Draft Template of Interprofessional Chain Agreement
Framework Agreement
Agrofood green packaging improvement and promotion in the MED area
Component 4 Task 4.2
Draft Template of Interprofessional Chain Agreement
Within the framework of developing and establishing better relations, cooperation and actions between actors of the food packaging supply chain, as specified below:
Packaging Material Suppliers & Packaging Manufacturers
Packaged Goods Manufacturers
Industry and Trade Organisations
Research Institutions and Universities
Public authorities
under the PACMAn Project (2593 / 2G‐MED09‐331), and in an effort to strengthen the strategic cooperation between economic development actors and public authorities to promote the attractiveness, competitiveness and internationalization of the Agro-food Clusters of the MED area and support the idea of entrepreneurship among agents, the undersigned organizations agree to broaden their synergies with the conclusion of the current Agreement under the name: “Agrofood green packaging improvement and promotion in the MED area”.
Article 1: Scope of agreement
The cooperation to be implemented with this Agreement covers the following:
As a result of the initiatives promoted and activities implemented within PACMAn project, the Parties express their interest in establishing and developing partnership relationships, which long term impact consist of increase of knowledge, exchange of information, co-operation among partners and stakeholders, dissemination of new tools and services, which could enhance the economic and social conditions of the areas.
1. Joint business, cultural, scientific, educational events and activities
2. Joint participation in research and development programs (European - National - International)
3. Exchange of information and expertise on matters of common interest
4. Supporting in realising conferences, workshops and informative events.
Article 2: Objectives
The broad objectives of the cooperation agreement are defined and specified as general and specific and are hereby noted:
Packaging companies are dealing with conflicting demands from consumers, regulators and other stakeholders in order to be “sustainable”, despite the absence of a common understanding as to what “sustainable” might mean. As a result, companies are reacting to this pressure in many different ways. But if they are not coordinated, the different initiatives that result can undermine packaging’s contribution to sustainable development. This is the reason why pilot action’s partners decided there was a need for an user manual “the hand eBook on green packaging”, that is designed as a resource to help corporate decision makers form balanced and informed views about the role of packaging in sustainable development. The hand eBook is meant to deliver tangible benefits: more efficiency, better cost control, and easier relationships with stakeholders.
General objective(s):
To disseminate knowledge on green packaging
Specific Objectives:
To disseminate the hand eBook to the companies, industry and trade organisations active in the whole MED area.
A set of proposals that would tend to improve the sustainable agro-food packaging development under the regulatory scenario are provided below. The key activities for the declared aim are:
- Sharing and promoting the hand eBook with companies and the enabling environment also in all MED countries;
- Exchanging of information and expertise on the topic among signing parties;
- Periodic updating of the information on the list of contacts of research community, education and training on green packaging to be included in the hand e-book
- Highlighting relevant and significant case studies on green agro-food packaging.
Article 3: Action Plan
In order to systematically develop the above said cooperation between them, the Parties agree on an Action Plan with specific activities that will be implemented for: 2 years.
Article 4: Obligations
In order to support the implementation of the above specified project and the associated action plan, the parties agree to the following additional actions, determined herein as commitments that are deemed necessary for achieving the general and specific objectives.