Working for Cove and Altens


Well, the bulbs are past now, and it won’t be long till the council cut the leaves away and that’s the end of them for another year. There will be more planted in the autumn, and we are sure you appreciate that they should be left alone for all to enjoy.

The rockery at the Green in Old Cove has taken a little longer to get started than we had hoped, but we decided to wait until the daffs there were over, so we’ll be starting work on that, and the planning application to site the Isie Caie statue there is with the council and awaiting approval.

Albertino Costa is working hard on the sculpture in the harbour, and he has had some help recently. A class from Charleston School came down to the harbour to see how he is getting on, and to give him a hand. They really enjoyed themselves, and the juice and sweeties provided by Sainsbury’s Cove were very welcome before they made the trip back up the hill to school.

Dog Friendly Cove is progressing, the open day was a barking success, and we are rolling out a number of poo bag dispensers which we hope will help with the messes that we come across only too often. The majority of responsible dog owners are let down by a few less caring. We have also started some group dog walks, which was asked for, and we hope will run themselves eventually.

The work on the Woodland Walk continues. The grass is kept mown and some planters have arrived. They are so effective we may have to go back to AWPR for more drainage pipes! We hope to add more seats and tables along the route to make the area more enjoyable for all. Our long term aim is for this area to be suitable for wheelchairs and buggies, but this is not going to happen overnight, although you can bump a buggy along there now, if you’re not too fussed.

Cove in Bloom got together to help with the Cove Cleanup, and filled about a dozen bags of rubbish from the woodland walk, it’s amazing how it collects everywhere. Thanks to our two Labour council candidates for their help – and congratulations to Sarah for making it onto the City Council. We’ll be looking to you and your new colleagues for help with our projects.

And finally, don’t forget the hard working weeders and hoers who go out Thursday and Saturday mornings to keep the beds and planters looking good. Our small teams work hard on a regular basis, and will be starting to plant out the summer bedding over the next few weeks. We can always do with more helpers, whenever you can come along, so do get in touch if you would like to be involved. Gardening is very satisfying!