Minutes of Meeting

Wednesday 16 December 2015

People who were there: Richard Creighton, Martin Lenaerts, Jill Honeybun, Teresa Farris, Karen Skinner, Esther Higgins, Judith Clayton, Tanya Hathorn, Rita & Albert Kinsey, Becky Hamilton, Shelley McCubbin, Kym Anderson, Jan Mills Florence Garland

Apologies: Mary Bergin, Hayley Dean, Jay Dixon, Emma Denton, Stuart Outterside, Ophelia Matthias, Ana Felstead, Tim Bryant and Madeleine Durie

Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising

Venue for January 2016 onwards will be at Partridge Barn near Ringwood.

A map has been given to everyone and also has also been sent by email. Please do not use the sat nav as it will send you somewhere else.

Carers’ event in November was well planned and informative (some parking issues with Christmas but Park & Ride was OK). Jill said that it was “the best county event ever”. Flo would have liked more carers but all the stalls were there. It cost nothing to the council as we used one of our big rooms.

The coffee shop was good. The Hampshire county Council call centre had a stall. They took note of the possibility for a client to have one reference number only (and not several per enquiry).

The first engagement event for Transformation to 2017 (from the Engagement team) in November at the Bowling Green in Eastleigh was not an appropriate room for the event. The room was too small and people could not hear (it was generally totally unsuitable).

Transformation to 2017

There HCC is facing cuts so we all need to find new ways of working. This is not completely negative and can give providers and service users the opportunity to try new things. We can also find out what people can/cannot do and really need help with. Transport could be a lot better.

Direct payment: review. Peter Hindmarsh and his team are working on it.

There is a providers meeting about day services in January (Jason Norum’s team). Dates confirmed since this meeting.

HCC has agreed to hold some Learning Disability Transformation to 2017 LIG drop-ins. We decided that in the Yellow LIG it would be better to have two because it covers such a wide area; one in Ringwood and one in Totton. A poster has been sent out over the Christmas period. Please advertise widely. It is for service users/professionals and parents carers. All welcome. There will be no formal presentation as these are “drop-ins” meetings.

Andrea and Flo are also working on a project called “Changing Minds”. We will be producing short videos/documents/presentations etc.

Transformation at the day service – Karen Skinner

The Day Services left to ‘transform’ are : Romsey & Waterside, New Milton, Havant, Fareham, Alton and Gosport.

This building (New Forest day centre) is being sold and people will be moving to the old Leonard Cheshire building in New Milton. Some potential parking issues.

Romsey and Waterside day service: will go through the same process at some point. The team is looking for a new building in the Totton area.

The Launchpad is really for more able people. There is a banding in place (speak to Karen if you need to know more). People with the least support will be considered for Launchpad. There are person centre reviews in place and in the in long term, people on Launchpad will no longer be supported by HCC, but will have individual budgets.

People with complex needs will remain in the day service with the view of looking at a new building in Totton. This must be right for people accessing the service.

Cost: there is a cost involved but it is a notional agreement and based on capacity, so there is a misconception that the service is free. But there are real costs of paying people.

The service review and assessment of people is facilitated by staff within the service and there is no external involvement. All agreed that did not seem right and there should be some external involvement = e.g. advocacy. The family will be involved. Judy added that someone has no family and lacks capacity they would be provided with advocacy.

Becky added that Launchpad has tended to be leisure based activity and will be difficult to change but this will have to change in line with the requirement on providers under T17 to deliver support that enables real development for people and commissioners will not pay for just leisure activities.

Tania Peckham will be the transformation coordinator. She will be looking at quality and gaps. She will link with the care management team.

Partnership Board matters

Next topic will be “Where I live”


Anything else:

Judy said that following Tim’s story and complaint, he and Ophelia went to Southampton general hospital (with Michelle Stickland) and they met with PALs. They asked that the hospital works on better signage and more people to help guiding visitors. They also asked for staff to be courteous on the ward. This was a really good result and a great achievement for Tim who told the story on behalf of other people who could not speak up for themselves.

Kym mentioned the Meet the Team event by Southern Heath at the Testwood Baptist Church in Totton. Poster sent.

Jill said that she is happy to help on the Hampshire LD Network Facebook page. Flo will add Jill as admin/editor. Thanks Jill for helping

Health Watch Hampshire: Flo has asked them to come to the LIG.

Notes from Ana Felstead from You Trust Supported Employment:

3 new referrals- 1 on hold whilst housing situation is reviewed.

No new placement starts due to the time of year and people’s own situations but 1 client continuing in her voluntary role at a children’s nursery. Another client has badly broken his leg but his charity shop job is being kept open for him to return once he has recovered.

We have had a client on hold whilst he completed the Prince’s Trust TEAM programme, which he has now done and we are supporting him to an interview for an apprenticeship.

Happy New Year!

Next meetings: 2016

13 January at Partridge Barn

10 February

9 March

13 April

25 May

29 June

20 July

None in August

21 September

26 October

23 November

14 December (date has been changed)

Finding the Partridge Barn at Brixey’s Farm on the Bisterne Estate

Brixey’s Farm BH24 3BU (which centres on the Dairy Manager’s house 300m away to the NE)

The Partridge Barn is at Brixey’s Farm 2m south of Ringwood off B 3347 (Ringwood-Christchurch road)

Ø  To get there from London take the M3 motorway towards SOUTHAMPTON,

Ø  Turn off just after Winchester to take the M27 WEST towards Bournemouth (i.e. NOT PORTSMOUTH), which becomes the A31 and turn off at RINGWOOD.

Ø  Continue on A31 through New Forest, after about 10 mins./10 miles pass Shell garages on either side of the road, stay on A31

Ø  About 2 miles later take Ringwood slip road on left

From roundabout under A31 just north of Ringwood town

Ø  Go south towards Ringwood centre

Ø  Over next roundabout and follow curving road through town

Ø  Half left at next mini roundabout on to Christchurch Road signed Sopley/Winkton B3347

Ø  Straight over next mini roundabout

Ø  Texaco garage on left after 1/2 mile

Ø  From the Texaco garage, follow the B3347 for approximately 1 mile. After a long layby on the left with houses set back, turn left into Rod Lane.

Ø  Turn right at a T-junction and stay on the main road to Bransgore for 500m

Ø  Turn right just before a sharp left-hand bend at a red letter box and immediately right again after 100m (before the semi-detached cottages) into a small road which then becomes gravel signed “Brixey’s”. TAKE IT!

Ø  PLEASE NOTE: farm gravel track is often wired off for cows which is dangerous

The Partridge Barn is a long low building before the farm, on the left opposite a farmhouse, and its entrance door is the first one. At the other end is the Farm Office. After the Partridge Barn, dairy and cow sheds are on left set back about 50m from the track.

Please park behind the Barn on the gravel area, as the track is in constant use by farm traffic.

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