Minute of Meeting

19April 2011

Town House, Broad Street, Aberdeen

Present: Bill Howatson, Chairperson; and CouncillorsCormack, Donnelly,Kiddie and Leslie; Heather Kelman, Heather MacRae, Linda Smith,Fred McBride, Liz Taylor,Aileen Brown, Stuart Notman, Andy Verreydt, Pamela Cornwallis, Ian Paterson, Dr Stefan Geider and Dr Peter Kiehlmann.


In Attendance: David Cameron (Chairman of NHS Grampian) Sandy Reid, Val Tweedie, Dorothy Ross-Archer(Item 6 only), Kennedy Nelson, Clive Matthews, Claire Wilkie ((Item 9B only), Martin Murchie and Dave Kilgour (Item 5 only), Steve Cowie (Scottish Care) and Mark Masson (Clerk).


1.The Chairperson opened the meeting by welcoming everyone present.

Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Anne Anderson, Mary Crawford, Donald Newnham and Sheila Stewart.


2.The Chairperson asked Committee members whether they wished to declare an interest in relation to the items included on the agenda for consideration today.

There were no declarations of interest submitted.


3.The Committee had before it the minute of its previous meeting of 16February, 2011.

The Committee resolved:-

to approve the minute subject to amending the sentence at Article 8(A), page 6 to read:- “Heather Kelman advised that the Action Plan received support from the Chief Executive of NHS Grampian”.


4.The Committee had before it for consideration, the CommitteeBusiness Statement updated following the meeting held on 16February 2011.

(A)Keep Well Initiative – Item 1 on the Statement

The Clerk advised that a report relating to this item was contained on the agenda for consideration.(Article 6 of this minute refers).

The Committee resolved:-

to remove this item from the Committee Business Statement

(B)Future of Woodgrove – Item 2 on the Statement

Heather Kelman advised that the future use of the former Woodgrove premises had been agreed by VSA and NHS Grampian although building work was ongoing.

The Committee resolved:-

to remove this item from the Committee Business Statement

(C)Total Place – Item 4 on the Statement

The Clerk advised that a report relating to this item was contained on the agenda for consideration. (Article 5 of this minute refers).

The Committee resolved:-

to remove this item from the Committee Business Statement

(D)Advocacy Services – Item 6 on the Statement

Heather Kelman advised that the Patient Focus Public Involvement Committee was at the time the appropriate Committee to approve the recommendations contained in the advocacy report. It was noted that £25,000 had been allocated to AberdeenCity for advocacy services.

The Committee resolved:-

To remove part 1 of this item from the Committee Business Statement

(E)Reshaping Care for Older People – Change Fund Plan

The Clerk advised that a report relating to this item was contained on the agenda for consideration. (Article 7 of this minute refers).

The Committee resolved:-

to remove this item from the Committee Business Statement


5.Withreference to Article 6(B) of the minute of meeting of 17th October 2010, the Committee received a presentation from Martin Murchie, Community Planning and Corporate Performance Manager, Aberdeen City Council in relation to Total Place.

Martin Murchie (a) advised that Total Place involved local public services working together to deliver better value services to citizens by focusing on joint working and reducing waste and duplication; (b) explained that there was an emphasis on early intervention to save public money down the line by preventing complex social problems; (c) indicated that the main benefits included redesigning service systems to achieve efficiency savings and it redeploys resources to improve service impact and outcomes; (d) stated that the pilot project started in England approximately 12 months ago which was backed by the previous Government; (e) outlined early outputs of the pilot which included potential savings of £20b in ten years; (f) advised that Aberdeen City Council were taking forward three pilot projects, namely in Educational Achievement in Northfield, Community Safety in Torry and Care for Older People City-wide; and (g) outlined the total indicative costs.

The Committee resolved:-

(i)to receive an update in relation to the Total Place Pilot Projects at a future meeting; and

(ii)to otherwise thank Martin Murchie for his presentation.


6.With reference to Article 2 of the minute of meeting of 17th February 2010, the Committee had before it a report by Dorothy Ross-Archer in relation to the Anticipatory Care Keep Well Programme.

The report (a) advised the focus of the programme was to target the most deprived 40-64 year olds at risk of serious preventable ill-health, as identified by the Health Domain of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2006; (b) advised that the Scottish Government target was to carry out 1495 health checks in 2010/11; (c) explained that the number of GP practices undertaking health checks has increased from 10 to 17and that just under 2000 health checks were carried out since 2008; (d) indicated that there had been positive feedback from patients and that health checks were being delivered to homeless people through Marywell Healthcare Centre; (e) stated that there was a menu of core preventions offering referral and signposting to support patients including Cash in your Pocket Partnership and Smoking Advice Service; and (f) outlined the planning for extension in April 2012 including the mainstreaming of the Keep Well Programme which had always been part of national and local proposals.

Dorothy Ross-Archer intimated that the Keep Well programme was now mainstreamed across all NHS Grampian and that there would be a spending review later in the year.

The Committee resolved:-

(i)that any risks to existing Scottish Government funding for NHS Grampian be reported back to the Committee; and

(ii)to otherwise note the progress report.


7.(A)Reshaping Care for Older People – Change Fund Final Submission

With reference to Articles 7(A) of the minute of the previous meeting of 16thFebruary 2011, the Committee had before it the Aberdeen City Partnership Change Fund Plan which had been submitted to the Scottish Government on 28th February 2011.

The Committee resolved:-

to note the Change Fund final submission.

(B)Change Fund – Correspondence from the Scottish Government

The Committee had before it for information, correspondence dated 16th March 2011 from the Scottish Government which acknowledged the submission of the Change Fund Plan and advised that the Ministerial Strategic Group for Health and Community Care had now considered all Scotland’s 32 plans.

The letter indicated that the Scottish Government had endorsed the release of the Fund to partnerships and was pleased with the quality of the plans submitted, in particular the efforts made across the partnerships to engage partners across sectors in the short timescales available. Individual feedback in terms of the Aberdeen Partnership Plan would be submitted in due course.

Sandy Reid advised that a total of £2.738M had been made available across Scotland

The Committee resolved:-

to note the correspondence.

(C)Change Fund Implementation Plan

The Committee had before it a report by Sandy Reid detailing the Aberdeen City Partnership Change Fund Implementation Plan which set out the specific workstreams involved in achieving each theme established in the original proposal, provided information on the proposed process and template to be used for allocating funds to these workstreams and outlined the governance arrangements.

The report (a) advised that due to the nature of the fund, any amount remaining unspent would be returned to the Scottish Government, which if happens would have an impact in the size of any future allocations; (b) explained that the Change Fund had been identified to run for a maximum of five years, therefore it was imperative that the Aberdeen Partnership identifies and acts upon opportunities to disinvest in certain areas in order to provide the funding to continue new ways of working; and (c) indicated that a disinvestment plan would be produced (linked to the content of individual applications) which would build upon individual targets which services will be asked to commit to when applying for funding.

The report recommended:-

that the Committee comment on any aspect of the plan and subsequently approve it.

The Committee resolved:-

(i)to approve the recommendation;

(ii)to note that a report on the proposals approved and the process undertaken by officers would be submitted to the Committee at its next meeting on 22nd June 2011; and

(iii)to thank officers involved in the development work of the Change Fund Plan.


8.(A)Alcoholism in Elderly People

The Committee heard Heather Kelman advise that she had been unable to obtain the information to produce a report for the meeting today, and requested that the report be submitted to the next meeting for consideration.

The Committee resolved:-

to agree to receive the report at the next meeting of the Committee.


9.(A)Winter Weather Public Awareness Advertisements

The Committee heard Councillor Cormack advise that she had raised the issue of winter weather public awareness advertisements at the Social Care and Wellbeing Committee, specifically that prior to any future awareness campaignsthat consideration be given to providing more basic information to members of the public, such as using walking poles and proper footwear and providing nutritional information.

In response Liz Taylor, Head of Service for Older People and Rehabilitation explain that approximately 10% of the Change Fund allocation would be devoted to wellbeing, therefore officers would consider walking aides for assisting elderly people during severe wintry weather conditions.

Heather Kelman indicated that there may be a possibility of circulating the local awareness information with the national campaign messages which may reduce postage and printing costs. In this regard, she advised that she would arrange to write to the National Group to look into the matter.

The Committee resolved:-

to note the information provided.

(B)Mental Health Services

The Committee had before it a report by Claire Wilkie, Service Manager, Social Care and wellbeing, Aberdeen City Council which provided details on the plans for accommodation based, employment and support services for people with mental illness.

The report advised (a) that presently NHS Grampian (NHSG), via resource transfer monies, predominantly funds residential and accommodation based projects; (b) that the present joint NHSG and Council funding for residential accommodation was approximately £3,059,281, NHSG fund £2,270,125 while the Council funds £789,156; (c) that for supported accommodation projects the overall funding amounts to £883,502, of which the Council funds £642,749 while NHSG funds £240,753; (d) that NHSG also funds a number of spot purchased placements in residential care within and outside Aberdeen City which amounted to £387,058; (e) that NHSG and the Council also jointly fund more specialist facilities such as residential accommodation for people with Huntington’s disease and degenerative neurological conditions and respite facility for people with mental illness; (f) that NHSG predominantly funds employment services in mental health and funding amounted to approximately £294,444; (g) that there remains unallocated monies in this area due to the decommissioning of one service and agreement had still to be reached about the reallocation of these monies; (h) that the main drivers within mental health continue to be led by the underpinning legislation, the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003, policy documents such as Delivering for Mental Health, which includes the HEAT targets, With Inclusion in Mind, Towards A Mentally Flourishing Scotland (TAMFS) and the recovery agenda; (i) that significant challenges were being faced in terms of continuing to provide services for people with severe illness such as Schizophrenia, Bipolar Affective Disorder, Personality Disorder and those people who have a dual diagnosis e.g. those people with both mental illnesses coupled with a substance misuse problem; (j) that presently a range of services has been commissioned from the voluntary sector, none of which are provided “in house”; (k) that a range of other support services were commissioned under particular funding streams such as Choose Life; (k) that a significant challenge had been maintaining the services which were previously funded under the ring fenced Mental Health Specific Grant; (l) that historically, accommodation based services for adults with mental health problems have been developed following ward closures at Royal Cornhill, Kingseat and House of Daviot Hospitals and resource transfer funding has been passed for NHSG to the local authority for this purpose; (m) that the changing care environment and financial pressures were such that the Council must take a more strategic approach towards the commissioning of services which reflects current need and demand; (n) that work had already started with one supported accommodation provider in reconfiguring their service provision which included not only providing support on an individualised basis, withdrawing 24 hour support from the site and withdrawing the sleep-inmember of staff and replacing with an on-call arrangement, but also included the use of telecare; and (o) that it is hoped that by reviewing service provision in other accommodation projects and by providing more personalised services that this would reduce the cost of services overall.

The Committee resolved:-

to note the report


10. (A)CHP Draft Committee Structure

With reference to Article 8(B) of the minute of the previous meeting of 16th February 2011, the Committee had before it a report by Heather Kelman which outlined the proposed significant changes in the management and leadership of the Committee and the challenges facing health and care systems within AberdeenCity. It also advised that it did not try to predict or pre-empt any changes that may occur subsequent to the May Election, but should create a sound basis for discussion and to assist the implementation of any additional change required.

The report (a) provided background information in relation to the creation of CHP Committee’s and the establishment of the Aberdeen City CHP Committee; (b) outlined the operational management structures, including the Integrated Strategic Management Team, Integrated Children’s Services Partnership and the development of the four GP Clusters; (c) outlined the proposed Governance, Accountability and Leadership arrangements; (d) explained that the CHP Committee had discussed the need for improved focus, greater levels of joint working and decision making and proposals for a new structure to underpin the adoption of greater levels of delegated joint budgeting that is possible within the existing scheme of establishment; (e) advised that it was also proposing a change of name to reflect this increased joint working by becoming the Aberdeen City Community Health and Care Partnership (ACCHCP); (f) indicated that to enable these improvements that the membership of the Committee should be reduced, and new formal sub-groups (a Clinical and Professional Leadership Group, a Public Partnership Forum and a CHP Executive Group) should be established; (g) outlined the work to be undertaken and the possible membership of the CHP Committee and its sub-groups; and (h) appended the proposed Aberdeen City Joint Management and Governance Structure and the original NHS Grampian Community Health Partnership Scheme of Establishment.

The report recommended:-

(a) that the CHP Committee discuss the content of the paper and identify areas of support, recommend areas for further consideration or removal; and

(b)that if supported the CHP Committee should instruct the Chairman, CHP General Manager and Director of Social Care and Wellbeing to produce a discussion paper based on the content of the paper and any agreed amendments for circulation to all key stakeholders in May. The consultation paper to conclude 9th June to enable a report on the consultation to be presented to the next meeting of the Committee.

The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations contained in the report.


11.The Committee had before them for information, the minute of meeting of the Public Health Forum held on 19th January 2011.

The Committee resolved:-

(i)to note that a paper in terms of the review of funding allocations for groups would be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee; and

(ii)to otherwise note the minute.

- BILL HOWATSON, Chairperson.