The TriangleEditors Report November 2012
The triangle editorial team has been helped by Gwyn Green, from Hovingham,(proof reading) and George Dudzinski (computer help). Over the year a number of people have commented on the improvement of our picture quality. This is down to David Thornley and Gwynwith their ‘Photoshop’ skills.
Thanks to all the distribution and contribution collectors for the time they put in for The Triangle.
The Lawns-100%
Church Lane-100%
High Street-All but one.
Malton Road- All but one.
The Green- All but two.
The Balk-85%
Sycamore Close-85%
Aspen Way-75%
Railway Street-95%
Green Dyke Lane 100%
Fryton- 90%
South Holme- 90%
We also havetwo paying readers in Hovingham andtwo in Malton.
Total paid-up readers, 256, a plus of 14 from our first year. There are 310 residences in the three communities,according to Ryedale House.
I have tried selling them through the Railway Street Caravan and Camping Club site, alas,with no success.
I deliver free copies to; our Community Police Team, Ryedale Voluntary Services, Malton Library, the mobile library and North York’sCountyCouncillor, Claire Wood.
The Triangle received donations from The Parish Council, All Saint’s PCC, The Arboretum, Slingsby Village Hall and a further £50:00 from individuals.
We have used Pronta Print Scarborough for the last year, with whom I have an excellent working relationship. They understand that I am not the Bill Gates when it comes to computing.
All our 2011 advertisers have renewed.We have, since February 2012, had six new ones; this is now down to five as BMW (Malton) did not pay. Unless any business is very local or especially useful to our community we do not plan to have more. We have twenty six advertisers.
We are pleased to receive articleson any subject. Willspecifying a subject stop potential article writers from doing theirs? Since issue 1 we have only had one hand written piece. Which is disappointing as the non computer residents, often those with more than average years, have a lot to share with us.
What do our readers like? Long standing residents enjoy the old school pics etc. Parents like to see their youngsters in print and everyone likes to see their name in print.
I have been asked to include a ‘Sales and Wants’ section. This will be free of charge. Users, please be very succinct! Twenty words about two lines.
Thanks to Lilyan Johnson for letting us use her interesting old pictures and newspaper cuttings.
Keith Buck.