Weekend17th/18th October 2015
The Scout Hall and the Meeting room/kitchen upstairs are available for bookings. Please contact Pauline O’ Brien, 087 2207115
Accord Pre-Marriage Courses
Accord Carlow have onlya few places left on their October 9th &10th and November6th & 7th courses. Couples getting married in early 2016 should book a course nowBooking can be made at or phone Mary at 059 9138738 for further information
Graignamanagh funeral catering group
The above service is available to everyone. Tea, coffee, sandwiches and cakes are what we offer. If you need any information on this service you can contact any ofthe following: Shirley 0879491915. Rita 0879227395, Leon 0861685383. Irene0868283681
Angling Club
Now that the Salmon and Trout fishing season is over, Graiguenamanagh Angling Club would like to acknowledge and thank all those who have supported the club over the past year. The support of the local community of Graig is very much appreciated. The support and encouragement from other clubs and individuals was also most welcome. We were delighted to have so many visiting anglers and indeed honoured that so many clubs decided to run competitions here. We look forward to ongoing close cooperation and tight lines for 2016. Our next committee meeting will be held on Thursday October 29th at 9pm in Mick Doyle’s. All members please attend as we need to discuss our outing next year.
Neighbourhood Watch
We wish to extend our sympathy to the family of the late Garda tony Golden, Ar dheis de ar a anam.
Beavers Cubs & Scouts
Meetings for Beavers cubs and scouts have resumed. Beavers meetings are on Tuesdays from 5.45 to 7.00,
Cubs on Wednesdays from 6.46 to 8pm and Scouts on Mondays from 7 to 8.15.
Yoga Classes continue for Autumn/Winterin Killoughternane Hall - from Thursday 15th October for 4 weeks: 8.00 - 9.15pm - as the evenings are closing in, we need to establish agoodfeeling for beating the winter blues, give yourself some ME time to practice Yoga which is nourishment for your body and mind. This unique style of Yoga works as a great form of physical exercise that has positive effects to help calm the body and mind, as well as alleviate stress, leaving you more relaxed, energised and calm. Price is €35 for 4 weeks or €10 per class..If interested, please get in touch on 0873167696 or .
House sharing In Centre of Graiguenamanagh
Professional female currently living in the house, would suit professional non-smoker, phone after 4pm 083 4831936
For Sale: Boys Bicycle, make, Opollo Ridge, very good condition for age 9-12 group, electric guitar as new make Elevation, Black/white, please ring 059 9724939 after six.
Eleanor Shanley’s ‘Forever Young’ Tour
(17th October Killoughternane Hall)
On 25th September 2015 Eleanor releases her long anticipated new album"FOREVER YOUNG". ‘Forever Young’ a solo album, but in the tally of album’s Eleanor has released or been involved with since 1990, this album signals No 14! Its release in September will be followed by the Forever Young tour.
“I am very excited about the forth coming tour”, says Eleanor.“and I am looking forward to is going back on the road for a national tour from October.” Eleanor's 'Forever Young Tour' will be in Killoughternane Hall at 8pm on Saturday 17th October.
With a voice as effortless and pure as this lady is blessed with, it’s no surprise she is still as popular in 2015 as she was in the 1990s having worked with everyone from Ronnie Drew, De Danann, The Dubliners, Sharon Shannon, Donal Lunny, to U2 and too many more both at home & internationally to mention here.
Renowned for her unique interpretation of Irish and Roots songs, Eleanor Shanley has been at the top of her profession since her first appearance with De Danann in 1990. She recorded two critically acclaimed albums with them 'A Jacket of Batteries' and 'Half Set in Harlem'. While a member of De Danann she toured Europe, Australia, China, Japan and the USA as well as taking part in several tours of Ireland.
Tickets for this concert are available from any committee member or from 087 2612194. Tickets are €20.
Split The Pot
This Weeks Winners – Week 66 – Monday 12th October
1st Prize – Mary Dreelan - €645.50
2nd Prize – Michael Donohoe - €75.00
3rd Prize – Cassidy & Casey - €50.00
Congratulations to all
Prizes can be collected every Friday afternoon from Doran’s Supervalu
Please ensure to include a contact number on the envelope so that you may be contacted as soon as the draw is over.
TO LET = Weir Valley Apartments, Tinnahinch, Graiguenamanagh1/5
Scenic riverside first floor apartment in an ideal location overlooking River Barrow, fully furnished 2 bedroom apartment in exclusive small development, with own hall door and front balcony giving uninterrupted views over the river Barrow. Tiled floors, electric shower, hallway, spacious living room, kitchen with washing machine, fridge freezer and microwave. You must provide good written references. Rent €595 per month, deposit €645, good references required.PHONE Charlie 086 7829719 to view or EMAIL
Barrow Valley Community Development
Outdoor Tourism and Activity Centre
Work is now well underway on the new development at the Pitch and Putt site by the Barrow.
The development consists of:
- An Outdoor Tourism / Sports Building
- Landscaping of the area
- A Lighted Walkway through the grounds
- Bike Tracks
- A Climbing Wall or Low Ropes Course
This development is located in a beautiful riverside setting and will be an important additionto the sporting, recreational and leisure amenities available to young and old in the local community.
This project is a partnership between Leader, Kilkenny County Council, and the local community.
Barrow Valley Community Development Ltd will be making a major fundraising drive in the near future to meet the local contribution to the project. Your support for this project will be greatly appreciated.
The Outdoor Tourism and Activity Centre plans will be available for viewing in the Library in the near future.
Davy’s Family Butchers
059 9724288
Slimming World Specials
- Chicken Fillets €1 each
- Lion Pork Chops €1 each
- Steak Mince €3 / ½ lb
- Turkey Breast mince €2.25 ½ lb
Stir Fry (cut in strips) Stew/Casserole(Diced)
- Chicken Breast Chicken Breast
- Pork Loin Pork Loin
- Beef Steak Beef Steak
- Turkey Breast Turkey Breast
€10 Special
- 3 chicken fillets
- 3 pork chops
- ½ steak mince
- ½ turkey breast Mince
Available from Thursday 15th of October
Call in and we will listen to your sins!!!!
Cllr. Michael Doyle
“For any local issues please contact me”
Cllr Michael Doyle
087 3941244
The Rower
Co. Kilkenny
For Sale/Wanted/to Let. Personal Notices are €2.00 Business Cards €4
Full page (handed in or e-mailed pre-typed) €12 - Half Page (pre-typed) €6
Full Page (handed in un-typed) €20 - Half Page (un-typed) €10
Please note all handwritten items must be left in by 5pm on Tuesday each week, otherwise items can be emailed up to 3pm on Wednesday each week to
Citizens Information Centre
Main Street
Phone No. 059-9724955 – new number 0761-077900
Are you entitled to additional benefits due to reduced income?
You may be entitled to a Rent or Mortgage Interest Supplement, GP Visit Card or Family Income Supplement.
If you need information re pension entitlements etc. drop intoCitizens Informationand find out more.
This is a private and confidential service. We are open Tuesday Thursday and Friday mornings 10.30a.m. to 12.30 p.m. If you require information outside these hours please contact the office in Kilkenny on 0761077900
Offices at:
25 Market StreetDáil Eireann
Thomastown,Leinster House,
Co. Kilkenny Kildare Street,
Dublin 2
Tel: 056 7793210Tel: 01 6184202
Fax: 056 7793211Fax: 01 6184303
6.00p.m. to7.00p.m.
Congratulations to Colleen!
Colleen Whelan (Transition Year) has been chosen by Barrettstown Camp to star in a gala in London on Tuesday 3rd November. The gala is a live performance onstage at the Roundhouse, London.
It is a fundraising event celebrating the legacy of Paul Newman, who set up the ‘serious fun’ camps such as Barrettstown.
Colleen is one of 11 children from around the world chosen to take part in this show. She will meet up with the production team of the show on Sunday 1st November for rehearsal and will have further rehearsals on Monday and Tuesday prior to the show on Tuesday evening. A busy few days for Colleen!
We wish her all the best of luck.
From the staff and students of Duiske College.
Group Council Meeting
There will be a Group council meeting next Wednesday night the 15th of October in the Scout hall @ 8.15pm
All Leaders Please attend.
Graiguenamanagh Elderly Association
On behalf of the Residents and Committee if Gahan House, we wanted to thank the Graiguenamanagh Bridge Club for their generous donation of €560. It is greatly appreciated. We also wanted to express our thanks to each and every one of you for your kindness and support over the last year. Without your continued support in terms of fundraising and donations, we would not be able to carry out the necessary maintenance and improvements in Gahan House each year. As we are a voluntary organisation, part funded by the H.S.E, we require continued support from our community. We fully appreciate that money is tight for everyone, but all donations, no matter how big or small, are greatly appreciated. Most of us have or know of, friends and relatives who have availed of this great facility. It is an asset to our community and it is important that it is continuously supported. Thank you once again, Graiguenamanagh Elderly Association.
There will be a clothes collection next Saturday 17 th October from 10am to 12 am. Thanks to everyone who supported our collections to date and we look forward to your continued support.
Big T’s Hackney
New service available from Graiguenamanagh to Waterford IT daily, contact Tony 087 3305783
Graiguenamanagh Library News
Spooky Magic for kids in the library on Tuesday 27th October 6.30pm – 7.30pm. This is a free event but booking is essential as places are limited. Ages 6-12 yrs. to book phone 056 7794178 or call into the library.
War Memorabilia Exhibition continues, this exhibition of War memorabilia on loan from S. Quinn, includes interesting items e.g. medals, 1798 pike head and 2 revolvers. Exhibition during normal opening hours.
Irish Newspaper Archives. The Library has a subscription to this service which is available to users in Graiguenamanagh Library & library branches around the county. These archives contain electronic versions of Irish newspapers from the 1700’s to current day, including The Munster Express dating from 1908 and The Kilkenny People from 1923. Via this website you can do a word search of all the published material on the site and it will lead you to the original page of the newspaper.
Crafty Crew: every Wednesday from 10.30 to 12.00, if you would like to knit, sew, crochet, embroider or any craft. Please come along meet other crafty people and have a chat and a cuppa.
Graiguenamanagh Library opening hours: Monday: Closed Tuesday- 10am - 8pm Wednesday: 10am - 5pm Thursday: 10am - 5pm Friday: 10am - 5pm Saturday: 10am - 1.30pm The library is closed on Saturdays of Bank Holiday Weekend. Phone 056 7794178
Lotto: The Local Lotto Jackpot now stands at €19,450. Reserve Jackpot €10,000. The numbers drawn were 2, 14, 17 & 32 and there was no winner. Consolation winners of €30 each were Thos Dreelan, Frank Foley, Edward c/o Gahan House, Seamus O’Connell, Vincent O’Brien.
Tickets are on sale in Local Businesses and from Committee members costing €2 Next draw on Monday 19th Oct at 9pm in O’Driscoll’s Bar. All are welcome.
Bereavement: We extend our sympathy to the Maguire Family High Street on the Death of Judy Maguire RIP.
Used clothing bins: We encourage people to bring their clean used clothing, curtains, Bed Linen, towels, old shoes bags etc. to the recycling bins at the GAA Car Park.
Scór na nÓg on Thursday 12th November: The Kilkenny finals of Scór na nÓg (Under 17) will be held on Thursday 12th November at Langtons Set Theatre. We would ask each club to be represented on the night.
Each club is asked once again to enter teams on the night. There was an increase in participation rates last year and the onus is on clubs to once again fulfil their obligations to the cultural aspect of the GAA and enter teams.
Scór is a GAA competition that combines all the colour and rivalry of Gaelic Games with the social/fun element of Ireland's traditional past-times. The competition was established by the GAA in 1969 with the aim of promoting Ireland's traditional pastimes and culture while offering club members the chance to meet up, have fun and represent their club during the winter months while Football and Hurling had ceased.
There are eight events/disciplines in Scór that cover all aspects of Irish culture: Figure/Céilí Dancing, Solo Singing, Instrumental Music, Recitation/Scéalaíocht, Ballad Group, Novelty Act, Question Time and Set Dancing. The competition is divided into two age levels, Scór Na nÓg, for young people under 17 and Scór Sinsear, for those over 17.
Just like the All-Ireland Football and Hurling Championships clubs taking part in Scór must first take part in a county championship. The winners go on to the provincial championship and then the All-Ireland Final.
It is interesting to note the All Ireland Scór champions are presented with their medals by the President of the GAA, winners are All-Ireland Champions in their own right in the same way as All-Ireland Senior Football or Hurling Final winners!
Fixtures: Sun 11am in Thomastown: Joe Walsh Cup Final: Graignamanagh V Blacks/whites
For all the breaking news on our website & also on our facebook page.
The results of the annual Tidy Towns Competition were announced at the end of September. The competition operates on a county basis, which works to the disadvantage of the town, in that Graiguenamanagh features in the results for Kilkenny while Tinnahinch features under those of Co. Carlow. As a result only Graiguenamanagh is entered in the competition. Unfortunately no entry is submitted for Tinnahinch. This is an issue that should be addressed, but at present, our committee is too small to address this matter on our own.
Graiguenamanagh Tidy Towns Committee submits an entry into The Tidy Towns Competition on behalf of the entire community. It reflects the efforts at improvement made by all individuals, clubs, associations and organisations within the town.
We scored a reasonable 275 points out of a total of 450 and is a credit to a lot of people, too many to mention here. This was up from 266 points in 2014. This improvement, while impressive, was matched by many other towns in the region so that Graiguenamanagh is only barely holding its place. Within Co. Kilkenny, in our category, the town of Castlecomer is far ahead at 299 points with Thomastown and Mooneenroe close behind at 271points. It is a reasonable objective for the town to get to the top of our category. There is a lot of work yet to be done to get there. If we are not careful we could easily be overtaken also.
While flower displays are important the Tidy Towns Competition is not all about bright colourful flowers. These are only the icing on the cake. The adjudicators look at the structure of the town, the level of dereliction, the measures taken to deal with same. The painting scheme of the town is judged closely. How open areas are landscaped with emphasis on long term and year round planting. The residential and housing area are scrutinised thoroughly. The approach roads to the town are marked separately because they give the visitor an idea of what the centre of the town is like. A large number of points, in the competition, are given to wildlife and what we as a community do to promote, protect and encourage wildlife in our midst. Another important section is Sustainable Waste and Resource Management, in other words how we deal with rubbish, recycle waste and minimise the amount going to landfill. How much material is composted etc. What efforts we make as a community to involve, inform, educate people to reduce/recycle etc. We must show how schools and young people are included to improve the above categories. If our marks go up in the competition it is only on the basis of efforts make in the previous 12 months to address the above issues. If we sit on our laurels we stay stationary or fall back.
The report acknowledges the efforts of the town and the community and applauds our achievements to date but it is critical and offers advice on how and what we can do to approve. This constructive criticism does mention particular premises, housing estates, roads etc that we must work on to improve.
Follow the link on Graiguenamanagh Tidy Towns Facebook page to view the report or read it here next week.
Furnace Fitness
Starts Tues 20 October, 8.15 pm
2 nights a week (Tuesdays &Thursdays)
This 1 month camp is €50.
Attending the first 4 sessions is essential!
Open those at all levels of fitness, from no experience to hardcore trainers, all welcome. Once you start this Training Camp you may then move on to choose from many different classes.
There are regular Day and Evening Classes in:
Body Resistance
Free Weights
Kettle Bells
Functional Strength Training
Olympic Bar Training
Strength and Conditioning
Hitt It
Text Terry now and register your interest:
086 829 1762