Monday, 26th June 2017, 11.15am – Oakham Lawn Tennis Club

Present: Peter Farrar (PF) Chairman, Anne Boyce (AB), Anna Clyde (AC), John Cowan (JC), Jane Gilmore (JG), Lisa Hornsby (LH), Wendy Moody (WM), Dan Potter (DP)

1 / Apologies: Mike Dunford (MD), Justin Fowler (JF).
2 / Agreement of Previous Minutes: The Minutes of the previous Meeting of the 31st May, 2017, were agreed and signed by PF and handed to JC for filing. / JC
3 / Matters arising from Previous Minutes, dated 31st May 2017:
a)  Sun Safety Policy: The draft by JG had been agreed by DP and can now be distributed to all Members. Copy to be placed on the Club Notice board.
b)  Club Policies and Procedures: PF, JG and JC to review after the Meeting. (This was carried out and JC agreed to draft some preliminary thoughts for further consideration)
c)  Leaf Machine: This had been placed on EBay, but with no current offers.
d)  Electricity Usage: WM to liaise with John Hook.
e)  MD had transferred the agreed £4,000 to the ‘sinking fund’.
f)  Vending Machine: The finances were working well and AB to provide a report for the next Meeting. / AC
4 / Chairman’s Report (verbal report on the proposed Development Plan)
PF went through the Plan and made reference to the following Items:
a)  Item 2 – It was agreed to review evening sessions in September.
b)  Having a ‘ladder’ to promote matches and encourage non team players to get used to playing with ‘better’ players was discussed, as was continuing with social ‘mix-in’ evenings and having team practice evenings for men and ladies. All Members were to canvass opinions.
c)  DP records some match reports on Facebook and Laura Reekie provides reports to the local press. However, more information is required from the team captains and JG will email the captains on this issue.
d)  The social event of a Pimms and Tennis Evening was judged to be a success, and a Quiz Night / Wine Tasting evenings are planned later in the year (see Item12, Events).
e)  Item 7 – The current overall budgetary position and the potential for Club improvements this year will be discussed at the next Meeting.
f)  Item 8 – MD to report on new software system for accounting at the next Meeting. AC / MD to report the ‘take up’ / efficiency of the Go Cardless plans and their future usage.
g)  Item 10 – PF to organise a sub-committee to discuss development issues over the next month and present a plan for approval at the next Meeting. / All
5 / Treasurer’s Report
In MD’s absence, PF recorded that there were no further issues to discuss.
6 / Membership Secretary’s Report
AC recorded that there were currently 194 Members, which was an improvement on last year at the same time. There were 73 full adult Members, 57 under 11s, 32 under 19s and the remainder were other categories.
7 / Coach’s Report (attached)
DP recorded that it was a busy period and thanked LH for organising a successful summer party for the juniors. Another was planned for the 23rd July, between 4 and 5.30pm.
DP and AC to arrange for another Pimms and Tennis evening.
The Committee wish to boost tournament numbers this year and it was agreed to email all Members again as a reminder in due course (AC) and team captains to improve ‘take-up’ (JG). / DP, AC
8 / Match Secretary’s Report
JG had organised the Clubmark accreditation with the LTA.
LH to take over from WM as the nominated Committee Member for ‘safeguarding’.
PF noted that the teams were generally performing well.
9 / Estate Manager’s Report (attached)
a)  WM had a quotation of £100 for changing the main entrance lock, which had been failing to stay locked. It was agreed to proceed if there were positive benefits.
b)  The court padlocks needed to be checked and replaced if not working.
c)  It was reported that the white line court marking became slippery when wet. This would be addressed when the courts are next cleaned.
d)  Brambles were again encroaching on the end court. / WM
10 / Health and Safety Report
No issues were reported during the month.
11 / Fund Raising:
Whilst there were no new banners erected this month, there are still other interested parties.
12 / Events:
A quiz night with fish and chips is to be held on Friday, the 6th October, probably at the Club.
A wine tasting evening is to be held on a Friday evening in November, probably on the same night as the awards presentation. Probably at the Club, but numbers may necessitate use of the Bowls Club. AC and Clare Adams to review arrangements. / AB
13 / AOCB:
a)  Keys for the Kitchen cupboard – these have been cut and will be distributed.
b)  Floodlighting Timing: PF has instructions and a copy is to be placed on the back of the cupboard. DP reported that the clock was an hour out due to changes between BST and GMT, but it was agreed not to keep altering the clock timing.
c)  Charity Poster: It was agreed to allow the display of a poster for an event for Dove Cottage Day Hospice Rutland.
d)  Computer Assistance: A new Member had offered their services for assistance with IT matters. This will be discussed if the need arises. / AB, DP
14 / Date of next Meeting:
Wednesday the 19th July 2017, 6.00pm at the Clubhouse.