
Andy: Hi Steve! What are you planning to do Wednesday afternoon?

Steve: I’m planning to meet my friends at Paris Baguette

Andy: Sounds good. On Monday morning I’m planning to play soccer. Do you want to play?

Steve: Sorry, I can’t. I’m planning to visit my grandparents.

Andy: That’s a shame. What about Friday afternoon? I’m going to the movies with some friends. Do you want to come?

Steve: I’d love to. I’m free on Friday afternoon.

Andy: Great! Do you have any other plans this week?

Steve: Sure. On Tuesday and Thursday morning I’m planning to study English. On Monday afternoon I’m planning to skate with my brother. On Wednesday morning I have to go to the dentist. The rest of the time I’m free.

Now fill in the empty timetable for Steve below.

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday

Andy’s Timetable:

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Morning / Play Soccer / Read a book / concert / Beach / Relax
Afternoon / Study French / Watch T.V. / Hospital / Picnic / Go to Movies

What are Andy’s plans for Monday?



What are his plans for Wednesday?



What are his plans for Friday morning?


What are his plans for Thursday afternoon?


What are your plans for tonight?

What are you plans for Saturday and Sunday?


Steve’s plans / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Morning / grandparents / English / Dentist / English / Free
Afternoon / Skating / Free / Meet friends / Free / Movies

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