Jay Planning Board Meeting Page 1
May 10, 2011
Jay Planning Board
May 10, 2011
Board:Delance White, Mary Howes, Barbara Cook, Dennis Stevens, Jim Kachnovich,
and Arthur Holman.
Staff: Shiloh Ring, Code Officer.
Others: Tom Dubois, MainLand Development and Tom Gallagher, Community Concepts.
Themeeting began at 7:00 PM and was presided over byChairman, Delance White.
1. Minutes – April 12, 2011
Barbara Cook made a motion to accept the minutes of April 12, 2011. Dennis Stevens seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
2. Subdivision Application – Susan Weston & Stephen Haley – Amendment of Lot 3 on
Weston’s Granite Quarry Subdivision – Report of Site Review Committee
Delance White, Arthur Holman, Barbara Cook and Mary Howes conducted a site visit on May 6th to confirm the location of the permanent markers and to assure that everything was as indicated on the plan. Barbara Cook reported that they had walked the lot lines and found everything in place and marked. Dennis Stevens made a motion to accept the report as written. Mary Howes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Jim Kachnovich abstained.
3. Subdivision Application – Toby Kachnovich – Amended Plan of Lot 3 on Howard &
Franka Bickford Development
Shiloh Ring stated that the notice to abutters had been sent and no public hearings were requested and no comments were received. Mary Howes made a motion not to hold a public hearing. Dennis Stevens seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Jim Kachnovich abstained from all motions regarding this application.The Board reviewed the Standards contained in Sections 5-501 and found the following:
A. Pollution. Complies – M: Mary Howes, S: Dennis Stevens - Unanimous
B. Sufficient water. Complies – M: Mary Howes, S: Barbara Cook – Unanimous
C. Municipal water supply. Not Applicable
D. Erosion. Complies – M: Dennis Stevens, S: Barbara Cook – Unanimous
E. Traffic. Complies - M: Barbara Cook, S: Mary Howes – Unanimous
F. Sewage disposal. Complies– M: Mary Howes, S: Dennis Stevens - Unanimous
G. Municipal waste disposal. Complies - M: Barbara Cook, S: Mary Howes – Unanimous
H. Aesthetic/cultural/natural values. – M: Dennis Stevens, S: Mary Howes – Unanimous
I. Conforms w/ ordinances/plans. Complies – M: Mary Howes, S: Dennis Stevens - Unanimous
J. Financial and technical capacity. Not Applicable
K. Surface waters/river segments. Not Applicable
L. Ground water. Complies – M: Dennis Stevens, S: Barbara Cook – Unanimous
M. Flood areas. Not Applicable
N. Freshwater wetlands. Not Applicable
O. River, stream or brook. Not Applicable
P. Storm water. Complies – M: Dennis Stevens, S: Barbara Cook – Unanimous
Q. Spaghetti-lots prohibited. Not Applicable
R. Lake phosphorus concentration. Not Applicable
S. Impact on adjoining municipality. Not Applicable
T. Lands subject to liquidation harvesting. Not Applicable
The Board reviewed the Final Plan requirements contained in Sections 5-404 and found everything to be in order.Delance White, Arthur Holman, and Barbara Cook conducted a site visit on May 6th to confirm the location of the permanent markers and to assure that everything was as indicated on the plan. Barbara Cook reported that the markers are in order and that the site committee recommended approval of the subdivision application. Dennis Stevens made a motion to accept the report as written. Mary Howes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.Dennis Stevens made a motion to approve the Amended Plan of Lot 3 onHoward & Franka Bickford Development. Mary Howes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
4. Subdivision Application – Country View Estates Phase II, Revised Lots 7 & 8
Mary Howes made a motion not to hold a public hearing. Dennis Stevens seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.The Board reviewed the outstanding items from the previous meeting and found them all complete. Dennis Stevens made a motion to find the application complete. Jim Kachnovich seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
The Site Review Committee (Jim Kachnovich and Arthur Holman) reviewed the site on April 21st and found that the additional pin was put in and the original pins were in place. The two cement monuments from the original subdivision were still in place and everything looked good. Barbara Cook made a motion to accept the review of the site committee. Dennis Stevens seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.The Board reviewed the Standards contained in Sections 5-501 and found the following:
A. Pollution. Complies – M: Mary Howes, S: Dennis Stevens - Unanimous
B. Sufficient water. Complies – M: Dennis Stevens, S: Mary Howes – Unanimous
C. Municipal water supply. Not Applicable
D. Erosion. Waived
E. Traffic. Not Applicable
F. Sewage disposal. Complies – M: Barbara Cook, S: Mary Howes – Unanimous
G. Municipal waste disposal. Complies – M: Barbara Cook, S: Mary Howes – Unanimous
H. Aesthetic/cultural/natural values. Complies – M: Mary Howes, S: Dennis Stevens - Unanimous
I. Conforms w/ ordinances/plans. Complies – M: Dennis Stevens, S: Mary Howes – Unanimous
J. Financial and technical capacity. Not Applicable
K. Surface waters/river segments. Not Applicable
L. Ground water. Complies – M:Barbara Cook, S: Mary Howes – Unanimous
M. Flood areas. Not Applicable
N. Freshwater wetlands. Not Applicable
O. River, stream or brook. Not Applicable
P. Storm water. Complies – M: Barbara Cook, S: Dennis Stevens – Unanimous
Q. Spaghetti-lots prohibited. Not Applicable
R. Lake phosphorus concentration. Not Applicable
S. Impact on adjoining municipality. Not Applicable
T. Lands subject to liquidation harvesting. Not Applicable
The Board reviewed the Final Plan requirements contained in Sections 5-404 and found everything to be in order.
Barbara Cook made a motion to approve the plan of Country View Estates Phase II, Revised Lots 7 & 8. Dennis Stevens seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Jim Kachnovich abstained from all motions.
4.Other Business
The June14th Board meeting is the same date as the annual Town Meeting. The June Board meeting will be moved to June 21th.
Maynard Veinotte resigned from the Board. The Board expressed their regret and their thanks to him. There are now two alternate openings on the Board as Arthur Holman will be moved up into Maynard’s vacant position. The Board suggested letting the Comprehensive Planning Committee members know about the opening to see if any of them are interested.
Shiloh Ring provided the Board with the MMA announcement for an Informational Workshop on Wind Power for Municipal Officials.
Barbara Cook made a motion to adjourn.Mary Howesseconded the motion and it passed unanimously.