Dear [Callback winner],

Congratulations!!! We are thrilled to invite you into Resonance! You had a great audition and callback, and we’d love to sing with you.

Because some of the other a cappella groups will not have callbacks until tomorrow, we understand that you may want to hear back from them before you make any decisions, so don’t feel obligated to accept or decline any offer immediately. We would like to know your decision, however, by the end of [insert day here].

We hope you’ll join us as a newbie!

Levi Schmidt

President of Resonance

Hi [Callback rushee],

It's been a few days since callbacks, so we'd really like to know your decision by today to wrap up this year's audition process. I know choosing a group can be tough, but I'd like to reiterate that we really enjoyed your audition a lot. During discussion for callbacks, we talked about how you would fit in the group as an ensemble background singer, as a potential soloist, and as a stage performer, and you were immediately at the top of our list. In addition, we talked about how you would fit personality-wise in the group. Keep in mind that choosing a group is like choosing a family because a cappella groups spend a lot of time together outside of rehearsals, such as at retreats, gigs, and general outings like dinners. We loved your personality and think you'd get along really well in our family. For these reasons, you were an obvious choice for us, and we hope you feel the same! Again, please let us know by today as we would like to wrap things up. Feel free to ask us any questions you may have.


Dear [Callback special reject],

Thank you again for coming to Resonance callbacks. Unfortunately, we cannot invite you into the group this term because we currently do not have enough open spaces for [your voice part]. Your performance, however, greatly impressed us; this is not merely a form letter sent out to everyone. We really hope that you will try out for us again! Thanks again for your interest.


Stephen Lee

President of Resonance

Dear [Callback waitlist],

Thank you for making it to Resonance callbacks. We had a blast this morning. As we explained earlier, we have to wait until the other a cappella groups finish their callbacks before we are able to finalize our decisions. All the groups should be done by Monday evening. We’ll let you know as soon as we can.

Thanks for your patience!

Stephen Lee

President of Resonance

Dear [Callback reject],

Thank you for auditioning for Resonance. We had many talented people at callbacks, and unfortunately we won’t be able to accept you into the group this term. We really appreciate your interest in our group and congratulate you once again for making it to callbacks out of this year’s large audition pool. Resonance encourages you to try out for us again next year or to explore other groups on campus, such as the concert choir and the chamber chorus. Thanks again for your interest!

Michelle Yam
President of Resonance


Thank you for auditioning for Resonance. We had many talented people audition for us, and unfortunately we won’t be able to accept you into the group this term. We really appreciate your interest in our group. Resonance encourages you to try out for us again next year or to explore other groups on campus like the concert choir and the chamber chorus. Thanks again for your interest.

Steven Camina
President of Resonance

Dear [Special Reject],

Thank you for auditioning for Resonance. We particularly enjoyed your audition; this is not merely a form letter sent out to everyone. Unfortunately, we cannot invite you into the group this term because we currently do not have space for your voice part. We really hope that you will try out for us again! Thanks again for your interest.

Stephen Lee
President of Resonance

Hi [Audition winner],

Congratulations! Resonance would love to see you tomorrow for a callback from 2pm-4pm and a social hour immediately following. Callbacks will be held in W20-407 on the 4th floor of the StudentCenter. Be prepared to sing with us for about two hours. You do not need to prepare anything for callbacks. Just bring yourself and your voice, and be ready for fun. Please be on time because we will be warming up promptly at 2. It is important to be at callbacks for the entire time, as we will be doing different things throughout the two hours.

Following singing, we’ll have a social hour with pizza to hang out and get to know you better. If you are lactose intolerant or otherwise can’t eat pizza, please let us know so we can try to make other arrangements.

Looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow!

Stephen Lee

President of Resonance

Hi [audition winner],
Congratulations! Resonance would love to see you tomorrow (Sunday December 9) for a callback from 12pm-2pm. Callbacks will be held in room 4-156 (same room as auditions). Be prepared to sing with us for about two hours. You do not need to prepare anything for callbacks. Just bring yourself and your voice, and be ready for fun! Please be on time because we will be warming up promptly at 2. It is important to be at callbacks for the entire time, as we will be doing a lot of different things throughout the two hours. If there are any problems or conflicts, please let us know, and we will arrange something that works for you.
Looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow!
Levi Schmidt
President of Resonance

Hi [Audition winner]!

Congratulations! Resonance would love to see you tomorrow for a callback. We would like you to come to our morning session (from 10am-12 noon), though if you cannot make this please reply to this email saying that you need to switch to our afternoon session(1pm-3pm). Callbacks will be held in Kresge Rehearsal Room A (same room as auditions). Be prepared to sing with us for about two hours. You do not need to prepare anything for callbacks. Just bring yourself and your voice, and be ready for fun. Please be on time because we will be warming up promptly at 10am. It is important to be at callbacks for the entire time, as we will be doing different things throughout the two hours

After callbacks we’ll all get together for some (free!) food at Bertucci’s. We’ll meet at Kresge at 4pm and head over once everyone is here. This is a good chance for you to get to know the group members and your fellow callbackees.

If you need to contact us for any reason feel free to call me (Levi: (908) 887-3956) or Michelle ((732)687-1923).

Looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow!

Levi Schmidt

President of Resonance

Hi [Audition winner]!

Congratulations! Resonance would love to see you tomorrow for a callback. We would like you to come to our afternoon session (from 2pm-4pm) though if you cannot make this please reply to this email saying that you need to switch to our morning session (10am-12 noon). Callbacks will be held in Kresge Rehearsal Room A (same room as auditions). Be prepared to sing with us for about two hours. You do not need to prepare anything for callbacks. Just bring yourself and your voice, and be ready for fun. Please be on time because we will be warming up promptly at 2pm. It is important to be at callbacks for the entire time, as we will be doing different things throughout the two hours

After callbacks we’ll all get together for some (free!) food at Bertucci’s. We’ll meet at Kresge at 4pm and head over once everyone is here. This is a good chance for you to get to know the group members and your fellow callbackees.

If you need to contact us for any reason feel free to call me (Levi: (908) 887-3956) or Michelle ((732)687-1923).

Looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow!

Levi Schmidt

President of Resonance

Amudha Morning

Hi [Auditionee]!

Congratulations! We loved you at auditions, and Resonance would love to see you tomorrow for a callback. We would like you to come to our morning session (from 10am-12 noon), though if you cannot make this please reply to this email saying that you need to switch to our afternoon session (1pm-3pm). Callbacks will be held in Kresge Rehearsal Room A (same room as auditions). Be prepared to sing with us for about two hours. You do not need to prepare anything for callbacks. Just bring yourself and your voice, and be ready for fun. Please be on time because we will be warming up promptly at 10am. It is important to be at callbacks for the entire time, as we will be doing different things throughout the two hours

After callbacks we’ll all get together for some (free!) food at Bertucci’s. We’ll meet at Kresge at 4pm and head over once everyone is here. This is a good chance for you to get to know the group members and your fellow callbackees.

If you need to contact us for any reason feel free to call me, Amudha, at (401) 243-4859, or Levi , at (908) 887-3956.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!
Amudha Panneerselvam
President of Resonance.

Amudha Afternoon

Hi [Audition winner]!

Congratulations! Resonance would love to see you tomorrow for a callback. We would like you to come to our afternoon session (from 1pm-3pm) though if you cannot make this please reply to this email saying that you need to switch to our morning session (10am-12 noon). Callbacks will be held in Kresge Rehearsal Room A (same room as auditions). Be prepared to sing with us for about two hours. You do not need to prepare anything for callbacks. Just bring yourself and your voice, and be ready for fun. Please be on time because we will be warming up promptly at 2pm. It is important to be at callbacks for the entire time, as we will be doing different things throughout the two hours

After callbacks we’ll all get together for some (free!) food at Bertucci’s. We’ll meet at Kresge at 4pm and head over once everyone is here. This is a good chance for you to get to know the group members and your fellow callbackees.

If you need to contact us for any reason feel free to call me, Amudha: (401)243-4859, or Levi: (908) 887-3956).

Looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow! Please let us know if you are coming!

Amudha Panneerselvam

President of Resonance