(Issue 01/04/2015)



Date of Application / XX/XX/XXXX
Organisation Name / The applicant is No Name HC.
A schedule detailing the Entity Structure accompanies this application.
Main Contact’s Name / A N Other
Post Held in Organisation / Director
(and Treasurer of No Name Hockey Club)
Address of Organisation
Address of Contact
Contact’s telephone number / Office
E-mail address /
Website (if any) /

2.Please state project cost, the level of grant sought and give details of the summary of what you need the funding for including an explanation of the activities that the project will undertake:

Total Cost / £000,000
Amount of Grant sought / £00,000
Project Details
Project Details (cont) / The project is a Capital Project at the Sports Ground (the home of No Name Hockey Club). The project envisages:-
1. The building of a new, floodlit (500 lux), full size artificial grass pitch with sand-dressed turf, in-situ shock pad, ball stop fencing (5m high behind the goals) and inlaid lines for hockey.
2. The refurbishment of an existing artificial grass pitch (the playing surface is now ten years old and worn out). In order to accommodate the new pitch, this existing pitch will have to be ‘shifted’ by two metres requiring an extension of the stone sub base and engineered macadam base. The existing pitch will then be re-surfaced with a new artificial grass surface – sand-dressed to match the new pitch so that both pitches have identical playing characteristics. It is also proposed to upgrade an existing pitch watering system.
3. A two-level spectator area is to be created requiring the removal of existing 3m high fencing and replacement with 1m high spectator fencing.
4. Improvements to car parking arrangements and the access road into the ground. Chain link fencing and floodlight columns will be removed from two existing tennis courts so that the courts can be amalgamated into surrounding car parking area, requiring the ‘making good’ of levels and refurbishment of surfaces. This will nearly double the car-parking capacity at the ground. The access road into the ground will be widened stretching 20 metres into the site, and an existing passing-bay will also be extended.
Planning Permission for all this work was granted in month / year. A copy of the project’s Planning Statement to the local planning authority and the resultant Planning Decision Notice accompany this application. A General Layout Drawing of the site also accompanies this application.

3.Please provide details of how the project will benefit young people:

Explanation of how the project will enhance the development of young people in sport
The current facility operates to near capacity. The new build will allow much more time for the young players; we will be able to remove, or raise, the cap on the number of young players the club can cater for.
We think that the project will enhance the club’s position in the local community and encourage more young people and their parents to be involved in the sport.

4.If a termed project what is the amount sought per annum? It is a capital project and so £00,000 is sought as a one-off and lump sum amount. See Appendix I also.

5.Over what time period would you require this potential funding? The contract to build the project will last for four months

6.What is the project’s duration? The facilities to be built under the project will last for at least 10 years before the pitches will need to be re-surfaced. It is anticipated that the ‘engineering’ work and associated elements of the project (such as the floodlights) will have a useful life of at least 25 years.

7.When do you expect the project to commence?It is hoped that work can start either before or during month /year. If that proves to be possible a 16 week contract should ensure practical completion before month / year.


8.Which other organisations have you applied to for supporting this project (include government funding)?

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / £000,000 / Formal offer received
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / £000,000 / ‘In Principle agreement reached
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / £000,000 / ‘In Principle agreement reached
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / £000,000 / ‘In Principle agreement reached
A copy of the project’s Funding Plan accompanies this application, including ‘Letters of Support’ from xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

9.What funds are available or are being raised from within your organisation?

Give details of the source of these funds and/or of the activities being organised to raise the funds
No Name has £000,000 of cash to contribute; a member has agreed to make a donation of £000,000 which with Gift Aid (as we plan to register as a CASC) will be worth £000,000. So total funding identified/raised to date is £000,000 . . . leaving a balance of £00,000 to find.

10.How did you hear about the National Hockey Foundation?

Internet search / Word of mouth / X
Foundation’s introduction leaflet / From another donor/trust?
Foundation’s latest annual report / Other? / X

If other, please specify The chairman from another Club in xxxxxx mentioned you, and England Hockey also suggested we look at your website


11.How would you describe your organisation?

Voluntary Organisation / No Name Hockey Club is a traditional amateur sports club, run voluntarily by its members.
Education Establishment
Limited Company / No Name Limited is a limited company (registered number 1234567) but run by officials of No Name Hockey Club on a voluntary basis.
Registered Charity Number (if applicable)
Other (please state)

12.Organisation background.
When was your organisation founded?No Name Hockey Club founded 1925; No Name Limited incorporated 1965

How many paid staff (if any) does your organisation employ? Full Time: None Part Time: None

Approximately how many volunteers help each year? Approximately nn-nn (incl. junior coaches)

13. Please give a summary of your organisation’s main aims and activities.

The Rules of No Name Hockey Club state that the objects of the Club are to afford its members the facilities for playing hockey, the provision of club premises and the means for social intercourse and recreation.

No Name is Counties premier hockey club running 15 adult sides (including veterans) and boys and girls junior sides from U8’s to U18’s.

The Club aims to facilitate well-organised, competitive and enjoyable games of hockey to players of all ages, sex and ability.

While providing coaching and games for all levels of ability, the Club strives to play at the highest standard at all levels and age groups within the financial and administrative constraints of the Club.

The Club seeks to attract junior players through active involvement in the community coaching programme, club website, brochures, word of mouth and through coaches’ involvement with local schools.

The principal activity of No Name Limited is to manage and administer the playing facilities on behalf of the Club, and to make these facilities available for third-party/public hire when not being used by the Club.

A copy of the Rules of No Name Hockey Club, as well as the Club’s Development Plan, accompanies this application.

14.What are your future plans for the organisation?

For the Mens 1st XI to

For the Ladies 1st XI to

For all other XI’s in the Club to play at a level that matches their playing and enjoyment aspirations.

Continually foster and promote the programme of development for junior players.

Continually to improve and upgrade the capital assets/facilities owned by the Club, principally the hockey pitch (pitches) and clubhouse, for the benefit and enjoyment of its members and visitors.


15. Please attach a full budget for the project even if you are only seeking part funding. Please highlight clearly the activity/project area(s) that the contribution from the Foundation, which you are seeking, would help pay for. If the grant is for a “capital” project please include full details of the associated operational costs.

A detailed Project Capital Budget and Five Year Operational Financial Projections (detailing post-completion operational costs and with explanatory notes) accompany this application. Please note that the Capital Budget numbers will not be ‘firmed up’ until our Tender/Procurement process is completed (by month). Nevertheless the budget is based on quotation figures supplied very recently by one of the tendering contractors and so the budget figures are considered to be an accurate and reliable guide to the likely final capital cost of the project.

The applicant’s experience of having funded the first pitch development 20 years ago, and then it’s first resurfacing 10 years ago, means that a solid programme of maintenance and sinking fund can be demonstrated. All debt raised to fund earlier projects has been repaid and a significant fund of cash has been established to contribute towards this new project. The financial projections that accompany this application evidence provision for a fresh sinking fund to be established off the back of this project (via the non-cash depreciation charges).

The applicant has a demonstrable record of self-help and accomplishment in relation to capital projects of this nature.

16. If your application is for a loan please include cash flow projections covering the full repayment period of the Loan and explain how the repayments will be financed.

Not Applicable

17. Please provide details about who will benefit from this application:

How many individuals will benefit from this grant? We estimate that, on average, nearly 400 people use our current facilities on a weekly basis. We think this number can be nearly doubled with a second pitch. A Usage Analysis accompanies this application.

What is their age profile?Quite literally from age 5 (the youngest players in No Name junior section) to age 70.

Is there any other relevant information about the beneficiaries?No Name H.C. is itself a member ofthe local Hockey Development Group – xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx and several schools. With the Clubs all having mens and ladies sections as well as running veterans teams, it is safe to say that all ages, genders and ethnicities will benefit from this project. The Club has a signed School-Club link with the School Sports Partnership and supports a ‘5 Hour offer’ through the Community Coach.

18. What positive difference do you hope to achieve for both the immediate beneficiaries and the wider community

The aim of the project is to form a ‘hub’ for xxxxxx Hockey (and wider) through the establishment of a double pitch venue with suitable same-site facilities (clubhouse, changing rooms, bar and catering etc) and dedicated time provision for hockey activity. The ‘hub’ will provide a key venue for all club, school and Single System activity for 12 months of the year (as xxxxxx is one of the 12 JRPC venues around the country). This will significantly improve the current level of satisfaction for Single System activity, as presently spilt sites and inadequate venues are used in xxxxx. Satisfaction will also be improved for members of not only the host/applicant club, but all local clubs because travel times and ancillary facilities will be improved for all players. Participation will increase significantly at the venue - it is anticipated that it could more than double. Currently the 0 clubs in xxxxxxxx use 0 different venues, 0 of which are at schools with no or inadequate changing facilities. The venue that is envisaged as a result of this project will help to eliminate those issues and improve facilities for home and visiting teams alike.

The facility will play a key role in the local community provision for hockey. Community access for hockey will be prioritised with local schools accessing the facilities during the day and the community coaching programme (led by the Hockey Development Group) will run festivals from the venue linked to the local School Sports Partnership.

The project is supported by xxxxxxxxxxxx Council and links to their objectives of stronger and more inclusive communities as well as reduced crime and anti-social behaviour through increased participation in sport and promoting a healthy lifestyle. A copy of a ‘Letter of Support’ from xxxxxxxxx Council accompanies this application.

19. What performance indicators have you set for this project?

Any key performance indicators which are given must be measurable and must give a starting base and time linked targets.

1. To increase use of the venue for Single System activity by 100%.

2. To increase use of the venue for Junior hockey activity by 100%.

3. To increase overall activity at the venue by 90%.

The above will be measured against the pitch usage analysis that accompanies this application.

4.To increase the overall Junior membership of the Club by 25%.

5. To increase the number of qualified coaches within the Club by 25%.

Each to be measured against the existing levels as stated in this application

20. What are the long-term plans of this project?

If realised, the project will create a venue that would be capable of being; a JRPC Tier 2 training venue; a JRPC Tier 1 competition venue; a JRPC venue for 8 age groups; a JAC venue for 10 age groups; a JDC venue for 10 age groups.

The venue will continue to host activity for the host/applicant club (No Name) as well as for other local clubs.

The second pitch will increase capacity for the partnership schools as well as continue to expand the state schools hockey programme run by full-time coach xxxx xxxxxxxx (employed by the xxxxxxx Hockey Development Group).

The double pitch venue will also allow adult summer leagues to expand and increase form the current 30 team entry level. It is envisaged that other events, such as county cup competitions, will also be held at the venue. Other activities such as coach and officials development will also be supported and enhanced via the summer leagues (an umpire development programme has already been established)

21. If awarded, how will you promote & publicise the support of the Foundation?

We would plan to publicise news of any award in the local press and on local radio. We would also propose to make mention of the award in all club literature, newsletters and brochures, and on the Club Website. We would also be willing to put a sign in the clubhouse and at the pitch entrance stating something along the lines of . . . “These facilities were supported by the National Hockey Foundation”. We would naturally also to propose to invite representatives of the NHF to any formal opening of the new facilities.


Some questions are only relevant for Hockey applicants but others will apply to all applications.

Please provide as much detail as possible in support of your application.

22. Has the Club got Club FIRST accreditation and if not at what stage is it in the application process? (For hockey related applications NHF are keen to support Club FIRST accreditation)

No Name Hockey Club has been awarded England Hockey’s ClubsFirst accreditation. This confirms that the Club is a safe, effective, child-friendly Club.

23.Briefly describe the Organisation's policy and administrative support systemfor junior players and give the numbers of players involved, if possible classified by age and gender.

Does the Organisation offer free or subsidised pitch time for Organisation junior groups?

How many of hours of coaching for junior groups are provided? (Per week/per year)

In which local & national junior competitions does the Organisation enter teams?

As part of our duty of care, the club promotes good practice by providing young players with appropriate levels of protection and safety. The Club has a designated Welfare Officer who is responsible for acting as a direct contact for parents of young players. Full details are included within the Club’s ‘Guidance for Parents’ and ‘Young Person’s Guide’ documents, which form the Club’s Child Protection Policy and which accompany this application.

The Club’s Junior Membership profile is as follows:-

Age GroupBoysGirlsTotal

Under 8 NnNnNn

Under 10NnNnNn

Under 12NnNnNn

Under 14NnNnNn

Under 16NnNnNn

Under 18NnNnNn


The club has a junior committee to manage the programme the chair being a member of the Club Committee.

Each pair of age groups has an appointed lead coach and manager and they are supported from the club pool of coaches.. Each player has the opportunity to have a minimum of two hours of coaching per week. The under 8’s and under 10’s have regular inter club competitions; the other age groups are all involved in the county league programme having at least one league day per month. The under 16 and U18 also take part in the EH club Cups.