pack, packing, packs into:
I am: dash-ghe
we are: dayt-ghe
you are: daa~-ghe
you all are: daa-xu'-ghe
he, she, it is: day-ghe
they are: xee-day-ghe
packed into:
I: daa-nii-ghe
we: daa-nit'-ghe
you: daa-nin-ghe
you all: daa-nu'-ghe
he, she, it: day-nin-ghe
they: xee-day-nin-ghe
pack, packing, packs upon the back:
I am: na'sh-ghe
we are: naa-ch'aa-ghit-ghe
you are: naa~-ghe
you all are: naa-ch'u'-ghe
he, she, it is: nays-ghe
they are: xee-nays-ghe
packed upon the back:
I: naa-sii-ghe
we: naa-saa-ghit-ghi~ or naa-saa-ghit-ghe
you: naa-sin-ghe
you all: naa-su'-ghe
he, she, it: nays-ghe
they: xee-nays-ghe
paddle(s): me'-tu
208 / PADDLE: ghvsh-xelh
paddle, paddling, paddles:
I am: ghvsh-xelh
we two are: ghit-xelh
we are: ghaa-ghit-xelh
you are: ghin-xelh
you two are: ghu'-xelh
you all are: ghaa-ghu'-xelh
he, she, it is: gha'-xelh
they are: yaa-ghii-xelh
I: na'-sii-xe
we two: naa-sit-xe
we: naa-saa-ghit-xe
you: naa-sin-xe
you two: naa-su'-xe
you all: naa-saa-ghu'-xe
he, she, it: na's-xe
they: xee-na's-xe
I started out: yaa-ghii-xe'
we started out: yaa-nit-xe'
you all started out: yaa-nu'-xe'
he, she, it started out: yaa-nin-xe'
they started out: xee-yaa-nin-xe'
paid a fine:
I: ch'ghii-'in'sh
we: ch'ghaa-ghit-'in'sh
you: ch'aa-ghin-'in'sh
you all: ch'aa-ghu'-'in'sh
he, she, it: ch'ghin-'in'sh
they: xee-ch'ghin-'in'sh
pail(s): xaa-ts'a'
pain, painful: din-tr'at
pain(s), which are thrown that cause sickness: sin-see-ne'
pain(s), removed:
I: xaa-ghii-ts'vm's
we: xaa-ghit-ts'vm's
you: xaa-ghin-ts'vm's
you all: xaa-ghu'-ts'vm's
he, she, it: xay-ghin-ts'vm's
they: xee-xay-ghin-ts'vm's
pain removal, removing, removes:
I: xash-ts'vm's
we: xayt-ts'vm's
you: xan-ts'vm's
you all: xaa-xut-ts'vm's
he, she, it: xay-ts'vm's
they: xee-xay-ts'vm's
paint(s): mvtlh-ghvtlh-ts'ilh
paint, painting, paints:
I am: 'vsh-ts'ilh
we are: 'aa-ghit-ts'ilh
you are: 'in-ts'ilh
you all are: ghu'-ts'ilh
he, she, it is: ye'-ts'lih
they are: xee-ye'-ts'ilh
paint brush(es): mvlh-ch'e'-ts'ilh
I: dghii-ts'ilh
we: dghit-ts'ilh
you: dghin-ts'ilh
you all: dghu'-ts'ilh
he, she, it: dghvt-ts'ilh
they: xee-dghvt-ts'ilh
pair of two: naa-xee-t'i
pair of two individuals: nant-ne
palm(s) of the hand or animal feet: la'-tee-le'
my: sh-la'-tee-le'
our: nuu-la'-tee-le'
your: nn-la'-tee-le'
your (all): xwii-nuu-la'-tee-le'
his, her, its: hii-la'-tee-le'
their: xuu-la'-tee-le'
pan(s): me'-ch'e'-tr'vtlh-t'es
panic: see afraid
panther(s): ch'utlh-ts'as-ne
pants (pair of): lhts'vs
paper(s): ch'vt-ter'sh
parable(s): natlh-sri~
parade(s): xaa-wvn' ghvtlh-xvlh
I am: sh-nvst-'e lhts'ik
we are: nn-nvst-'e lhts'ik
you are: nuu-nvst-'e lhts'ik
you all are: xwii-nuu-nvst-'e lhts'ik
he, she, it is: hii-nvst-'e lhts'ik
they are: xuu-nvst-'e lhts'ik
pare, paring, pares:
I am: 'vshtlh-srunk
we are: 'aa-witlh-srunk
you are: 'intlh-srunk
you all are: 'u'tlh-srunk
he, she, it is: yvtlh-srunk
they are: xee-yvtlh-srunk
I: 'aa-wilh-srunk
we: 'aa-ghitlh-srunk
PAST, THE: waa-ghii~-li~ / 211
pared (continued):
you: 'aa-ghinlh-srunk
you all: 'aa-ghutlh-srunk
he, she, it: yvstlh-srunk
they: xee-yvstlh-srunk
parents: see father and mother
parked there 9car, buggy, etc.): daa-ch'ghaa-mvs
part of it, portions: wan'
partake: see eat
partial: wan'-shan' or duu-xwi
partition(s) in a room: ch'aa~-ghvt'-'an'
party (ies): lhee-xwvtlh-xat
party (ies) being planned: lhestlh-xat-te
party (ies) that occurred: lhestlh-xat
pass me, a pair or more: shghaa~-lesh
pass me, a lighted object: shghaa~-dash
pass me , a living individual: shghaa~-lhti~
pass me, a liquid: shghaa~-lhe
pass me, an object: shghaa~-ti~sh
pass me, food(s): shghaa~-'ash
pass them to me (you): shghaa~-nin-srasr
pass them to me: sghaa~-srvsr
past, the: waa-ghii~-li~
212 / PASTOR(S): gee-na'-'a
pastor(s): gee-na'-'a or dghee-na'-'a
pasture(s): tuu-me
path(s): tee-st'vm
paw(s): xwe'
pay, paying, pays a fine (for an insult):
I: ch'vsh-'in'sh
we: ch'aa-ghit-'in'sh
you: ch'in-'in'sh
you all: ch'u'-'in'sh
he, she, it: ch'ee-'in'sh
they: xwii-ch'ee-'in'sh
pay for (wages):
I: 'ush-xvn'
to me: shus-xvn'
we: 'aa-wit-xvn'
you: 'aa-win'-xvn'
you were: nus-xvn'
you all: 'aa-ghut-xvn'
he, she, it: 'us-xvn'
they: xee-'us-xvn
pay, paying, pays wages: see giving
pea(s): 'vl-'vl-see-'e or bii-nvs-tvr'sh-wvlh
peace, peaceful: xwii-nay-t'ii-shu'
peach(es): bii-ch'vs
Peacock Flat: see-tr'ee-ghin-dvm
peak(s) of: let' or yaa-ghii~-'an'
pear(s): t'a'-'vn'-tr'ee-ghas-'an'
pebble(s): min-st'vm naa~-k'vt
PEELED A TREE: saa-ghilh-drik / 213
peck, pecking, pecks:
I am: ch'vsh-ket
we are: ch'aa-ghit'-ket
you are: ch'ii~-ket
you all are: ch'aa-ghu'-ket
he, she, it is: ch'aa-ket or yaa-ket
they are: xwii-ch'aa-ket
I: ch'ghii-ket
we: ch'ghit'-ket
you: ch'aa-ghin-ket
you all: ch'aa-ghu'-ket
he, she, it: ch'aa-ghin-ket
they: xwii-ch'aa-ghin-ket
peel, peeling, peels a tree:
I am: 'ushlh-drik
we are: ch'aa-ghitlh-drik
you are: ch'inlh-drik
you all are: ch'utlh-drik
he, she, it is: ch'vlh-drik
they are: yaa-ch'ilh-drik
peel food: see pared
peel, peeling, peels off membrane or skin:
I am: ch'ansht-lhchvm's
we are: ch'ayt'-lhchvm's
you are: ch'an-lhchvm's
you all are: ch'ut'-lhchvm's
he, she, it is: ch'ay-lhchvm's
they are: xee-ch'ay-lhchvm's
peeled a tree:
I: saa-ghilh-drik
214 / PEELED A TREE: saa-ghitlh-drik
peeled a tree (continued):
we: saa-ghitlh-drik
you: saa-ghintlh-drik
you all: saa-ghutlh-drik
he, she, it: yvstlh-drik
they: xee-yvstlh-drik
peeled food: see pared
peeled off membrane or subskin:
I: ch'an-nii-lhchvm's
we: ch'an-nit-lhchvm's
you: chan-nin-lhchvm's
you all: ch'an-nu'-lhchvm's
he, she, it: chay-nin-lhchvm's
they: xee-chay-nin-lhchvm's
pelican(s): taa-k'wish-chu
pelt(s): set'-se
pen(s) for animals: me'-sda
pen(s): for writing: mvlh-ch'vt-der'sh
pencil(s): mvlh-ch'vt-der'sh
penis(es): mii-se'
my: sh-mii-se'
our: nuu-mii-se'
your: nn-mii-se'
your (all): xwii-nuu-mii-se'
his, her, its: hii-mii-se'
their: xuu-mii-se'
peninsula(s): let or le'
people(s): xee-she'
people of a place or from there: dee-ni or dee-ne or dvn-nee or dee-te
pepper: k'wee-tvtlh-tvlh
pepper wood: dan'-srvn
perceive: see know
perch, red tail: chii-la'-lhsrik
perfect: shu'
perforate, perforating, perforates: see spear
perfume(s): shu'-'at'lh-srvn
periwinkle(s): dee-nvk
periwinkle(s) colored or striped: dat lhtrii dee-nvk
permanent, permanently: dan's-'aa-t'i
person: xvsh
perspire, perspiring, perspires, sweat:
I am: sh-ni~'-ts'ii-le'
we are: nuu-ni~'-ts'ii-le'
you are: nn-ni~'-ts'ii-le'
you all are: xwii-nuu-ni~'-ts'ii-le'
he, she, it is: hii-ni~'-ts'ii-le'
they are: xuu-ni~'-ts'ii-le'
pestle(s): met'lh-ts'vt
pet(s): lin-ch'e
pet that belongs in a certain place: ch'ee-yash-'e
petite: see small
216 / PETROLUEM: 'ee-ch'vtlh-ghee-ne'
petroleum: 'ee-ch'vtlh-ghee-ne'
phalange(s): la'-ts'ee-ne'
my: sh-la'-ts'ee-ne'
our: nuu-la'-ts'ee-ne'
your: nn-la'-ts'ee-ne'
your (all): xwii-nuu-la'-ts'ee-ne'
his, her, its: hii-la'-ts'ee-ne'
their: xuu-la'-ts'ee-ne
philosophy: see belief
pick, picking, picks fruit:
I am: ch'vshtlh-delh
we are: ch'itlh-delh
you are: ch'intlh-delh
you all are: ch'utlh-delh
he, she, it is: ch'vtlh-delh
they are: yaa-ch'itlh-delh
pick, picking, picks seaweed, flowers, etc.: see making
pick, picking, picks up acorns, myrtle, nuts, firewood, etc.:
I am: naa-dvshtlh-sran'
we are: naa-ditlh-sran'
you are: naa-dintlh-sran'
you all are: naa-dutlh-sran'
he, she, it is: naa-dvtlh-sran'
they are: naa-gharsh-dvtlh-sran'
picked berries:
I: ch'ghvshtlh-delh
we: ch'aa-ghitlh-delh
you: ch'ghintlh-delh
you all: ch'ghutlh-delh
he, she, it: ch'gvtlh-delh
they: xee-ch'ghvtlh-delh
picked seaweed, flowers, etc.: see made
PILED IT INSIDE OF: dast'-nvlh / 217
picked up acorns, shells, firewood, etc.:
I: na'-dghilh-sran'
we: na'-dghitlh-sran'
you: na'-dghintlh-sran'
you all: na'-dghutlh-sran'
he, she, it: na'-dghvtlh-sran'
they: xee-na'-dghvtlh-sran'
pie(s) of one layer crust: me'-nee-stelh
pie(s) of two layer crust: me'-naa-stelh
piece of: wan'
pierce: see put through or spear
pierced: see put through or had speared
pig(s): guu-shu' or haa-k'vs or hay-k'vs
pigeon(s): tee-ma
piglet(s): guu-shu' mvsh-xee-ye' or haa-k'vs mvsh-xee-ye' or
hay-k'vs mvsh-xee-ye'
pile inside of, piling, piles wood inside: wood, potatoes etc.:
I am: dash-nvlh
we are: daa-gayt'-nvlh
you are: daa~-nvlh
you all are: daa-xu'-nvlh
he, she, it is: day-nvlh
they are: xee-day-nvlh
piled fabric: dast'-lhchvms
piled it inside of: wood, potatoes, etc.:
I: daa-sii-nvlh
we: daa-sit-nvlh
you: daa-sin-nvlh
you all: daa-su'-nvlh
he, she, it: daa-yvstlh-nvlh
they: xee-daa-yvstlh-nvlh
it is piled: dast'-nvlh
218 / PILED UP, IT IS: snvlh
piled up it is (snow, hay, etc.): snvlh
piled together, in a heap: lhest'-nvlh
piled together there: lhee-me'
pileated woodpecker(s): chaa-xee-ni
pillow(s): chee-si'slh-'an' or chee-si'slh-'alh
pin(s): ts'vn
pinch, pinching, pinches:
I am: 'vshlh-chauk
I am being: svlh-chauk
we are: 'aa-ghit-chauk
you are: 'intlh-chauk
you are being: nvlh-chauk
you all are: 'utlh-chauk
he, she, it is: yvtlh-chauk
he, she, it is being: dvlh-chauk
they are: xee-yvlh-chauk
the act of: drvlh-chauk
I: sitlh-chauk
I was: shvstlh-chauk
we: saa-ghitlh-chauk
you: sintlh-chauk
you were: nvstlh-chauk
you all: sutlh-chauk
he, she, it: yvstlh-chauk
he, she, it was: dvstlh-chauk
they: xee-yvstlh-chauk
the act of: drvstlh-chauk
pine(s): nantlh-chu
pine cone(s): chee-lar'nsh
pine needle(s): k'wee-de'
pin point: see find
PLANT: tee-sintlh-tvm' / 219
pipe(s) for smoking: 'ee-chan'
pipe with a stone bowl: 'ee-chan'-da'-me'-san'
pistol(s): la'-tvt-k'vsh
Pistol River, the: chvt-ler'sh-chvn-dvn taa-ghii~-li~'
Pistol River Village: chvt-ler'sh-chvn-dvn
pits (from fruit): see-'e'
pit trap(s) for deer or elk: naa~-ghvt-cha
pitch: sree
pitchy: sree-mvlh
pitch-dark: sran'-xustlh-ghelh
pith of roots or trees: sree-ye'
pitiful person or thing: day-sri~'
pizza(s): bit'-ts'a
place(s), a noun or verb suffix: dvn
place there, that: xuu-t'i
placid water: nee-nvsh
plague(s): tr'in-t'i
planet, our: nuu-nvn-nvst'-'an'
planet, theirs, its: hii-ma nvn-nvst'-'an'
plant(s): xvm-srvn'
plant, planting, plants:
I: tee-silh-tvm'
we: tee-saa-ghitlh-tvm'
you: tee-sintlh-tvm'
220 / PLANTED: tee-sutlh-tvm'
planted (continued):
you all: tee-sutlh-tvm'
he, she, it: testlh-tvm'
they: xee-testlh-tvm"
plate(s): gaa-si or gaa-se or gaa-say or gaa-sa
platform(s): k'wvt-des-telh
platter(s): tr'ii-k'was-na or tr'ii-k'was-da
play(s), a: natlh-sri~'-'aa-dvn
play, playing, plays a sport or activity: also, see gamble
I am: na'-xwvstlh-ye'
we are: na'-xwitlh-ye'
you are: na'-xwintlh-ye'
you all are: na'-xwutlh-ye'
he, she, it is: na'-xwvtlh-ye'
they are: naa-ghar'sh-xwvtlh-ye'
the act of: nar'sh-xwvtlh-ye'
plea: see ask
pleasant: sri'-lhvn-xu
me: shee-me'
us: nuu-xwee-me'
you: nee-me'
you all: xwii-nuu-xwee-me'
PLUME: chvsh-tr'e' / 221
please(s): (continued):
her, him, it: dee-me'
them: xwii-dee-me'
I am: 'ee k'wee naa-dvshtlh-nvsh
we are: 'ee k'wee naa-ditlh-nvsh
you are: 'ee k'wee naa-dintlhnvsh
you all are: 'ee k'wee naa-dutlh-nvsh
he, she, it is: 'ee k'wee naa-dvtlh-nvsh
they are: 'ee k'wee naa-ghaa-dvtlh-nvsh
I: 'ee k'wee naa-svstlh-nvsh
we: 'ee k'wee naa-sitlh-nvsh
you: 'ee k'wee naa-sintlh-nvsh
you all: 'ee k'wee naa-sutlh-nvsh
he, she, it: 'ee k'wee naa-destlh-nvsh
they: 'ee k'wee naa-ghaa-destlh-nvsh
pluck, plucking, plucks:
I am: 'vshtlh-k'a
we are: 'aa-ghitlh-k'a
you are: 'intlh-k'a
you all are: 'aa-ghutlh-k'a
he, she, it is: yvlh-k'a
they are: xee-yvtlh-k'a
I: ghitlh-k'a
we: saa-ghitlh-k'a
you: sintlh-k'a
you all: sutlh-k'a
he, she, it: yvstlh-k'a
they: xee-yvstlh-k'a
plugged up, it is: da'-ghvt'-si'
plume, plumage: chvsh-tr'e'
222 / P.M.: waa-ghii~-'an'-dvn
p.m.: waa-ghii~-'an'-dvn
pocket(s): guu-wish
pod(s): see-'e'-min'-san'
point of, the: let or le'
point of land, at/the: let or le'
poison, poisonous: tr'in-t'i
poled a canoe or raft:
I: mee-ghilh-k'wvt
we: mee-ghitlh-k'wvt
you: mee-ghintlh-k'wvt
you all: mee-ghutlh-k'wvt
he, she, it: mee-ghintlh-k'vt
they: xee-mee-ghintlh-k'wvt
poles, poling poles a raft or canoe:
I am: me'-ghvsh-k'wvt
we are: me'-ghit-k'wvt
you are: me'-ghin-k'wvt
you all are: me'-ghu'-k'wvt
he, she, it is: me'-ghin-k'wvt
they are: xee-me'-ghin-k'wvt
poke: see spearing
poking out or up: xaa-gha's-'an'
poking out of: tr'ee-gha's-'an' or xaa-ghin-xe's
pole: chvn
police: kaps
POOR: duu-dee nash-'a / 223
polish, polishing, polishes:
I am: k'wee-nashtlh-su
we are: k'wee-naytlh-su
you are: k'wee-nantlh-su
you all are: k'wee-nutlh-su
he, she, it is: k'wee-naylh-su
they are: xee-k'wee-naylh-su
I: k'wee-naa-silh-su
we: k'wee-naa-sitlh-su
you: k'wee-naa-sintlh-su
you all: k'wee-naa-sutlh-su
he, she, it: k'wee-naystlh-su
they: xee-k'wee-naystlh-su
polite: see well behaved
pollute: see destroy
I am: lhk'vt silh-da
we both are: lhk'vt sitlh-da
we all are: lhk'vt saa-ghitlh-da
you are: lhk'vt sinlh-da
you all are: lhk'vt sutlh-da
he, she, it is: lhk'vt yvstlh-da
they are: lhk'vt xee-yvstlh-da
pond(s): chvslh-mvn
ponderosa pine: natlh-chu
pony(ies): lhin'-chuu-yan-st'vm
pool(s): chvslh-mvn
pool(s) in a river: daa-nii~-li~'
I am: duu-dee nash-'a
224 / POOR: duu-dee nayt'-'a
poor (continued):
we are: duu-dee nayt'-'a
you are: duu-dee nan-'a
you all are: duu-dee naa-xuu-'a
he, she, it is: duu-dee nay-'a
they are: duu-dee xee-nay-'a
popped (during cooking): ta'stlh-t'u
popped (balloon): k'wintlh-srvt
popcorn: tvtlh-tvm'-kan
population, the: xee-she'
porcupine: ch'aa-k'a'-ne
pork: guu-shu'-svn or haa-kvs-svn or hay-kvs-svn
Port Orford, Oregon: tr'ee-ghi~'- 'an'
post(s): chvn
post(s) in the ground: chvn tee-ghi~'-'an'
posterior(s), buttocks: gum'-ne' or t'a'
my: sh-gum'-ne'
our: nuu-gum'-ne'
your: nn-gum'-ne'
your (all): xwii-nuu-gum'-ne'
his, her, its: hii-gum'-ne'
their: xuu-gum'-ne'
pot(s): me'-ch'ee-drvtlh-nes
potato(s): ch'aa-muu-de' or gus
pouch(es): set's or natlh-mish
pound, pounding, pounds:
I am: 'vsh-ts'vt
we are: 'aa-ghitlh-ts'vt
POUR: tr'ee-ghalh-ch'vt / 225
pound, pounding, pounds: (continued):
you are: 'in-ts'vt
you all are: 'u'-ts'vt
he, she, it is: yee-ts'vt
they are: xee-yee-ts'vt
I: ghii-ts'vt
we: ghit-ts'vt
you: ghin-ts'vt
you all: ghu'-ts'vt
he, she, it: ghin-ts'vt
they: xee-ghin-ts'vt
pound together, pounding, pounds together:
I am: taa-ghvstlh-ts'vt
we are: taa-ghit'-ts'vt
you are: taa-ghin-ts'vt
you all are: taa-ghu'-ts'vt
he, she, it is: taa-ghut'-ts'vt
they are: taa-xee-ghut'-ts'vt
pounded together:
I: taa-ghilh-ts'vt
we: taa-ghitlh-ts'vt
you: taa-ghintlh-ts'vt
you all: taa-ghutlh-ts'vt
he, she, it: taa-ghvtlh-ts'vt
they: xee-taa-ghvtlh-ts'vt
pounding slab: see-xat
pour, pouring, pours:
I am: tr'eshtlh-ch'vt
we are: tr'ee-ghaytlh-ch'vt
you are: tr'intlh-ch'vt
you all are: tr'ee-ghutlh-ch'vt
he, she, it is: tr'ilh-ch'vt
they are: tr'ee-ghalh-ch'vt
226 / POURED: tr'ee-nilh-ch'vt
I: tr'ee-nilh-ch'vt
we: tr'ee-nit'lh-ch'vt
you: tr'ee-nintlh-ch'vt
you all: tr'ee-nutlh-ch'vt
he, she, it: tr'ee-ninlh-ch'vt
they: xee-tr'ee-ninlh-ch'vt
pour into, pouring, pours into:
I am: tashtlh-ch'vt
we are: taa-nitlh-ch'vt
you are: taa-'inlh-ch'vt
you all are: taa-nutlh-ch'vt
he, she, it is: taa-naylh-ch'vt
they are: taa-xee-naylh-ch'vt
poured into:
I: taa-naa-ghilh-ch'vt
we: taa-naa-ghitlh-ch'vt
you: taa-naa-ghintlh-ch'vt
you all: taa-naa-ghutlh-ch'vt
he, she, it: taa-nay-ghintlh-ch'vt
they: xee-taa-nay-ghintlh-ch'vt
pout, pouting, pouts:
I am: se's-nush-'vt
we are: se's-nuit-'vt
you are: se's-num-'vt
you all are: se's-nu'-'vt
he, she, it is: se's-nuii-'vt
they are: xwii-se's-nuii-'vt
I : se's-num-nii-'vt
we : se's-num-nit-'vt
you: se's-num-nin-'vt
he, she, it: se's-nuii-nin-'vt
they: xuu-ses-nui-nin-'vt
powder(s): lhtrvsh-dvtlh-ge
PRAYING ALL ALONE IN SOLITUDE: saa-dvn shan' ch'ulh-yumlh / 227
prairie(s): tuu-me'
prairie(s), mountain: nan-tuu-'vn'
pray, praying, prays:
I am: gee-na'sh-'a
we are: gee-naa-ch'aa-ghit'-'a
you are: gee-naa-ch'ii~-'a
you all are: gee-naa-ch'u-'a
he, she, it is: gee-na'-'a
they are: gee-naa-gha'-'a
I: gee-na'-sii-'an'
we: gee-naa-saa-ghit'-'an'
you: gee-naa-sii~-'an'
you all: gee-naa-su'-'an'
he, she, it: gee-nas-'an'
they: xwii-gee-naa-gha's-'an'
pray dance prayers, praying, prayers:
I am: ch'ushtlh-yvmlh
we are: ch'aa-ghitlh-yvmlh
you are: ch'vmlh-yvmlh
you all are: ch'umlh-yvmlh
he, she, it is: ch'utlh-yvmlh
they are: xee-chutlh-yvmlh
prayed dance prayers:
I: ch'aa-wilh-yvmlh
we: ch'aa-witlh-yvmlh
you: ch'aa-winlh-yvmlh
you all: ch'aa-wutlh-yvmlh
he, she, it: ch'aa-winlh-yvmlh
they: xee-ch'aa-winlh-yvmlh
praying alone in solitude: saa-dvn ch'ulh-yvmlh
praying all alone in solitude: saa-dvn shan' ch'ulh-yvmlh
228 / PRECISLEY: shu'-dvn
precisely: shu'-dvn
pregnant, pregnancy:
I am: ghvstlh-chan'
we are: ghitlh-chan'
you are: ghintlh-chan'
you all are: ghutlh-chan'
he, she, it is: ghvtlh-chan'
they are: xee-ghvtlh-chan'
pregnant, was:
I: ghee-svstlh-chan'
we: ghee-sitlh-chan'
you: ghee-sintlh-chan'
you all: ghee-sutlh-chan'
he, she, it: ghestlh-chan'
they: xee-ghestlh-chan
present, presenting, presents: see give
present day or time: dii-dvn
pretend, pretending, pretends:
I am: chee-dvshtlh-'i~'
we are: chee-ditlh-'i~'
you are: chee-dintlh-'i~'
you all are: chee-dutlh-'i~'
he, she, it is: chee-dvtlh-'i~'
they are: xee-chee-dvtlh-'i~'
I: chee-dghvshtlh-'i~'
we: chee-dghitlh-'i~'
you: chee-dghintlh-'i~'
you all: chee-dghutlh-'i~'
he, she, it: chee-dghvtlh-'i~'
they: xee-chee-dghvtlh-'i~'
pretty: ts'in-t'e
price, what is the: daa-wii-lan'
PROTECTED: shu'-nee-ghilh-'i~' / 229
prick: see spear
preist(s): dghee-na'-'a or gee-na'-'a or chulh-yvmlh-ne
prime: shu'-yii-shan'
probe: see looking for
procession(s): xaa-wvn' ghvtlh-xvlh
produce: see make
profane, profaning, profanes:
I am: srvn-xuu-na'sh-'a'
we are: srvn-xuu-naa-ch'aa-ghit-'a
you are: srvn-xuu-naa-ch'ii~-'a
you all are: srvn-xuu-naa-ch'uu-'a
he, she, it is: srvn-xuu-na'-'a
they are: srvn-xuu-naa-gha'-'a
proper, the proper way: shu'-'vn-de'
property: see have
prophesy: hii-du waa-yvlh-'an'-te
propose: see ask
I am: shu'-neshtlh-'i~'
we are: shu'-nee-ghaytlh-'i~'
you are: shu'-ninlh-'i~'
you all are: shu'-nee-xutlh-'i~'
he, she, it is: shu'-ninlh-'i~'
they are: shu'-nee-ghalh-'i~'
I: shu'-nee-ghilh-'i~'
230 / PROTECTED: shu'-nee-ghitlh-'i~'
protected (continued):
we: shu'-nee-ghitlh-'i~'
you: shu'-nee-ghintlh-'i~'
you all: shu'-nee-ghutlh-'i~'
he, she, it: shu'-nee-ghvtlh-'i~'
they: shu'-xee-nee-ghvtlh-'i~'
protest: see fight
protrudes upward: xaa-gha's-'an'
protrudes outward: tr'ee-gha's-'an'
proud of:
I am: shu' dghee nay-srisht-'a
we are: shu' dghee nay-srit'-'a
you are: shu' dghee nay-srint-'a
you all are: shu' nuu-dghee nay-srint-'a
he, she, it is: shu' dghee nay-srit'-'a
they are: shu' dghee xee-nay-srit'-'a
provide, providing, provides: see give
prow(s) of a boat: k'wvt-daa-sda
prune: see cut
pseudo: duu-lhvn
puberty, pubescent, pubescence: chanlh-day or chanlh-da
puberty, experiencing: see menstruate
I am: shtvn-ch'ee-shan'
we are: shtvn-ch'aa-ghit-gan'
you are: shtvn-ch'aa~-yan'
you all are: shtvn-ch'u'-gan'
he, she, it is: shtvn-ch'an'
they are: shtvn-yaa-ch'ee-yan'
pubic hair: wa'
my: sh-wa'
PULLS OUT: xee-xayn-gvsh / 231
pubic hair (continued):
our: nuu-wa'
your: nn-wa'
your (all): xwii-nuu-wa'
his, her, its: hii-wa'
their: xuu-wa'
pubic hair is growing: wa' xvm-ni
puddle(s): chvslh-mvn
puff, puffing, puffs on a pipe or a cigarette:
I am: tvshtlh-tvk
we are: taa-ghitlh-tvk
you are: tintlh-tvk
you all are: tutlh-tvk
he, she, it is: tvlh-tvk
they are: xee-tvlh-tvk
I am: tee-silh-tvk
we are: tee-saa-ghitlh-tvk
you are: tee-sintlh-tvk