USEF Abbreviations of Class Specifications.
The following abbreviations, as defined, will be used to describe class specifications in
each performance section of the Arabian Division.
a. JOTR/JOTD - Junior Owner to Ride/Junior Owner to Drive. Refer to General Rules,Rules GR139 and GR126 respectively.
b. AAOTR/AAOTD - Adult Amateur Owner to Ride/Adult Amateur Owner to Drive.Refer to GR105, GR1306, and GR106 respectively.
c. AOTR/AOTD - Amateur Owner to Ride/Amateur Owner to Drive. Refer to GeneralRules, Rules GR1306 and GR106 respectively.
d. JTR/JTD - Junior Exhibitor to Ride/Junior Exhibitor to Drive. Refer to GR126.
e. ATR/ATD/AATR -Amateur to Ride/Amateur to Drive/Adult Amateur to Ride. Refer toGR1306.
f. Select - AOTR, AAOTR, ATR, AATR, JOTR, JTR - - Riders in the Arabian, Half-Arabian, or Anglo-Arabian Divisions shall not be considered separately when competingin the same performance section. If a rider is eligible to compete as a Select rider in aperformance section on December 1, said eligibility remains throughout the currentcompetition year. (Said eligibility is determined beginning with Regional and Nationalcompetitions of 1997). (Limited classes beginning in 2001.) Classes are open toAR12 © USEF 2011rider/driver/handler who has not won any of the following:
(1) One (1) AHA Regional Top Five or higher in that particular performance sectionin which they are shown. As an example, Western Pleasure, Hunter Pleasure,Country English Pleasure and English Pleasure are each separate performance sections.
(2) One (1) AHA National Top Ten or higher in that particular performance section inwhich they are shown.
(3) Two (2) AHA Regional Champion Awards in a Select class in that particular performancesection in which they are shown.
(4) Two (2) AHA National Top Ten or higher awards in a Select class in that particularperformance section in which they are shown. BOD 1/17/10 Effective 12/1/10
g. AOTS - Amateur Owned, Trained, and Shown. Classes may be offered in any section.Exhibitors, attendants, and headers must meet the specifications for amateur status(refer to GR1306 and GR1307). Horses are not to have been professionally trainedand/or shown by a professional for a period of one year immediately prior to the competition(riding and driving instruction for the owner to be excluded). In addition, horsesare not to be exhibited, prepared, groomed or schooled with the aid of or by a professionalwhile on or off the competition grounds immediately before or during the competition.Horses may be stabled with a professional during the competition, and hauled by aprofessional. Professional help for situations relevant to safety is permitted. Ownermust sign as owner, trainer, and rider/driver/handler on the USEF/AHA entry blank.
h. For the Arabian Division, adult amateurs are defined as those no longer eligible tocompete as junior exhibitors (17 years and under). DR119.3 does not apply.