Broomhouse Community Council
Action Point List – as at 25 April 2016
Ref / Action / Current Position / BCC Member / Timescale1/2015 / AB appointed BCC representative in relation to Greenoakhill Community Woodland Project and to provide an update as to progress at each BCC Meeting / AB to speak to Glasgow City Council in April re. decision on the project, types of trees to be planted; layout etc.
April – Matter still being reviewed by Glasgow City Council. BCC to chase up matter in couple months.
May – AB absent. No update.
Sept – Woodland Project Group has suggested that it may be Dec 2015/early 2016 before progress/decision made on feasibility of wooded area on site.
April 2016 – matter o/s. / A.Brawley / AB advised that matter remains outstanding.
This will be the case until mid-2016/ late 2016.
2/2015 / CB to ensure that elected members interface with BCC to be raised as an agenda item at the next BCC Ordinary Meeting. / CllrDT and CllrMG asked to submit updates on queries to BCC Secretary as and when they are resolved/progressed. BCC Secretary will record these updates and provide these to BCC Members during the month and prior to BCC meeting(s).
CB to provide CllrDT and CllrMG with email addresses of all BCC office bearers. / C. Blayney / Completed
3/2015 / Letter to be sent from BCC to Director of Land & Environmental Services to report MUGA Pitch Light failure and to seek clarification regarding repairs. / CB advised that the delay has arisen due to spare parts not being readily available.
Glasgow City Council is chasing this up and repairs will be implemented once part is received. / C.Blayney / Completed
4/2015 / DT to seek clarification regarding the imposition of a 20MPH or 30MPH speed limit on Baillieston Road, Broomhouse. / CllrDT advised that 20MPH is recommended speed limit but is not mandatory. / Cllr D.Turner / Completed
5/2015 / IR to liaise with representatives of Mansell Homes and extend an invitation for attendance at future BCC Ordinary Meetings to provide an update on site progress / IR advised that Mansell Homes had amended their plans and it is presently going through formal process. IR believes that he will be provided with feedback from Mansell Homes on progress in 6 weeks.
The use of the monies paid by the House builder to Glasgow City Council to remain on BCC Agenda so that future discussions can take place as to the use of the money paid by Mansell Homes and that it will be used for local BCC projects.
May – IR has resigned from BCC. Action point to be picked up by other BCC members moving forward.
Sept – CB emailed Mansell Homes for update regarding the house occupancy fund. Awaiting response.
Feb 2016 – No update from Mansell Homes. BCC to chase up.
April 2016 – BCC to chase up. / BCC Members / GB – Ongoing.
6/2015 / IR to liaise with John Mason MSP to seek a mutually agreeable date for a site visit to Patersons of Greenoakhill. / GB/IR GB advised that meeting date was being proposed to Patersons of Greenoakhill. J.Mason MSP would also attend. Outcome of meeting (if accepted by Patersons of Greenoakhill) will be discussed at next BCC meeting. / I.Roberts/G.Barr / Completed
7/2015 / AB to obtain clarification on the process for when Glasgow City Council will adopt new housing developments from respective builders. / No progress – to be carried forward / A.Brawley / Completed
8/2015 / Local resident has raised concerns about rocks/debris/mud going onto road prior to the railway bridge. Rainwater is forcing debris from the roadside onto the road. / IR advised that retaining wall is in the plans. This should prevent water/mud coming from the roadside.
It was suggested that matting/weaving is probably required so as to prevent rocks/debris being moved.
Matter to be reviewed with Bett Homes/Taylor Wimpey.
April – work has started on the retaining wall. / I.Roberts / Completed
9/2015 / Police Scotland local crime report to be submitted prior to BCC Meetings. The report to be in an agreed standardised format (but without prejudicing ongoing criminal investigations). / GB to speak to Police Scotland. / G.Barr / Completed
10/2015 / Advertisement of upcoming Hustings. / Banner/Leafleting/Facebook Advert to be adopted as methods of informing the community. / C.Blayney/I.Roberts / Completed
11/2015 / Representative from SEPA to be invited to attend future BCC meeting. / April –no response from SEPA. They will be invited to attend future meeting(s).
May – CB invited SEPA to future BCC meetings. SEPA acknowledged invite. No attendance date yet confirmed.
Sept – CB confirmed that SEPA representative, Sharon Blair, will attend the next BCC meeting. / C.Blayney / Completed
12/2015 / Online petition to retain the school bus service / AB confirmed petition has been set up but not yet made “live”.
CllrMG advised criteria for funding of the school buses had been changed and that this was the reason for the proposed removal of the bus service. No formal announcement has been made about when and if the school bus will be cancelled.
May – CB provided update from an email received from CllrMG. School Bus services across Glasgow is being reviewed and mileage criteria increased. Matter relating to BCC Area still being reviewed and no decisions as to which bus services (if any) has been made. CllrDT advised that this was a hot topic across Glasgow and would take some months to work through.
August - Cllr Turner advised criteria for providing school buses for Primary Schools and Secondary Schools had been changed by GCC in April 2015, with the impact / changes coming into effect from August 2015/commencement of new school term. Numerous BCC residents have been in contact with both BCC (via Facebook/Email) and local Councillors about this matter.
Cllr Turner understands that GCC has been inconsistent in its review, decision making criteria and implementation of changes for the School Bus services across the whole Glasgow City Area. Cllr Turner has raised a motion to have the BCC School Bus service reinstated until such time as a proper review for the local area can be undertaken.
Cllr Turner also urged local BCC residents to write directly (or raise a petition and send this directly) to Stephen Curran (GCC). BCC residents should outline their concerns arising from the School Bus withdrawal e.g. walking route unsafe or too long for children etc. Successful petitions could lead to reinstatement of School Bus services until such time as GCC can undertake fair and proper review of the need for School Bus services for BCC area.
It was noted that no petition had been prepared/created or created by BCC residents. / A.Brawley / Completed
13/2015 / Crime Prevention leaflet to be posted on BCC Website and Facebook page. / AB awaiting electronic version of the leaflet. He will post on website/Facebook page once received. Police Scotland to send across electronic version asap.
May – Police Scotland provided hard copies of the Crime Prevention leaflet. These will be left in Broomhouse Hall so that local residents can pick up leaflet. No electronic versions available. / A.Brawley/G.Barr / Closed
14/2015 / BCC to contact David Haye/Robert Brown at LES on behalf of residents regarding local flooding issues for updates and as support to residents. / CB advised that response from Glasgow City Council (GCC) has claimed that land ownership is presently in dispute. GCC state land does not belong to them. Bunded Area was constructed by LES of GCC. CB to contact LES and seek clarification.
May – CB has issued email to D.Haye seeking clarity on landownership of the problem area. D.Haye acknowledged email and confirmed that further response would be provided after on site visit of the land on 27 May 2015.
August - CB contacted D.Haye (GCC) for update. Last meeting was 14/07/15. Update awaited.
Sept – update from D.Haye. GCC Enforcement team received response from the developer on 21 Aug 2015. GCC went back to the developer on 16 Sept 2015 – no further feedback.
Feb 2016 – CllrDT advised that there was still an ongoing dispute between Glasgow City Council and Developer as to who is responsible for the land. CllrDT to chase up again.
April 2016 – Cllr Turner advised that there is an ongoing dispute as to who is responsible for the land. The matter remain o/s. / C.Blayney / CB contacted GCC. No further updates. Ongoing.
15/2015 / BCC to liaise directly with Patersons of Greenoakhill to establish ongoing relationship. / GB/CB met Ken Lindsay (Patersons of Greenoakhill) on 08 May 2015. Concerns and queries about issues arising from the site and/or vehicles entering/exiting from the site were expressed. K.Lindsay acknowledged the comments but no formal action plans or decisions were agreed to resolve some of these issues. K.Lindsay did provide contact details for Landfill Community Trust so that BCC could approach the Trust in relation to funding for local initiatives in the BCC area.
CllrDT advised that SEPA has been contacted and requests made for independent odour report/analysis to be undertaken.
August - CB advised that odours from site had been particularly bad during early summer 2015. During meeting with Patersons it was disclosed that this had arisen due to old landfill site being partly unearthed so as to allow new pipes/equipment to be installed. This has now been actioned and smell has reduced. SEPA has taken numerous “impact” statements from local BCC residents. These will form part of SEPA’s case file on Patersons’ activities of the landfill site. In addition, it was confirmed that dust particle monitors are to be installed within the BCC area by SEPA so as to monitor air/dust pollution.
Cllr Turner confirmed that he had received a letter from SEPA advising that they had been onsite at Patersons and had noted several breaches of operating conditions. Due to the ongoing SEPA investigations, details of the breaches were not disclosed to BCC, but Cllr Turner/BCC will keep this matter on the o/s action list.
Oct 2015 - GB/CB – emails sent to K.Lindsay for follow up meeting(s). J.Mason MSP also provided his support to arrange meeting(s).
No response from Patersons.
Feb 2016 – Patersons and SEPA currently in discussions about the reported breaches. Interaction between BCC and Patersons is unlikely until the ongoing SEPA matter is resolved. / C.Blayney/G.Barr / Closed
16/2015 / Summer Fete / BCC Summer Fete to be provisionally set for Saturday 27 June 2015. Event to be scaled down from previous years. 2015 event to be BBQ and raffle.
August - Fun Day was enjoyed by all BCC residents who attended.
FW advised that the fete raised £1,050, which resulted in a net profit £168 (after costs of inflatables, food, face painting etc. had been deducted). No funding was provided by GCC due to changes in their application process. / F.Whyte/I.Whyte/J.Donald / Completed
17/2015 / BCC Newsletter / AB and CB raised the topic of issuing local newsletter. Contributions welcome. Scouts to be used for leaflet drop.
May – No update provided.
August - CB matter ongoing.
February 2016 – Ongoing.
April 2016 – Ongoing. Lack of BCC members means that priority is taken on other local issues. / All BCC Members/Local Residents to contribute / Jennifer Smith (BCC Member) volunteered to assist with the compilation/editorial of newsletter.
M.Kelly (Scout Leader) confirmed Scouts will assist with publication and distribution.
18/2015 / Odour Watch form to be set up on BCC website / AB to set up simple form on BCC that local residents can fill out/electronically send to GCC, SEPA each and every time there is an odour from the Sewage Plant or Patersons of Greenoakhill.
May – AB has provided a draft form. BCC members agreed form was appropriate and this will be added to BCC website.
August – AB advised that SEPA had requested that the Odour Watch Form be removed/deactivated from BCC website. SEPA want complaints to be reported directly to them, not via “third party”.
February 2016 – It has been noted that there has less reported incidents of foul odours in the area. Residents will need to continue reporting odours/complaints direct to SEPA. BCC will also keep record of complaints/incidents reported direct to BCC.
April 2016 – to remain open pending feedback from residents. / To remain open pending feedback from local residents as to the reporting of ongoing odours
19/2015 / New BCC members urgently required / BCC Members agreed that new participants/members are urgently required to support BCC initiatives and inject new ideas to the group.
CllrDT advised funding for a leaflet drop seeking new members could be funded via Glasgow City Council. GB to investigate funding and BCC Members to agree wording for leaflet.
August – GB contacted Steven Dowling (GCC) to see what support GCC could provide BCC in order to attract new members. Steven Dowling was to contact Lawrence O’Neill (GCC – Democratic Services) to see what funding, initiatives Democratic Services can provide BCC.
February 2016 – informal discussion forum to take place with all attendees after today’s meeting in order to discuss viability of BCC and/or recruitment of new BCC members.
April 2016 – Membership is low. JD volunteered to pursue this matter during the period of his “Chair”. / BCC Members. / JD to liaise with Lawrence O’Neill (GCC) on how to get more engagement from local BCC Area.
20/2015 / Completion of Boghall Road / August – CB advised that work is to re-commence on Boghall Road with work expected to take approx. 2 months to complete. No actual start date has been specified. The condition of 50 completed/sold homes at Ellismuir Farm remains valid – at present only 42 homes completed for sale.
CB/GB had meeting with Cllr Coleman (GCC) on 20 October 2015. Cllr Coleman is looking at o/s matters and will revert.
February 2016 – work commenced. / Closed.