6. DELUSIONS – eliciting questions
- INTERFERENCE WITH THINKING: Can you think clearly or is there any interference with your thoughts? I can think very clearly thank you
a)Are you in full control of your thoughts?Yes, of course I am. Apart from when you make me have all those drugs I hate which makes my brain feel like cotton wool
2. THOUGHT INSERTION: Are thoughts put into your head which you know are not your own?Of course not!
3. THOUGHT BROADCAST: Do you ever seem to hear your own thoughts spoken aloud in your head, so that someone standing near might be able to hear them? That’s weird, no!
4. THOUGHT ECHO OR COMMENTARY: Do you ever seem to hear your own thoughts repeated or echoed?Definitely not!
5. THOUGHT BLOCK OR WITHDRAWAL: Do you ever experience your thoughts stopping quite suddenly so that there are none left in your mind, even though your thoughts were flowing freely before?Still no!
6. DELUSION OF THOUGHTS BEING READ: Can anyone read your thoughts?Nope! This is getting boring now
7. DELUSIONS OF CONTROL: Do you ever feel under the control of some force or power other than yourself?Yadda, yadda, yadda. How much longer is this going on for?
8. DELUSIONS OF REFERENCE: Do people seem to drop hints about you, or say things with a double meaning, or do things in a special way so as to convey a meaning?Well, yes I’m getting messages all the time from how other people behave
(a) Can you give an example of what do they do? I guess I know from how a girl isdressed that they want to have sex with me. I mean, if they are wearing black that means they want me to cheer them up
(b) Does everyone seem to gossip about you? Only because they are amazed by me
(c) What do they say? I know they are talking about me and wondering what on earth I’m doing in a place like this
(d) Do people follow you about, or check up on you, or record your movements? Well, you lot are always following me around
(e) Why are they doing this? I don’t know why you do it – you say it’s to protect me but I don’t need protecting
9. DELUSIONAL MISINTERPRETATION AND MISIDENTIFICATION: Do things seem to be specially arranged?Not really or I wouldn’t be in here would I?
- DELUSIONS OF PERSECUTION: Is anyone deliberately trying to harm you, e.g. trying to poison or kill you?Of course not, they wouldn’t dare!
- DELUSIONS OF ASSISTANCE: Do you think people are organising things specially to help you?Not really, otherwise I would have been out of here by now
- DELUSIONS OF GRANDIOSE ABILITIES: Is there anything special about you? Do you have any special abilities or powers?Of course, I have a lot of special powers. You know I can fly don’t you?
(a) Can you read people's thoughts? No, I don’t have that one but hope to be able to do so soon
(b) Is there a special purpose or mission to your life? I’m destined to be very famous and to give happiness to lots of people
(c) Are you especially clever or inventive? I’m far more intelligent than all of you lot put together and am not going to be tricked by you into thinking there’s something wrong with me.
- DELUSIONS OF GRANDIOSE IDENTITY: Are you a very prominent person or related to someone prominent like royalty?Well, my parents won’t admit it, but I know I must be related to someone very prominent. I’m not even sure if my dad is really my dad as I’m different than him in every way. Even my mum seems weird some of the time
(a) Are you very rich or famous? I’m sure I’ve got a big inheritance coming to me soon, probably a trust fund or something
(b) How do you explain this?I don’t really know other than my parents could never have produced me on their own. Either that or my real parents are from another planet and I’ve been brought up by surrogates
- RELIGIOUS DELUSIONS: Are you a very religious person?I sometimes feel like I can communicate directly with someone or something. That would probably be my real parents, I guess
- DELUSIONS CONCERNING APPEARANCE: Do you think your appearance is normal?Well, obviously I’m deeply attractive to everyone, especially women
- DELUSIONS OF DEPERSONALISATION: Is anything the matter with your brain? No, nothing is wrong with it, I just have a more superior brain than you all do
17. DELUSIONAL EXPLANATIONS: How do you explain the things that have been happening?I think if I knew which planet I’m really from I could answer that, but I’m obviously here for a special purpose
(a) Is anything like hypnotism or telepathy going on? Yes, I think my real parents are trying to communicate with me
(b) Is anything like electricity, or X rays, or radio waves affecting you?Well it must be somehow as I haven’t always realised all of this. Something must have been activated in my brain over the summer I guess