Registration Form




Contact no______

I would like to attend the Rotary Club of Illawarra Sunrise Race Day

Number of tickets required ______@ $95

Total $______

Payment Method

( ) Cheque ( ) Visa

( ) Mastercard

Cheque for $______enclosed

Card no ______/______/______/______

Expiry date ___ / ___ Signature______

Name on card ______

Amount $______

I would like to join the table being organised by -


Please detach and send to:

Rotary Race Day

PO Box 738

Wollongong East NSW 2520

To pay by cash or for further information please contact Elaine De Vries on 0418 667 690

What is Rotary?

Core Essence

A worldwide network of inspired individuals who translate their passions into relevant social causes to change lives in communities


We provide services to others promote integrity and advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through our fellowship of business, professionals and community leaders.

Become involved

If you would like to become involved and make our community and world a better place please contact our Secretary –

Bernadette McNamara

0409 319 685

Rotary Club of

Illawarra Sunrise

Race Day

AJ “Bert” Lillye Lounge

Kembla Grange Racecourse

14th November 2015

12 midday for 12.30pm

Your opportunity to partner with Rotary

The Rotary Club of Illawarra Sunrise is running its successful race day fundraiser again this year. You are invited to join us on Saturday 14th November 2015 in the A J Bert Lillye Lounge, Kembla Grange Racecourse

The day comprises enjoying the races, a sumptuous meal and entertainment provided by Rotary. The event has a reputation of being a fun day which is great value for money.

The funds Rotary raises will be given to nominated charities. This year they are :

·  Rotary Foundation

·  Greenacres Disability Services

·  Philippines Aid Project

·  The Denny Foundation

So if you are a serious punter or just want to have some fun with friends or family why not join us for this great event

Organise your ticket today!

Tickets are $95 each incl gst and entitle you to –

·  Entry to Kembla Grange Racecourse

·  Reserved Seating in the AJ “Bert” Lillye Lounge

·  Antipasto Platters upon Arrival

·  Smorgasbord Luncheon

·  Afternoon Tea

·  Complimentary Race Book

·  3 Beverage Tickets

Tables of 10 Available

Get in early and book your table to avoid disappointment

If you are part of an organised table please mark the name of the organisation on the registration form.

Further Information

For further information please contact

Elaine De Vries on 0418 667 690

Fashions on the Field

Fashions on the Field for men and women, as well as best hat is a highlight of the day with wonderful prizes up for grabs for those who go the extra mile