Eyes in the Sky Student Research Project Submission Form: Community Atlas Project

Directions: Complete this Word document template by filling in the gray boxes. Then copy and paste from this document into the appropriate online form to submit your research project.

Top of Form

About You/Your Team

Project Title: Please type in the title of your research project.

Project Authorship: How many students contributed to your project? Click the button that corresponds to your project's authorship.

Individual Project (1 student)
Team Project (2-10 students)
Class Project (11-35 students)

Author(s): Type the Name or Names of everyone who worked on this project. (Separate names by commas, such as Jane Smith, John Doe, etc.).

School: Type your school name in the box below.

Grade Level: Click the button to indicate your Grade Category for this school year.

grades 6 to 8
grades 9 to 12

Teacher: Select your teacher from the menu.
See online form.

Email: Enter the SERC Email Address assigned to you for this project.

Overview of Your Project

Representative image (Maximum image size: 550 pixels wide X 600 pixels high): Upload an image that represents your research project. This might be a photograph you took or a map or graphic that you created. Do not show people’s faces or other identifying features unless your teacher has obtained written permission from them to publish the image on the Web. If the image includes yourself and/or other students, then permission must be obtained from your parents and/or theirs. If you use an image from the Web, make sure that it is in the public domain. Images should be in jpeg or gif format and be no more than 550 pixels wide by 600 pixels high.

Title: A descriptive, human readable title.

e.g. 'Student Handout for Sauerkraut Assignment'

Select the file: Make sure it has an appropriate suffix (e.g. .doc) or specify the type in the Optional Fields below.

Description: A very brief description of the file.

NOTE: Information typed into the "Description" box will be displayed as a caption for your image.

Abstract: Write no more than one paragraph that briefly summarizes your project.

Key words: Type two or three words that capture the overall topics of your project (e.g. biodiversity, trees, ecology, etc.). Separate key words by commas.

Research Question: State the problem you are investigating in question format.

Geospatial Technology Tool(s): Indicate the geospatial technology tools you used by checking all that apply.
Google Earth
ArcGIS Online
My World GIS
If Other, please name the tool.

Your Community Atlas Project

Please copy and paste the url for your Community Atlas Project in the box below.

Your Optional Supporting Attachments
Include any of the following supporting documents:

Excel Spreadsheets
Upload Excel documents containing your project data and resulting analyses you carried out.

Title: A descriptive, human readable title.

e.g. 'Student Handout for Sauerkraut Assignment'

Select the file: Make sure it has an appropriate suffix (e.g. .doc) or specify the type in the Optional Fields below.

Description: A very brief description of the file.

PDF documents
Upload additional PDF documents.

Title: A descriptive, human readable title.

e.g. 'Student Handout for Sauerkraut Assignment'

Select the file: Make sure it has an appropriate suffix (e.g. .doc) or specify the type in the Optional Fields below.

Description: A very brief description of the file.

Geospatial Data
Upload images, shapefiles, KML files, or GPS datasets so that others can try to replicate your results.

Title: A descriptive, human readable title.

e.g. 'Student Handout for Sauerkraut Assignment'

Select the file: Make sure it has an appropriate suffix (e.g. .doc) or specify the type in the Optional Fields below.

Description: A very brief description of the file.

Flash Animations
Upload flash animations. NOTE: Your flash animation will display as a downloadable file. It will not animate onscreen.

Title: A descriptive, human readable title.

e.g. 'Student Handout for Sauerkraut Assignment'

Select the file: Make sure it has an appropriate suffix (e.g. .doc) or specify the type in the Optional Fields below.

Description: A very brief description of the file.

YouTube Videos
Insert a link to a YouTube video.

Copy and paste the url for your YouTube video.

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