CL 48D.01

SpecialTopics: ReadingsAround, On , Withinthe Body:

Insciptions, Delusions, Transgressions

Assoc. Prof. Isil Bas

Tuesday 4-5 (NB Z12) ,Thursday 5 (TB 415)


Phone: 02123 596606

Office: TB425


Office hours: Wednesday13:00Thursday: 14:00 (byappointment)

Overthepasttwodecadesthere has beengrowinginterest in questionsconcerningembodiment. Inthiscoursewewillexplorethenature of humancorporeality as the site of inscriptions, delusionsandtransgressions from a variety of disciplinaryperspectives. Wewillstartbyanalyzingthetraditionalunderstanding of the body as theuntranscendental, self-evident, materialseat of the self andcontinuetoexaminethechallengestothisapproach in ideological, medicalandartisticconstructionsandreconstructions.

To succeed in thiscourse, youarerequiredtoattendclasses, keepupwiththeassignedreadingsandresponsepapers , participate in classdiscussions,ask questions, andthinkcritically.

AttendanceRequirements: Attendancerollwill be takenbeforeeveryclass. Ifyouneedtomiss a lectureformedicalreasons, pleaseprovidemewith a medicalcertificate.

Youwill be askedtowrite a responsepaperbeforeeachclass on theassignedreadings. I will be collectingthesepapersto put in yourindividualfiles. Therewill be no lateturninsfortheresponsepapers.


ParticipationandResponsePapers: 20%

Midterm: 40%

Final: 40%

Week I: Feb. 7-9- Introduction

Week2: Feb. 14-16- Body Images:NeurophysiologyandCorporealMappingsfromVolatileBodies –ElizabethGrosz

Week 3: Feb.21-23 -TheIndividualandtheBody : Inscriptions


Week 4: Feb.28-March 2 - Delusions

DocilebodiesfromDisciplineandPunish: TheBirth of thePrison-Michael Foucault

We “OtherVictorians”, TheRepressiveHyphothesisandScientiaSexualisfromHistory of Sexuality-

Michael Foucault

Week 5: March 7-9 - Transgressions

TheGrotesque Body andItsSourcesfromRabelaisand His World-MichailBakhtin

DisgustandItsNeighboursandThick, Greasy LifefromTheAnatomy of Disgust-William

Ian Mille

Week 6: March 14-16- ApproachingAbjection- fromPowers of Horror -JuliaKristeva

TheGoblin Market-ChristinaRossetti(poetry)

Week7 : March 21-23- Frankenstein-MaryShelley (fiction)

Week 8: March 28-30 Dracula-Francis Ford Coppola (Film)

Week 9: April 4 Midterm

Week 10: April 11-13 - Perfume-Peter Suskind (Fiction)

Week 11: April 18-20 - Spring Break

Week 12: April 25-27- A Tale of TwoBodies:theCartesianCorpseandTheLived Body-DrewLeder

Week 13: May 2-4 - AboutWoundsfromExtremeBodies–FrancescaAlfonsoMiglieth


Week 14: May 9-11- TroubleEveryDay – ClairDennis (Film)

InMy Skin-Marina De Van (Film)