Notes of Parish Council Meeting – 28 January 2013
Present: Councillors Sampson (Chairperson), Fane, Gilman, Greenhalgh, Hughes, Renard & Stevenson. Parish Clerk, Philippa Brown. In attendance was District Councillor Sampson. There were 6 members of the public present.1. Apologies for absence: None.
2. Chairperson’s remarks: The Chairperson welcomed everyone to the meeting.
3.Declaration of Interests: The Chairperson declared an interest for item 7e as she is a member of the LIVES team. All members requested a dispensation, under Section 33 of the Code of Conduct, in order to set the precept under item 7g.
4. Approval of the notes of the last meeting of the Parish Council: The notes of the last meeting had been circulated to all Councillors. Additional wording was suggested by Cllr Greenhalgh to clarify item 7b. It was proposed by Cllr Hughes and seconded by Cllr Greenhalgh that these notes, as amended, be accepted as a true record of the Parish Council meeting held on 17 December 2012. Agreed unanimously.
5. Adjournment of business for public questions and comments: Business was suspended to provide members of the public with an opportunity to ask questions and make comments.
6. Reports on matters outstanding:
a)Village Hall Notice Board. Cllr Stevenson reported that he had purchased some Perspex and that he and Cllr Hughes will repair the notice board when the weather improves. Cllr Stevenson will invoice the Clerk for the cost of the Perspex (approximately £26).
b)Parking in the village. The Chairperson outlined her letter of 6.1.13 to Commander Cook of Lincolnshire Fire and rescue regarding the vehicle parked on the corner of Washdyke Lane. No response has been received to date. The response from SKDC regarding the parking on Bulby Lane is, as the Council have provided suitable parking, any cars parking on the pavement are a matter for the police. The Chairperson asked members if we should ask the police to take it further. Following discussion of various options, together with the fact that vehicles can legally park on the road, it was agreed unanimously to leave the situation as it is.
c)Hedge and trees at Fulbeck House, North End Lane and on Rectory Lane. The Chairperson said that our thoughts are with Mr Brainerd and his family during his illness. The matter is in the hands ofLCC Highways. The Chairperson reported that there has been no work done to the tall hedge on Rectory Lane, which may be because the weather has not been favourable.
d)Drain on South Heath Lane. The Chairperson read out correspondence from LCC Highways which stated that they consider it is a natural spring due to saturated ground conditions. They anticipate that it will improve once the weather improves, however they intend to monitor the location.
e)Concrete Bollard on Lime Tree Close. The Chairperson reported that this has been repaired.
f)HGVs causing bank erosion on South Heath Lane junction with A607. The Chairperson stated that in order to provide an incident report to Mountains, the licence numbers of HGVs with dates and times need to be noted. Cllr Greenhalgh pointed out that the road is only ‘unsuitable for heavy vehicles’, which does not prohibit them.
g)Overflowing gutters on Hare and Hounds. The Chairperson has spoken to the landlord regarding the blocked gutters. As the pub is for sale, it may take awhile. Cllr Hughes pointed out that it creates a hazard when water drips onto the pavement and forms ice. Agreed to wait and see.
h)Mole Hills near Lime Tree Close. The Chairperson stated that there is no activity to report.
7. Financial Matters:
a)Financial Report. The Clerk reported that the balance is currently £10,341.79 in the account including £3,466.04 in the General Account and £6,875.75 in the Playing Field account.
b) Accounts for payment – There was one invoice for payment:
Iris Morison / Community Cleaner December 2012 / £53.67
TOTAL / General Account / £53.67
It was proposed by Cllr Hughes and seconded by Cllr Renard that the invoice be paid. Unanimously agreed.
c)Savings account options for PF funds. The Clerk reported that the transfer of £5,000 into the Melton Mowbray Building Society’s savings account had been completed and we have received the accounts book. She thanked the Chairperson and Cllr Greenhalgh for arranging this.
d)Training (LALC). The Clerk highlighted LALC’s new training programme outlined in their Winter Issue (to be circulated following the meeting). The Chairperson asked members to have a look to determine the demand for training and to see if the discount scheme would be applicable.
e)LIVES Contribution. Cllr Greenhalgh suggested that this item be deferred to 7g so it could be considered with the precept. Unanimously agreed.
f)Tree Inspection and Maintenance. The Chairperson stated that, although we have not received any official notification to date, Caythorpe PC now have an obligation to inspect and make safe any trees on their land. Cllr Hughes reported that the Playing Field trees were inspected approximately two years ago at the cost of around £2,000. This may have cost implications for the budget. It was agreed to wait for the official notification.
g)Setting the Precept. The Chairperson stated that the deadline was 25.1.13 but SKDC have agreed to extend the deadline to 29.1.13 so we need to agree the precept at this meeting. The District Cllr clarified that District Councils are restricted to no greater than 2% increase, but this does not apply to PCs. He also explained that the reason for precept delay was a vacant property survey. There has been a reduction in Band D. The Chairperson notified the meeting that the PC has been awarded a grant of £298.10 and explained the draft budget table, circulated to members prior to the meeting. The Chairperson noted that reserves are depleted and we may need additional funds for tree inspections etc. The Clerk explained that 2012/13 Clerk’s salary was x 2 on the budget table as the previous Clerk was paid annually in April. Cllr Greenhalgh highlighted an error on the table as there was no contribution for LIVES in 2011/12 as it was paid in 2012/13 therefore the table is incorrect. Cllr Greenhalgh asked the Clerk whetherwe have contacted John Holmes re the cost of grass cuts. The Clerk stated that she had not but suggested we either cap the amount for open space maintenance or allow for seasonal variations. Cllr Greenhalgh noted that the last couple of years we have had a shortfall as the precept did not cover the expenses therefore do not want to erode our cushion. The Clerk estimated that the end of year balance in the general account would be approximately £2,958. Cllr Hughes proposed LIVES contribution for 2013 be £250. Seconded by Cllr Greenhalgh. Unanimously agreed. Cllr Greenhalgh proposed that £,6250 would be a suitable precept as it was a little more in line with inflation than table Option B. Discussion concluded that we need to ask for £6,550 (to include grant). Cllr Greenhalgh proposed £6,550; seconded by Cllr Fane. Unanimously agreed.
8. Planning Matters:
a)New Applications: None
b) Applications Determined: S12/3049/TPO. Works to TPO A245 - pollard willow & remove or pollard sycamore, works to trees is Conservation Area - remove ash & reduce red horse chestnut by 2m
Mcgregor House, Washdyke Lane, Fulbeck. Approved 28.1.13.
9. Highway Matters:
- Highways works on Sudthorpe Hill. The Chairperson reported that LCC Highways have confirmed that the repairs to Sudthorpe Hill are on their agenda but there is no fixed date.
- The Chairperson confirmed that LCC will be replacing the village sign, recently knocked over by a car, on 10 April 2013. However, there is no date for the replacement reactive speed sign which was also damaged.
- Cllr Greenhalgh said that he had received a call from a resident of Sudthorpe Hill requesting we contact LCC to ask for a grit bin for the top of Sudthorpe Hill. The Clerk will contact LCC.
- 10. Correspondence: The Clerk notified members that the following had been received :
- SKDC’s precept update letter of 9-1-13
- SKDC’s Responders to Warmth Scheme
- Western Power Wayleave payment (£4.80)
- Clerks & Council’s Direct January Issue
- LALC News Winter Issue
- The District Councillors Report in the Fulbeck Newsletter ( Vol 102, March 2013 ) included a paragraph on Bulby Lane parking, and a warning to vehicle owners that it was a road traffic contravention to park on or astride the pavement. Residents were strongly advised to use their car park at the rear of their properties. A question was raised as to whether use of the car parking provided was part of individual tenancy agreements?
- The District Councillor had written to the Manager at Mid UK Recycling concerning the reported increase in use of South Heath Lane by heavy haulage vehicles and the damage being caused to verges and banks. Confirmation that the named haulage companies had been contacted and the issues raised with their drivers had taken place. Due to imminent LCC highway works in Caythorpe Heath Lane a traffic diversion option will be via South Heath Lane.
a) Village Hall and Playing Field Committee. Cllr Gilman confirmed that a table top sale in aid of LIVES will be held in the village hall on 9.3.13. Cllr Fane told the meeting that Mr Kupper, from Lincoln Cathedral, will be giving a talk on St Nicholas’ Church’s stained glass windows on 10.5.13.
13. Matters for urgent discussion:
14. Public comments: The meeting was adjourned to give members of the public an opportunity to make comments.
15. Date of next meeting: Monday 11 March 2013, 7:30pm in the Village Hall.
The meeting concluded at 9.10pm
Signed ...... Date
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