Bataan Workforce Development School/Training Requirement Survey
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey by SFI CareerCenter. Your feedback is important to us on how we can better implement our services to your organization.
This survey should only take about 10 minutes of your time. Your answers will be completely anonymous.
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact us at r call (+632) 922-16-62.
Purpose of the visit
Date of visit
Name of school
Name of Contact Person
Telephone Number
Fax Number
Name of Principal
Name of Assigned Coordinator
Contact Details of assigned Coordinator
Number of branches/Schools
Total Population of School
Total Population of High School Students
Total Population of College Students
Number of Teachers in your school?
Number of Counsellors?
What courses being offered?
What are Primary nature of courses?
What Percent is Academic?
What Percent is Hands-On?
What are the LMS (Learning Management System) in placed?
Do you have e-Learning committee in place?
Current number of users?
Do you use multimedia formats (audio/video/Animation)?
What does your Organization E-Learning needs?
What do the learners need?
What do you want your students to learn?
How many courses you will want to offer?
How often do you introduce new courses?
What are the time constraints?
How urgent is the Learning Management Systems need?
What budget/funds is available for LMS?
How critical are the cost factor?
Number of students that are computer literate
Number of teachers that are computer literate
Number of teachers that prepare lessons electronically
Number of teachers that use teaching and e-learning (classroom)
Number of teachers that have been trained in LMS
4.1 Number of teachers that require training in the use of ACT
Can work
with software
4.2 Number of teachers that require the following types of ACT training:
Other – Please specify: ………………………………………………..
How many Computer Laboratory do you have?
What is the capacity of each computer Laboratory?
Do you have dedicated LMS Laboratory?
What is the capacity of LMS Laboratory?
Computer: Learner ratio
Do you plan to have a dedicated Laboratory for ACT?
Maximum number of computers for ACT?
Total number of computers in placed
Total number of working computers
Number of printers
Number of power points in computer laboratory
Access to computers? Specify per period / per day / per week.
Do you have any additional technologies
Interactive Whiteboard
Data Projector
Projector Screen
Do you plan to have a dedicated Laboratory for ACT
Air Conditioning
Source of Electricity
If Electric Co. please indicate type
Backup generators
Uninterrupted Power Supply
Building Structure
Type of security precautions for the protection of
Type of ceiling
Is the ceiling reinforced with steel?
Computer Desks
Typist chairs
Server cabinet
Arrangement of desks facing the front
Hardware requirements
Desktop PC
3.2Ghz Pentium 4/Pentium D CPU
80GB hard disk
32MB graphic controller
14” monitor or higher
100Base T Ethernet card
CD/DVD writers
Computers are networked
Type of Network
Do you have an intranet (LAN)
Do you have an Antivirus Program?
Operating System
Windows 7
Windows Vista Home Premium
Windows XP
Internet Access
Type ofconnectivity
What in-house resources do you need to manage the system?
Does the school have an e-Learning policy for maintenance?
Adequate insurance for immediate replacement of computers
Upgrade and maintenance plan with budget
Technical support budget