Food Safety
‘The Advanced Food Hygiene Handbook for Scotland’- Richard Sprenger's comprehensive book.
The standard text for the REHIS Diploma in Advanced Food Hygiene.£19.95
´Intermediate Food Hygiene Handbook'£9.95
The standard text for the REHIS Intermediate Food Hygiene Course
‘A Question of Food Hygiene Intermediate Level’
A workbook for use with the Intermediate Food Hygiene Handbook£8.50
'The Food Hygiene Handbook for Scotland', in full colour,£3.50
this book provides a good overview of the subject.
'The Food Hygiene Handbook' is also available in:
Cantonese,Gujerati, Hindi,Welsh and Polish£3.50
German, Italian, Finnish, Swedish andCzech£6.00
‘A Question of Food Hygiene for Scotland’ A workbook for use with the Food Hygiene
Handbook for Scotland’£3.50
`The Essentials of Food Safety'- A guide for Food Handlers £2.00
`The Essentials of Food Safety' - A guide for Carers.£2.00
`Hygiene Sense’ The basics of Food Hygiene£2.00
Also available in the following languages: German, Swedish, Czech, Kurdish£3.50
Portuguese, Spanish, Bengali, Urdu, Arabic, Punjabi, Polish, Thai, Turkish, Kurdish, Malayalam
and Greek £2.00
`Intermediate HACCP’£14.95
‘The HACCP Handbook for Scotland'£4.00
Health & Safety
`The Essentials of Health and Safety' – Induction & Awareness Booklet
A Guide for Carers£2.00
In Food Premises£2.00
'The Health and Safety Handbook for Scotland'. Updated and much improved.£3.50
‘A Question of Health & Safety for Scotland’
A workbook for use with the Health and Safety Handbook£3.50
'Intermediate Health and Safety' – A reference for supervisors£13.95
‘A Question of Health & Safety’
A workbook for use with the Intermediate Health and Safety Handbook£8.50
Food & Health
'The Food and Health Handbook'£4.00
‘Intermediate Nutrition and Health – A Highfield publication£11.95
Control of Infection
‘The Infection Control Handbook for Scotland’
The text for the Elementary Control of Infection course and an excellent overview of the subject£4.00
TRAINING MATERIALS – (Only available for approved presenters)
'REHIS Health and Safety Course Presenter's Resource Pack'– CD Rom £110.00
'REHIS Elementary Food Hygiene Course Presenter's Resource Pack' – CD Rom £75.00
'REHIS Elementary Food Hygiene Course Slide Pack' – CD Rom.
Liven up your presentations with the revised slide pack. Now updated and converted to PowerPoint
format, the slide pack contains 50 photographs illustrating both good and bad examples of
food hygienepractices.£45.00
' REHIS Introduction to HACCP and Hazard Analysis Course Resource Pack’ CD Rom £125.00
'REHIS Elementary Food and Health Course Resource Pack' – CD Rom Version£175.00
'REHIS Elementary Food and Health Learning Disability Course Resource Pack’ CD Rom Version£175.00
(half price to existing centres)
‘REHIS Infection Control Course Resource Pack – CD Rom Version£175.00
Food Safety
'Food Hygiene the Movie 1' Highfield's well known and very popular
DVD in its updated form.£145.00
'Food Hygiene the Movie 1 and 2' together.£240.00
'Ban The Bugs', - In the home£60.00
-For people with learning difficulties£105.00
-For care home kitchens£105.00
‘Food Safety 4 U’ – A new DVD from Highfield. Recommended for presenters of the Elementary Food
Hygiene Course £145.00
'HACCP 4 U' – New and interactive, this DVD from Highfield reflects the latest
thoughts regarding HACCP, especially for catering and retail outlets.
Ideal for the REHIS Introduction to HACCP and Hazard Analysis Course£120.00
'Food Safety Strikes Back', covers essential aspects of food hygiene with the main emphasis on
hazard analysis. Deals primarily with hazards and controls in the catering and retail sector.
Covers basic bacteriology, causes of food poisoning, contamination and cross contamination.
Content relevant to the elementary syllabus. Running time 21 minutes. £120.00
'Food Aliens', this short video/DVD deals with physical, chemical and microbiological contamination
of food. Examples of bad practices that result in direct and indirect contamination are provided.
Contains three assessment questions for course participants.
Running time 16 minutes£120.00
´Start Right – The Essentials of Food Safety' (12 mins). Highfield Publications£90.00
'Spot the Hazard' – Highlights many bad practices and hazards commonly found in food
premises. Assists in the delivery of effective training.£85.00
'4Cs Challenge' – New and interactive, this DVD from Highfield is highly amusing
and loaded with questions and answers about food hygiene.£95.00
'Uninvited Guests', a short video/DVD dealing with common food pests.
Provides guidance on the identification of pests, signs of infestation, and the
prevention and control measures that can be taken. Running time-16 minutes. £65.00
Health & Safety
'Health and Safety 4 U' – New and interactive, this DVD/video from Highfield covers
all themain areas of Health and Safety.
Ideal for the REHIS Introduction and Elementary Health & Safety Courses.£120.00
‘Health and Safety Challenge’
An interactive game show with questions and answers.
Ideal for Introduction and Elementary Health and Safety courses£75.00
‘Risk Management Safety Essentials’ from Vocam
Ideal for the Risk Assessment course. £350.00
Food & Health
‘Healthy Eating Healthy Living’ - A DVD to support learning from
the Healthy Eating Healthy Living Project Free
Control of Infection
‘In Safe Hands’ – A DVD on handwashing for use in a food premises
But relevant for use in any situation. £65.00
‘Glo-Germ’ Handwashing System – A system designed to teach proper
handwashing and check if handwashing is effective. Ideal for use on
the Elementary Control of Infection Course £175.00
Resource list order form 2010
Prices are inclusive of post and packing.
Item / Price / Number required / Cost'The Advanced Food Hygiene Handbook' / £19.95
´Intermediate Food Hygiene Handbook' / £9.95
‘A Question of Food Hygiene Intermediate Level’ / £8.50
'The Food Hygiene Handbook for Scotland' / £3.50
'Food Hygiene Handbook' - Cantonese, / £3.50
Gujerati, Hindi, Welsh and Polish
'Food Hygiene Handbook' – German, Italian, Finnish, Swedish
and Czech / £6.00
‘A Question of Food Hygiene for Scotland’ / £3.50
'The Essentials of Food Safety: A Guide for Food Handlers' / £2.00
'The Essentials of Food Safety: A Guide for Carers' / £2.00
'Hygiene Sense’ The Basics of Food Hygiene / £2.00
'Hygiene Sense’German, Czech, Kurdish / £3.50
'Hygiene Sense’Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, Kurdish and Malayalam, / £2.00
Hindi, Bengali, Urdu, Arabic, Punjabi, Polish, Thai, Turkish and Greek / £2.00
'Intermediate HACCP' / £14.95
‘The HACCP Handbook for Scotland’ / £4.00
'The Essentials of Health and Safety – Induction & Awareness Booklet'
General / £2.00
A Guide for Carers / £2.00
In Food Premises / £2.00
'The Health and Safety Handbook for Scotland' / £3.50
‘A Question of Health & Safety Level 2’ / £ 3.50
' Intermediate Health and Safety' – A reference for supervisors / £13.95
‘A Question of Health & Safety Level 3’ / £ 8.50
'The Food and Health Handbook' / £4.00
'Intermediate Nutrition and Health' / £11.95
‘The Infection Control Handbook for Scotland’ / £4.00
'Elementary Health and Safety Course Presenters Pack' CD Rom / £110.00
'Elementary Food Hygiene Course Presenter's Pack' CD Rom / £75.00
'Elementary Food Hygiene Course Slide Pack' CD Rom / £45.00
'Introduction to HACCP and Hazard Analysis Course' CD Rom / £125.00
'REHIS Elementary Food and Health Course Resource Pack' CD Rom / £175.00
'REHIS Elementary Food and Health L/D Course Resource Pack' CD Rom / £175.00
‘REHIS Infection Control Course Resource Pack’ CD Rom / £175.00
'Food Hygiene the Movie - 1' DVD / £145.00
'Food Hygiene the Movie - 1 and 2' DVD / £240.00
'Ban the Bugs' – In the Home DVD / £60.00
'Ban the Bugs' – For People with Learning
Difficulties DVD / £105.00
‘Ban the Bugs’ – For Care Home Kitchens DVD / £105.00
‘Food Safety 4 U’ DVD / £145.00
'HACCP 4 U' DVD / £120.00
'Food Safety Strikes Back' DVD / £120.00
'Food Aliens' DVD / £120.00
'Start Right – The Essentials of Food Safety' DVD / £ 90.00
'Spot the Hazard' DVD / £85.00
'4Cs Challenge' DVD / £ 95.00
'Uninvited Guests' DVD / £ 65.00
'Health and Safety 4 U' DVD / £120.00
‘Health and Safety Challenge’ DVD / £ 75.00
‘Risk Management Safety Essentials’ DVD / £350.00
‘Healthy Eating Healthy Living’ DVD / FREE
‘In Safe Hands’ DVD / £ 65.00
‘Glo-Germ’ Hand washing system / £175.00
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The Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland is a registered Scottish Charity, No SC009406