Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCCM)






Decision No Date


  1. Shared Internal Audit Plan and Audit Charter 201415
  2. Community Engagement Strategy 2014 -17
  3. PCC Risk Management Strategy and Risk Register
  4. Approval of Launch of New Website
  5. External Insurance Premiums FOR 2014/15
  1. Key decision
  2. Key decision
  3. Key decision
  4. Key decision
  5. Key decision
/ 2014/011 25.04.14
2014/012 25.04.14
2014/013 25.04.14
2014/014 30.04.14
2014/015 30.04.14
  1. Creation of the post of Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner
  2. PCC’s decision to appoint Cllr Ann O’Byrne as Deputy PCC
  3. Request for permission for two Officers to Travel to Kosovo
  4. Provision of Stop Hate UK on Merseyside
  5. Corporate Governance Framework Amendments
  6. SEP – VER/VR
  1. Key decision
  2. Key decision
  3. Key decision
  4. Key decision
  5. Key decision
  6. Key decision
/ 2014/016 06.05.14
2014/017 14.05.14
2014/018 15.05.14
2014/019 16.05.14
2014/020 23.05.14
2014/021 22.05.14
  1. Decision to rename the Chief Executive the Chief of Staff
  2. 2013/14 PCC Financial Outturn Report
  3. OPCCM Budget Monitoring Report – 2013/14 Outturn
  4. Treasury Management Performance 2013/14
  5. Sustaining Excellence Programme (Track 1-Stage 6)
  • Proposed merger of North and South Liverpool BCU.
  1. Key decision
  2. Key decision
  3. Key decision
  4. Key decision
  5. Key decision
/ 2014/022 19.06.14 2014/023 23.06.14
2014/024 23.06.14
2014/025 23.06.14
2014/026 30.06.14
Decision No Date
  1. Annual report on implementation of Police & Crime Plan
  2. Tender Monitoring Report 2013/14
  3. OPCCM Budget Monitoring Report - Quarter One 2014/15
  4. Estates strategy governance and approvals processes
  5. Estates Strategy Consultation – appointment of company to assist
  6. Victims’ research results
  7. Commissioning Proposals for victims’ services October 2014
  8. Commissioning intentions for victims’ services 2015/16
  9. Whistle-blowing policy
  10. Customer care policy
  11. Merseyside Community Safety Partnership– Key Deliverables/Financial Outturn Crime and Reduction Grants
  1. Key decision
  2. For information
  3. For information
  4. Key decision
  5. Key decision
  6. For information
  7. Key decision
  8. Key decision
  9. Key decision
  10. Key decision
  11. For information

  1. Approval of Annual Governance Statement 2013/14
  2. Approval of Annual Statement of Accounts 2013/14
  3. Report to those Charged with Governance
  4. Estates Strategy Consultation Strategy
  5. Custody visits report
  6. Draft Commissioning Proposals for victims’ services 2015
  7. Anti-Social Behaviour Community responsibilities report
  8. Review of Publication Scheme
  9. Sustaining Excellence Programme (Track 1-Stage 6)
  10. ASBU, YOT, Extended Police Family;
  11. General Enquiry Offices
  12. Complaints, Equipment Officer and Licensing
  13. Ops Planning
  14. Centralised Budgets
  15. Non Staff Training
  16. Protective Services
  1. Key decision
  2. Key decision
  3. Key decision
  4. Key decision
  5. For information
  6. Key decision
  7. Key decision
  8. Key decision
  9. Key Decision

Decision No Date
  1. Annual Audit Letter
  2. Treasury Management Report – half yearly report
  3. OPCCM Budget Monitoring Report – Quarter two
  4. Review of Risk Management Strategy and Updated Risk Register
  5. Tender Monitoring Reports – Half Yearly 2014/15
  1. Key decision
  2. For information
  3. For information
  4. Key decision
  5. For information

  1. Updated Medium Term Financial Strategy
  2. Equality & Diversity update
  1. Key decision
  2. For information

  1. Provisional Financial Settlement
  2. Community Engagement update
  3. Sustaining Excellence Programme (Track 2-Stage 6)
  4. Intelligence
  5. JCC
  6. Shift Review
  7. Force Admin and Secretarial Support
  8. Flexitime
  9. BCU Operating Model
  1. For information
  2. For information
  3. Key Decision

Decision No Date
  1. OPCCM Budget Monitoring Report - Quarter 3
  2. Draft 2015/16 Budget and Precept Proposals
  3. Draft Police & Crime Plan
  4. Custody visits report
  5. Sustaining Excellence Programme (Track 3-Stage 6)
  6. Forensics
  7. CCJ
  8. ICT
  9. Finance
  10. HR
  11. Training
  12. Estate Strategy Consultation - Response
  1. For information
  2. For information
  3. Key decision
  4. For information
  5. Key Decision

  1. Precept Notification Report
  2. Robustness of Estimates and Reserves
  3. 2015/16 Budget Report and Updated of Medium Term Financial Strategy
  4. 2015/16 Treasury Management Strategy, including Minimum Revenue Provision
  5. Draft Forward Plan 2015-16
  1. Key Decision
  2. Key Decision
  3. Key Decision
  4. Key Decision
  5. Key decision

  1. Corporate Governance Framework (Annual Review)
  2. Updated timetable for all regular meetings 2015/16
  3. Approval of Risk Management Strategy and Updated Risk Register
  1. Key decision
  2. For information
  3. Key decision

Date last updated 3.07.14