us practice god environmental stewardship. We have recycling for cans, paper, and textiles at the church.

5.  The consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises is subject to the Restrictions as stated in the attached “Policy on Alcoholic Beverages of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago.”

a.  At NO TIME may alcoholic beverages be sold on the premises

b.  The user assumes all legal responsibilities and consequences for behavior of their guests; acceptance of booking absolves Grace Church, its members, and the Diocese of Chicago of all legal liability.

6.  The Parish Hall, lavatories, kitchen, hallways, and all other areas of Grace Church are to be left in the same condition as they were found.

7.  Parking –No parking in the Dentist's lot at any time. (the red building directly across from the the Parish Hall doors)NOT EVER, NOT ANYTIME, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES

8.  No smoking is allowed in the church building. All smoking must take place out side the building no closer than15 feetfrom any entrance. All cigarette butts and associated waste materials must be deposited in the refuse cans provided outside the building. No smoking materials in the inside waste baskets.

The following specific responsibilities must be accomplished by the responsible person at the event before leaving the premises.


_ Sweep and wet mop the area as necessary

_ Close and lock all windows and doors

_ Insure that the tables and chairs were left as you found them

_ Hall must be cleared of belongings of the organization using it

immediately after the event is over. Grace Church will not be

responsible for any articles left after the event.

_ Insure the security of the parish hall by properly securing all doors. Test all doors before you leave.


_ Trash cans should be emptied, bags tied, and placed in the trash bin located in the back of the church

_ All cans are crushed in the recycling bin

_ Paper and/or textiles placed in the recycling bins in the back of the church.

_ Insure that all kitchen equipment is properly turned off.

_ Spilled food, food particles, crumbs, etc. should be picked up or cleaned up

_ All cabinets, countertops, and tables wiped clean.

_ Dishes should be put in the dishwasher or cleaned by hand and dried and put away

_ All kitchen equipment belonging to the parish will remain on the premises.

You are responsible for cleaning up and returning everything to its pre-event condition. Your cooperation in leaving the hall in a clean and tidy condition insures the hall is available for the next user.


The church reserves the right to assist in providing comparable, alternative rental accommodations in case of an unscheduled funeral or memorial service or building issue.



The Episcopal Church has no policy prohibiting the use of alcohol among its members. Scripture sanctions alcoholic beverages as a gift from God, and the Lord Himself dignified the use of serving of alcoholic beverages in His first miracle at Cana and in the institution of the Holy Eucharist.

However, where there is potential for good, there is potential for evil. No where is this more evident than in the use of alcoholic beverages. Alcoholism is a disease which has reached epidemic proportions. For that reason, it is imperative that Church members use prudence regarding alcohol. The church has a responsibility to those who abstain from alcohol for whatever reason.

The 1979 General Convention passed legislation requesting that each Diocese develop a policy on the use of alcohol at church functions on church property. Therefore, the following guidelines are given for the purpose within the Diocese of Chicago.

1.  Church or church related groups should consider the nature of the functions at which alcoholic beverages are proposed to be served , to determine whether of not these functions would be enhanced by the serving of such beverages. The consumption of alcohol is in appropriate at of before meeting at which clear thinking and judgment are required. If significant matter are to be discussed or important business transacted, the serving of alcoholic beverages should be postponed until after such matter have been concluded.

2.  Any beverage containing alcohol must be clearly labeled as such: this also applies to any food in which the alcohol has not been “cooked out.”

3.  Whenever alcohol is served in any form, food and no-alcoholic alternativesMUST be offered. Non-alcoholic beverages must be accessible, and served as attractively, as those containing alcohol, so that people who choose to abstain from alcohol may do so comfortably.

4.  Although beverages and foods containing alcohol maybeoffered(along with non- alcoholic alternatives), they must never be promotedin such a way as to imply that the partaking of them is any kind of social requirement. Alcohol should not be used as an enticement to participation in a church-related activity. Occasions at which alcoholic beverages are to be offered should not be openly advertised as such. (For Example, “Bratwurst Festival” should be used instead of “Beer and Bratwurst”).

5.All Federal, State, and Local Laws and Ordinances, including those requiring that alcoholic beverages are not to be sold without a license, and those prohibiting the serving of alcohol to minors, must be observed. Care must be taken that responsible people are in control of alcoholic beverages. Groups must recognize that they occur a liability in doing so, and assume responsibility for persons who might become intoxicated. This includes providing transportation for anyone whose driving might be impaired.

6.It is the duty of the Rector/Vicar, the Wardens and Vestry/Bishop's Committee to assume responsibility for the dissemination and observance of these guidelines.

Text as approved as B.A.C.O.A. Meeting 4/21/1983 and adopted by Diocesan Council of The Episcopal Diocese of Chicago