Form 001D, Issue 10 – August 2018 – OHSAS RFQ / All information will be treated as confidential and will not be disclosed or discussed with anyone other than with your written permission.
Page 1
Company Name
Address / City
County / Postcode
Website / Tel.
Email / Fax.
How many sites is the organisation composed of? / How many sites require certification?
Please fill one copy of page 2 for every site to be covered by certification
Briefly describe what your organisation does. (The intended scope of certification)
Main Processes/ Activities
For the scope above please provide details of any processes that are sub contracted and indicate a percentage of work that is sub contracted.
Percentage (%)
Percentage (%)
Percentage (%)
Does the company undertake work at customer sites, construction sites or temporary sites? / YES / NO
If you answered YES, please state the typical number of sites the company operates on at any one time and describe the activities undertaken.
Do you ensure that your OHAS management system covers off-site activities, irrespective of the OHS obligations of the organisations you are working at / YES / NO
Number of employees involved in operations linked or related to the activity (scope) for which certification is required:
Office Based / Design/Development / Manufacture/Assembly
Repair/Maintenance / Other processes (mixing/blending/painting etc.) / Laboratory/inspection/testing
Stores / packaging / Despatch / Construction/Installation/maintenance/other site work / TOTAL
Please identify the main Health and Safety Legislationwhich applies to your organisation
1) / 3)
2) / 4)
Record any legal/regulatory/licensing/other obligations for your products/services.(Gas Safe, NICEIC, Waste License, CE Marking, CDM etc.)
1) / 3)
2) / 4)
5) / 6)
Provide details of any approvals/certification from other bodies: i.e. ISO 9001, ISO 14001, CHAS, SSIP, Construction line etc.
1) / 3)
2) / 4)
5) / 6)
Please give a brief summary of your accident stats over the past 36 months.
Near Miss
Safety Concern
Please give details of any enforcement action taken against the company in the previous 36 months
Name of Manager with legal responsibility for OH&S
Employees’ representative with responsibility for OH&S
Personnel responsible for monitoring employees’ health
If you have an integrated management system please indicate the level of integration below by Inserting an X if applicable
Standard / Q / E / O
Combined Policy
Combined Document Control Procedure:
Combined Internal Audit
Combined Management Review
Combined QHSE Representatives / Managers
Combined Legal and other Requirements Systems
Were you assisted by a consultancy organisation? / YES / NO
Name of organisation
Name of Consultant
When will you be ready for the stage one audit?
Have you completed a full round of internal audits? / YES / NO
Have you completed the management review? / YES / NO
Your Name / Job Title
Please complete a copy of this page foryour HQ site andeach additional site wishing to be certified
Full Site Address
Telephone / e-mail
Employees / Total number of employees on site / Number of daily shifts
Number of full time employees / Number of part time employees
Number of managers / Number of temporary staff
Shift Times / N/A
Activities undertaken on each shift
Main Hazards, Risks and Rating
Rating / High / Med / Low / NA / Rating / High / Med / Low / NA
Working at height / Flammable substances
Confined spaces / Explosive Atmospheres
Use of machinery / Manual Handling
Hot works / Lifting Operations
Hazardous substances / Vibration
Electrical equipment / Workplace transport
Noise / Workplace stress
Violence/assault / Display screen equipment
Other, please indicate
Materials - Please detailany material stored, removed from, or brought onto site.
Quantity / High / Med / Low / NA / Quantity / High / Med / Low / NA
General site waste / Waste Oil
Dust & Emissions / Biological waste (clinical)
Fluorescent tubes / Explosives / explosive devices
Chemical wastes / Toxic wastes
Metals / Alloys / Plastics / Rubbers
Other, please indicate
Does this site require PPE to be worn by the WCS auditor? If so please describe.
Additional InformationPlease use the space below to detail any additional information. (Please detail any improvement programs or actions being taken to address any potential enforcement activity.
Effective Number of Employees for Calculating Audit Duration
Department / Number of Employees / Effective No. Employees / Justification for Reduction
Repair, maintenance
Special processes
Off-site/Field work
Reductions and sampling
Initial = square root of remote sites
Surv = square root of remote sites x 0.6
Recert = square root of remote sites x 0.8 / No processes on site or no control of documentation, management review, internal audit, corrective action, HR, etc. State any sampling plans.
Temporary Sites
Number of sites to audit at initial and surveillance / State the sampling required to undertake an effective audit of all processes / aspects etc. Consider risks to control the EMS aspects and impacts.
Integrated Systems
Justify Reductions
Max 20% / Level of integration, manual, procedures, management review audits, operational control, HR, training, same management representative.
Effective Number of Personnel / Audit Duration(Stage 1 + Stage 2) / Effective Number of Personnel / Audit Duration
(Stage 1 + Stage 2)
High / Med / Low / High / Med / Low
1 – 5 / 3 / 2.5 / 2.5 / 626-875 / 17 / 13 / 10
6-10 / 3.5 / 3 / 3 / 876-1175 / 19 / 15 / 11
11-15 / 4.5 / 3.5 / 3 / 1176-1550 / 20 / 16 / 12
16-25 / 5.5 / 4.5 / 3.5 / 1551-2025 / 21 / 17 / 12
26-45 / 7 / 5.5 / 4 / 2026-2675 / 23 / 18 / 13
46-65 / 8 / 6 / 4.5 / 2676-3450 / 25 / 19 / 14
66-85 / 9 / 7 / 5 / 3451-4350 / 27 / 20 / 15
86-125 / 11 / 8 / 5.5 / 4351-5450 / 28 / 21 / 16
126-175 / 12.0 / 9 / 6 / 5451-6800 / 30 / 23 / 17
176-275 / 13 / 10 / 7 / 6801-8500 / 32 / 25 / 19
276 - 425 / 15 / 11 / 8 / 8501 - 10700 / 34 / 27 / 20
426-625 / 7.5 / 12 / 9 / >10700 / Refer to WCS Head Office.
ISO45001 – Complexity Category
High / Medium / Low
Fishing (offshore, coastal dredging and diving)
Mining and quarrying
Manufacture of coke/refined petroleum products
Oil and gas extraction
Tanning of textiles and clothing
Pulping part of paper manufacturing including paper recycling processing
Chemicals (including pesticides, fabrication of batteries and accumulators), pharmaceuticals
Manufacturing of fibreglass
Storage of large quantities of hazardous material
Non-metallic processing and products covering ceramics, concrete, cement, lime, plaster, etc.
Primary productions of metals
Hot and cold forming and metal fabrication
Manufacturing and assembly of metal structures
Shipyards (depending on the activities could be medium)
Aerospace and automotive industry
Recycling of hazardous waste
Hazardous and non-hazardous waste processing e.g. incineration etc.
Effluent and sewerage processing
Industrial and civil construction and demolition (including building completion with electrical, hydraulic and air conditioning installation activities)
Transport and distribution of dangerous goods (by land, air and water)
Defence activities/crisis management
Healthcare/hospitals/veterinary/social works / Fishing (offshore fishing is high), Farming/forestry
Food, beverage and tobacco – processing
Textiles and clothing except for tanning
Manufacturing of wood and wooden products including manufacturing of boards, treatment /impregnation of wood, paper production and paper products excluding pulping
Non-metallic processing and products covering glass, ceramics, clay, etc.
General mechanical engineering assembly and
manufacturing of metallic products
Surface and other chemically based treatment for metal fabricated products (depending on treatment/ size of the component could be high)
Production of bare printed circuit boards for electronics industry. Electrical/electronic equipment assembly
Rubber and plastic injection moulding, forming and assembly
Manufacturing of transport equipment and repair (depending on size of the equipment, could be high)
Recycling, composting, landfill (of non-hazardous waste)
Water abstraction/purification/distribution, river manage’t. (Commercial effluent treatment is High)
Fossil fuel wholesale and retail (depending on the amount of fuel, could be high)
Transport of passengers, transport and distribution of non-dangerous goods (by land, air and water)
Industrial cleaning, hygiene cleaning
Business services
Research & development in natural and technical sciences (depending on the business, could be high).
Technical testing and laboratories
Hotels, leisure services and personal services excludes restaurants,
Education services (depending on the object of teaching activities could be high or low) / Corporate activities and management, HQ and management of holding companies
Wholesale and retail (depending on the product, could be medium or high, e.g. fuel)
General business services except industrial cleaning, hygiene cleaning, dry cleaning and education services).
Transport and distribution - management services with no actual fleet to manage
Engineering services (could be medium depending on type of services)
Telecommunications and post office services
Restaurants and camping
Commercial estate agency, estate management
Research & development on social sciences and humanities
Public administration, local authorities
financial institutions, advertising agency
The provisions specified in this document are based on three primary complexity categories of OH&S risks based on the nature and severity of the OH&S risks of an organization that fundamentally affect the auditor time. These are:
-High – OH&S risks with significant nature and severity (typically the construction industry, heavy manufacturing or processing type organizations)
-Medium – OH&S risks with medium nature and severity (typically light manufacturing organizations with some significant risks)
-Low – OH&S risks with low nature and severity (typically office based organizations).
SITES / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
WCS Requirement (Initial audit day requirement based on effective number of employees
Additive Factors
Poor History of Safety/organisation facing legal proceedings
Language Difficulties (Audit duration and Communication issues within organisation)
Shift Systems / Lone Working (Control Measures and Management)
Complicated logistics (more than one building/location)
Very large site for the number of personnel (e.g. a forest)
High degree of Regulation (Aerospace/nuclear power/refinery/food/drugs etc.)
Highly complex processes or high number of unique activities
Views of interested parties
Rate of accidents/occupational diseases higher than average for this sector
Members of the public are present (schools, airports, stations, public transport)
Temporary presence of large number of sub-contract companies on site
Dangerous substances exposing the plant to risk of major industrial accidents (COMAH/DSEAR/ATEX)
Organisational sites in countries other than the mother country
Temporary Sites – Do temporary sites mean an addition is required?
Subtractive Factors
Mature Management system and/or Traceable audit history of organisation (OHSMS)
Very Small Site (Limited geographical/control measure constraints)
Prior knowledge of the management system /already certified to another recognised OSHMS
Preparedness (already subject to periodic audits by National Authority/Government OH&SMS scheme)
Good History of Safety Performance (Internal and Enforcement)
Other -
Calculated Audit Duration For Full Initial Assessment
Reduction For Integration With Other Standards (IAF MD 11) – max 20%
Stage One Audit
Stage Two Audit
Activity / Audit Days at Client / Site Audit / Field Audit Days / Plan / Report / Price
P01 / Stage 1 Audit
A01 / Stage 2 Audit
S01 / Annual maintenance audit
S02 / Annual maintenance audit
EA Code(s) : / Accredited Scope: / YES / NO / PARTIAL / TYPE / NONE / UKAS
Technical Groups:
Competent auditors available / YES / NO / Head Office competency ok / YES / NO
Technical Support required / YES / NO / Multi-team assessment / YES / NO
Signed for WCS / Agreed by WCS HQ / Date
World Certification Services Ltd. Station Court, Ormskirk Road, Aintree, Liverpool, L9 5AA Tel. 0151 924 7474 Fax. 0151 924 7477