Name _________________________ Date ________________ # _____
Geography Bee
(Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest)
Have you heard of a geography bee? You probably know what a spelling bee is. In a spelling bee, people take turns spelling difficult words. The person who spells most words correctly wins. In a geography bee, people answer questions about places on Earth.
The questions in a geography bee will never have a yes or no answer. For example, this question would not be used in a geography bee: Can a person _________ the ________ at the Bay of Fundy?
To answer the questions in a geography bee, you must know facts about continents, countries, states, and physical features of the world, such as ________ or oceans.
Here are some sample questions for you to try: What is the hottest spot on Earth? Which is the highest of all the __________ on Earth? Which mountain __________ is the tallest in the world? What is the __________ summer temperature at the South Pole? What is the __________ of the Marianas Trench?
Do you know the answer to these questions? Perhaps you will soon find out.