State Parks, Recreation & Travel Commission

Mountain Harbor Resort

Mt. Ida, Arkansas

October 17, 2013

Commissioners Present

Cindy Smith, Chair Shash Goyal

LeRoy Dangeau, Vice Chair Barbara Harvel

Steve Arrison Bob Knight

Bill Barnes Danny Ford

Jay Bunyard Jim Gaston

Jim Dailey Mike Mills

Darin Gray Ness Sechrest

John Gill

Commissioners Absent

Montine McNulty

Billy Lindsey

Jim Shamburger

Department Staff Present

Richard Davies, Executive Director

Cynthia Dunlap, Director of Administration

Greg Butts, Director, Arkansas State Parks

Joe David Rice, Tourism Director

Gloria Robins, Executive Assistant

Randy Roberson, Parks Planning & Development Manager

Jon Brown, Parks Operations Manager

Joe Jacobs, Marketing & Revenue Manager

Joan Ellison, Public Information Officer

Marcel Hanzlik, Region 3 Supervisor

Shea Lewis, Region 4 Supervisor

Kat Robinson, Communications Manager

Kristine Puckett, Tourism Development Manager

Joanne Hinson, Research & Information Services Manager

Tracy Morales, Group Travel Manager

Eric Holbrooks, Administrative Specialist

Kris Richardson, Administrative Specialist

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October 17, 2013

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Marla Johnson Norris Jonathan Eudy

Morgan Long


Wayne Woods Shelby Woods

Karen Mullikin Joy Phillips

Brian Clark


Alvin Black, Montgomery County Judge

Paul Harvel, Fort Smith Chamber of Commerce

Patty Brown, Mt. Harbor

Adrienne Barnes, Mt. Harbor

Chris Barnes, Mt. Harbor

Doug Krile, Arkansas Broadcasters Association

Judy Cox, Loco Ropes

Bob Cox, Loco Ropes

Roll Call

Chair Cindy Smith called the meeting to order at 8:33 am on Thursday, October 17. Gloria Robins called the roll. Everyone wished Danny Ford and Shelby Woods a Happy Birthday.

Approval of Agenda

LeRoy Dangeau moved to accept the Agenda as presented. Shash Goyal seconded and the motion carried.

Presentation of Minutes from Previous Meeting

Bob Knight moved to accept the Minutes from the September Meeting. Mike Mills seconded and the motion carried.

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Chair Cindy Smith- Recognition of Guest

Judge Alvin Black welcomed everyone to Montgomery County

Patty Brown welcomed everyone to Mountain Harbor Resort


Cynthia Dunlap presented the year-to-date financial report for the period ended September 30, 2013. The expenditures were: Parks Division, $20,813,362; including construction and grants; Tourism Division, $3,930,559; Keep Arkansas Beautiful, $81,153; Administration Division, $762,456; and History Commission, $419,370. Expenditures for the Department totaled $26,006,900; an increase of 3.4% over the same period FY13. The year-to-date operating revenue Parks Division totaled $7,251,294 an increase of 6.00% over the same period FY13; 1/8% Cent Tax $7,498,489 an increase 1.48% over the same period FY13; and 2% Tax $4,001,918 an increase of 3.8% over the same period FY13.

Ness Sehcrest moved to accept the Financial Report as presented. Darin Gray seconded and the motion carried.


Richard Davies introduces Paul Harvel with the Ft. Smith Chamber of Commerce. Harvel reports to the Commission regarding the 12 foot level of the Arkansas River. He states that there could be 45% more cargo with 12’ rather than the current 9’ in certain places along the river. Harvel stated that the Corps of Engineers reports that maintenance along the river could be upwards of 120 million dollars. He reported to the Commission about a coalition or lobbing group, called “One Voice” that would have a continuing message to get the real numbers of the river levels. He expressed that towns along the Arkansas River need to have better communication with each other so that there would be better consistency for traveling cargo. Ft. Smith and Fayetteville sent letters to 52 Mayors along the river. Harvel reported that a website would also come into play with this idea;

Richard Davies asked if this would form a Commission or be that of individuals. Harvel responded that a Commission would be formed.

John Gill moved to approve the commission to be a sponsor of the McClellan Kerr Coalition. Jim Dailey seconded and the motion carried.

Richard Davies reported that two employees of the Arkansas State Parks were furloughed due to the government shutdown; both should be back to work on 10/17/13.

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Richard Davies showed the Commission photos of the new Arkansas bicycling jerseys that were worn at a bicycling marathon in downtown Little Rock.

Joe David Rice stated that the Rejuvenation Tour begins on Monday, October 28th. John Gill questioned how long each session was, and Rice reported that each session should last about 2 hours. Chair Cindy Smith questioned how we are getting the word out regarding the tour, and Rice reported that the Chambers are spreading the word.


Research & Information

Joanne Hinson reported that the Research and Information Services Section processed 6,679 request for travel information during September 2013, a decrease of 23.96% from September 2012. The calendar year 2013 inquiry total is 99,171, an increase of 5.86% over 2012. The Section received 584 request for retirement and relocation information in September, up 11.2% from September 2012. January-September request are 4,351, down 16.9%. Arkansas Welcome Centers received 65,604 visitors during September 2013, down 0.7% compared to September 2012. January-September visitation is 645,380, down 3.5% over 2012.

Hinson reported that some of the Welcome Center Staff worked a booth at the Arkansas State Fair. Attendance at the booth was good, as the staff distributed Arkansas literature. Hinson thanked Jim Gaston for a warm welcome at Gaston’s Resort in Lakeview during the FAM Tour that the Welcome Center staff took part in. Hinson reported that numbers are down at the new West Memphis Welcome Center. She stated that this is because Truckers are using the former Welcome Center. She also stated that the signage needs to be improved by the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department. Chair, Cindy Smith agrees and said that this is a problem that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. John Gill wants to see old Welcome Center signs come down, and better signage at the new Welcome Center. He also stated that there needs to be better signage on how to exit the parking lot.

LeRoy Dangeau moved to contact the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department regarding a connecting road and better signage. Barbara Harvel seconded and the motion carried.

Hinson reported that the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department will have more construction in 2014 than what was done in 2013. A new website,, will help travelers navigate the state while roads are under construction. The website will be completed on October 20. Richard Davies expressed that he

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would like to see this publicized by Arkansas Tourism, and possibly on the website. A picture was shown of the new Helena Welcome Center, Staff will be moved in by the beginning of November. November 19th will be the Grand Opening of the Helena Welcome Center.


Kat Robinson reported on the Moterhead Traveler, a Canadian television program hosted by Kevin Cullen that features different locales in each episode and focuses on the culture, crafts and motorized opportunities of that place. She reported that Kevin Cullen had finished his travels in the Natural State and that the shows will air in December 2013.

Kat Robinson announced that Tim Shultz and Chuck Haralson were on standby the month of September to shoot fall foliage throughout The Natural State. The section has fielded dozens upon dozens of calls and emails from exited foliage watchers wanting to know where to find colorful leaves.

The Communications Section, along with CJRW and Aristotle are getting ready to launch the Trail of Holiday Lights on the website. The brochure will be available at all the Welcome Centers and included in the Vacation Kit.

Robinson mentioned that the Geiger Media Tour is scheduled in October. Mike Mills questioned how much we pay for the Geiger Tour. Kat Robinson responded with $55,000 per tour. The tour wanted $10,000 to be compensated at the Buffalo Outdoor Center, which Commissioner Mill’s operates. Mills stated that he is only willing to go so far. Richard Davies suggested that ADPT talk with Geiger Tours to only ask for a certain amount of compensation, and that there should be a cap. Bill Barnes suggested that the group split into four parts and send them to four different parts of the state.

John Gill mentioned the good publicity in the Jack Shindler’s article on the Louisiana Purchase State Park.

Tourism Development

Kristine Puckett reported that the Tourism feasibility study grant program is designed to assist incorporated cities and counties in Arkansas with matching funds to study potential tourism attraction projects within the city or county boundaries.

Henry Awards nomination forms were mailed in September. The deadline for submissions is October 31, 2013.

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Kristine Puckett presented the new promotion kit for the Welcome to Arkansas program. She recorded the 9th and 10th installments of the Hospitality Hot Tips videos to be featured on the Hospitality Hot Tips blog –

Puckett reported she was approaching the end of the Regional Tourist Associations Rules and Regulations proposed changes and a public hearing is scheduled at the Arkansas Hospitality Association on Tuesday, October 22, at 11:00 a.m.

Group Travel

Joe David Rice welcomed and introduced Tracy Morales, the new Group Travel Manager.

Morales reported that Group Travel received 913 inquires (YTD) through September 2013 versus 1295 inquires (YTD) in September 2012.

She stated that Cheryl Ferguson attended the Small Market Meetings Conference in Sioux Falls, SD October 6-8. This meeting reached out to 125 meeting planners. Arkansas is to be the host in 2015.

Steve Arrison questioned the Eureka Springs ‘noise ordinance’ regarding motorcycles. Joe David Rice said that he will report back on this matter at the November Commission Meeting.

Shash Goyal questioned the lower inquires in 2013 vs. 2012. Joe David Rice stated that they go up and down. Morales reported that she is looking into the 2014 statistics.

Recessed at 10:00 / Reconvened at 10:20

Internet-related Items

Marla Johnson Norris reported on the Internet-related items for Aristotle. She stated that the fall color pictures are online and there is a new landing page for online media. Norris also mentioned that the social media channels have been updated for fall.

Norris updated the Commission on the Song of Arkansas campaign and said it should be up and running soon. The webpage will be Barbara Havel questioned who will be judging the competition. Kat Robinson reported that it will be Jason Moore, Mike Utley & possibly others. Jim Dailey questioned if this song will replace the

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‘Arkansas State Song.’ Norris reported that ADPT/CJRW/Aristotle will have the rights to the song, but it will not take the place of the official state song. The song will hopefully make a debut at the 2014 Governor’s Conference.

Marla Johnson Norris reported that the Arkansas Tourism I-Phone app now has more than 10,000 downloads.

Norris informed the Commission that Louisiana has launched a new website design.

Norris touched on Google’s new search design, which changed to an answer site instead of its previous search design. Depending on how many hits a particular website gets using Google, the website will then move to the top of the screen. The fewer hits a website receives, the harder it will be to find it using Google. This could affect local businesses, not only in Arkansas, but globally.

Advertising Items

Joy Phillips showed the revisions to the 2014 Spring/Summer campaign; one being Jones BBQ. The picture changed to a large BBQ sandwich and Mr. Jones in front of his establishment. Two smaller pictures were in the inset on other pages to carry through with the theme.

Phillips presented the Commission with two new versions of the Arkansas Hwy Map.

John Gill moved to send and approve 2nd version (Vista of NWA Hwy) to the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department. Shash Goyal seconded and the motion carried.

Joy Phillips reported that the Adventure Guide has been revised as well. The front and back covers have been reversed. The bike is now on the back, and the canoe is now on the front. Phillips stated that the Tour Guide now has an urban scene on the cover. The Tour Guide shows the William E. Clark Presidential Park Wetlands in the foreground with the Little Rock skyline in the background.

Phillips showed the Commission five Point of View (POV) videos as follows: Fall driving video on Hwy 23; Downtown Little Rock; Summer/rope swing into swimming hole; Family focused / Museum of Discovery; and Blues Fest.

John Gill moved to approve the changes and POV videos. Jim Dailey seconded and the motion carried.

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Jim Gaston stated that he does not believe the Retirement Guide is getting enough outdoor coverage such as fishing and golfing. Joe David Rice said that Hot Springs Village is reporting that more people are walking these days vs. playing golf.


Public Hearing (11:00 am)

Greg Butts reported that three policy directives (PD) have been previously reviewed by the State Parks, Recreation and Travel Commission (SPRTC) and today’s meeting concludes the public comment period. There have not been any public comments received thus far. Chair Cindy Smith opened the floor to receive comments during the public hearing for the proposed PDs.

PD 3095 – Use of Motorized Scooters

No comments were received by the public.

Bill Barnes moved to approve the proposed Policy Directive 3095 – Use of Motorized Scooters. Jim Dailey seconded and the motion carried.

PD 2000.2 – Camping Discounts

No comments were received by the public.

Bill Barnes moved to approve the proposed Policy Directive 2000.2 – Camping Discounts. Jim Dailey seconded and the motion carried.

PD 1160 – Display of Tourism Brochures

No comments were received by the public.

Steve Arrison moved to approve the proposed Policy Directive 1160 – Display of Tourism Brochures. Shash Goyal seconded and the motion carried.

Greg Butts advised that the three PDs will be presented to the Administrative Rules and Regulations subcommittee in December for final review.