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Brussels,02 December 2015

Invitation to ETUFYouth Trade Union Regional Seminar

Event organized within the project “Empowering the integration of younger workers in the European Metal, Manufacturing, Transport, Food, Services, Construction and Wood Industries (as part of the EU Social Agenda)

25-26 January 2016 – Madrid (Spain)

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you toattend a European Trade Union Federation (ETUF) Youth Trade UnionRegional Seminar which will take place in Madridat the Fundacion Habitat, C/ Santa Leonor, 63 on 25 and 26 January 2016.

The seminaris one of the initiatives organized within the project entitled“Empowering the integration of younger workers in the European Metal, Manufacturing, Transport, Food, Services, Construction and Wood”which is being carried out by EFBWW, EFFAT, EPSU, ETF, IndustriAll Europe and UniEuropawith the financial support of the European Commission.

Theaim of the seminar is to present and discuss concrete national experiences and practices on how to integrate young workers intotrade union structures and involve them in the decision making processes.

In the framework of this project, a European Youth Conference was organized in Croatia in May 2015. Following this event, a booklet entitled “JUST DO IT” was drafted. “JUST DO IT” gathers some of the positive experiences that were discussed and presented during the Conference, as well as some recommendations to improve the existing situation and overcome shortcomings and obstacles.

This Regional Seminar will give us the opportunity to present and distribute the booklet,further discuss best practices and share more experiences. EFBWW will send an electronic copy of it before the Seminar.

This seminar will be open to 40 representatives of member organizations of Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Balkan countries, Turkey and Malta. Please note that interpretation will be provided in Italian, Spanish, Serbo-Croatian and English.

As the number of participants is limited, the organizers reserve the right to make a selection of the participants, ensuring, as much as possible, a fair geographical and Trade Union representation distribution as well as a gender balance. Also, to ensure continuity with the discussions that took place during theEuropean Youth Conference, but at the same time to allow the participation of newcomers, the organizers will aim at selecting an equal number of “old and new” participants.

Please note that the Seminar will be highly interactive. The organizers – in due time - will kindly request some of the participants to actively contribute to the different discussion topics of the Seminar, to provide presentations and to be available to reply to questions.

Please find attached the provisional program, some practical information (venue, hotel, travel arrangements, reimbursement) and the enrolment form.

Should you be interested in attending the Seminar, please return the completed enrolment form to the EFBWW by 31 December 2015 – e-mail: or Fax: ++32 (0)2 219 82 28.

The EFBWW will send a confirmation to the selected participants by 8 January 2016. Please do not buy your flights before receiving our confirmation.

Should you require more information as to the content of the seminar,please contact Chiara Lorenzini . In case you have practical questions, please contact Frank Leus at .

Looking forward to receiving your enrolment forms, we remain,

Yours fraternally,

Chiara LorenziniWerner Buelen

Policy advisor Secretary Building


  • provisional program
  • practical information
  • enrolment form