Class Supply List, 2015-2016


1 box crayons (24 colors ONLY)

1 bottle Elmer’s white school glue

6 glue sticks (white color is best)

1 pair metal Fiskars for kids scissors

1 set regular markers (classic colors)-NO fine tip

1 – 8 color watercolor paints

12 pencils (already sharpened)

2 large pink erasers

4 thick dry erase markers

2 – 2 pocket folders (glossy is stronger)

1 plastic school box (plastic shoe box works well)

(approximately 13”x7”) All above supplies should fit in it.

2 large boxes of Kleenex tissues

1 backpack (to fit in 16”x17” cubbie space)

1 pair athletic type shoes for Phy. Ed. (NO BLACK SOLES)

1 resting mat (a thick throw rug is best) for all day students


1 paint shirt (mom’sor dad’s old button down shirt works


1 9x12 white dry erase board

1 container of Clorox wipes

*Please leave all supplies in original boxes

FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Avery

8 - #2 pencils (sharpened)

1 primary writing tablet (1/2” ruled, 10 1/2 “x 8”- landscape layout)* hard to find, check on-line, please share info with other families

1 large pink eraser

1 pair pointed metal Fiskars for kids scissors

4 glue sticks

2 small bottle Elmer’s white school glue (one at a time)

1 box crayons (16 or 24 color size)

1 colored pencils – self-sharpening

1 set Crayola markers (classic colors)

1 – 8 color PRANG watercolor paints

2 – 2 pocket folders (no notebooks)

3 large boxes of Kleenex tissues

Pencil box (no larger than 8x6x2”)

1 box gallon zip lock bags

NIV school Bible (purchase at school)

1 – 9x12 white eraser board

4dry erase markers

SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Zenner

20 #2 pencils sharpened (replenish as needed)

1 hand-held pencil sharpener with a cover

1 set Crayola markers--classic colors (replenish as needed)

1 24-color Crayola crayons

1 – 12 Prang or Crayola colored pencils

1 pair pointed metal scissors

1 large eraser

1 two pocket folder

1 wood ruler with both metric & standard

8 glue sticks (replenish as needed)

1– 4 oz. bottlesof Elmer’s white school glue

3 dry erase markers (replenish as needed)

1 pair athletic type shoes for Phy. Ed. (NO BLACK SOLES)

NIV school Bible (purchase at school)

1 white eraser board (5x7 up to 9x12)

1 dry eraser or sock

1 spiral notebook (college ruled)

2 gallon-sized Zip Lock Bags (for reading homework)

3 Boxes of Kleenex

1 Red ink pen


NIV school Bible (purchase at school)

20 sharpened #2 pencils (yellow or all wood the best)

4 large pink erasers

1--24 color crayons

1 – 10 count classic colors “fat” markers

1 – 24+ Prang or Crayola colored pencils

1 – 12” ruler (with both standard & metric) – no plastic

3 – one subject (70 sheets) wide lined spiral notebooks

1 – 4 oz. bottle Elmer’s white school glue

1 pair metal scissors

1 pair athletic type shoes for Phy. Ed. (NO BLACK SOLES)

3 - two pocket folders

1 – virtually indestructible homework folder

10 glue sticks

1 – 9x12 whiteboard

4 – black whiteboard markers

Whiteboard eraser or clean sock

2 highlighters – any color but blue

1 handheld pencil sharpener with a cover

2 small pencilbox or pouch (about 8”x6”x2”)

1 Webster’s pocket dictionary

1 thesaurus (yes, we need both)

2 boxes of Kleenex


1 package loose leaf notebook paper (college ruled, replenish as needed)

1 –half inch(1/2”)3-ring binder

1 composition notebook

1 sturdy accordion folder

2 packs index cards

1 index card box

3glue sticks


24 - #2 mechanical pencils

Eraser or eraser tops

2red marking pens

2 yellow highlighters

4 dry erase markers

1 set markers or colored pencils

1 plastic shoe storage box

1 pocket dictionarythesaurus

NIV school bible (purchase at school)

Athletic type shoes for Phy. Ed. (NO BLACK SOLES)

1 large box of Kleenex tissues

FIFTH– Ms. Hormann

*Color-coding is intentional. Please try to stick to the colors below.

4 spiral notebooks (college ruled, at least 70 pages in yellow, blue, white or black and green)

1 – packageloose leaf, college ruled paper

1 accordion folder w/at least 7 pockets

1 pack 4x6 index cards



2 highlighters (at least 1 yellow)

4 red pens

1 set dry erase markers

Dry erase eraser or clean sock

1 – 24+ Prang or Crayola colored pencils

Glue sticks

1 small pocket dictionary & thesaurus

Deodorant (for personal hygiene)

6 - #2 pencils (extra lead if mechanical)

Pencil pouch and pencil box

Hand pencil sharpener

1 USB flash drive

NIV school Bible (purchase at school if you don’t have one)

1 pair athletic type shoes for Phy. Ed. (NO BLACK SOLES)

3 large boxes of Kleenex tissues


*Color-coding is intentional. Please try to stick to the colors


Spiral notebooks( college ruled, at least 70 pages)

Specific colors: 1 white or black, 1 purple, 1 green

1 blue, 1 red,& 2 yellow

1 Accordion Folder w/at least 7 pockets - OR –

Binder/ Trapper Keeper w/7 colored folders

(black or white, green, blue, yellow, red, multi-colored, purple)


2 yellow highlighters

4 red pens

1 set dry erase markers

Dry erase eraser

1 – 24+ Prang or Crayola colored pencils (optional)

Markers (optional)

Glue sticks

1 small pocket dictionary & Thesaurus

Deodorant (for personal hygiene)

6+ - #2 wood pencils (extra lead if mechanical)

Pencil pouch

Hand pencil sharpener (for wood pencils)

2 –packages college-ruled, loose leaf paper

12” ruler (metric & standard)

Eraser – for pencil

Standard calculator

1 USB flashdrive

2 locker shelves

2 large book covers (1 yellow, 1 multi-colored, if possible)

1 medium book cover (purple if possible)

4 pkgs. of 3x5 Index Cards

1 pair athletic type shoes for Phy. Ed. (NO BLACK SOLES)

NIV school Bible (purchase at school if you don’t have one)

3 large boxes of Kleenex tissues

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Class Supply List, 2015-2016


All 7-12 grade students must provide book covers for all textbooks (available at most retailers) and *2-3 boxes of Kleenex 7-12th Grade Student Planners are highly recommended and are available for purchase at open house for $5.00

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Class Supply List, 2015-2016

History –Mr. Kopesky

Pens, pencils, colored pencils, pocket folder, spiral notebooks

English – Mrs. Hansen & Mr. Gotta

Pocket folder w/clips, loose leaf college paper (100-200 sheets) in 3 ring binder, 3 x 5 ruled index cards, pens (black/red),1 jumbo book cover, notebooks

*Notebooks should be perforated (NO jagged edges)

Secondary Bible

Pencils, notebook, NIV, ESV, NASB, or NKJV Bible, 1 pocket folder, loose leaf paper

Math - Mrs. Oistad

All classes: Pencils, notebook (for notes only), folder, **1 pack loose leaf, college ruled paper for assignments (not tear-out notebook pages), calculator–non graphing; TI-30XA

7th Grade: red pen, calculator (see note above)

Algebra: graph paper, notecards, calculator (see note above)

Geometry: graphpaper, tracing paper (available at Crafts Direct), notecards, colored pencils, geometry kit (includes compass, ruler & protractor)

Alg. II/Trig.: graph paper, notecards, TI graphing calculator^ (see note below)

Pre-Calculus: graph paper, TIgraphing calculator^ (see note below),notecards

*Notebooks are for notes only.

^TI scientific graphing calculator (TI83, TI83Plus, or TI84)

Spanish Class – Mr. Gotta

Note cards, notebook for notes or loose leaf paper, pocket folder

Science – Ms. Magaard & Mrs. Brophy

Pencils, pens (red or colored), *spiral notebook for notes, pocket folder, loose leaf paper for assignments, personal set of dry erase markers

EarthScience (7-8th Grades): 1 jumbo book cover

Physical Science(9th Grade): 3 jumbo book covers (same color), scientific calculator, graph paper, notecards

Biology (10th Grade): colored pencils, 1 jumbo book cover, loose leaf paper

Chemistry (11thGrade): TI graphing calculator^ (see note below), 2 jumbo book covers,

Physics (12th Grade): protractor, ruler, TI graphing calculator^ (see note below), 2 jumbo book covers

Phy. Ed.– Mrs. Hultgren & Mr. Hastings (4-12 grades)

1 pair athletic type shoes for Phy. Ed. (NO BLACK SOLES), a pair of athletic shorts and shirt, non-aerosoldeodorant (for personal hygiene)(ABSOLUTELY NO sandals or dress shoes allowed)

Health – Mrs. Hultgren

1 – 120 sheet notebook (college ruled), colored pencils,

1 pocket folder, 1 pack of 3x5 index cards

Art Class

We will notify art students closer to the start of school

Technology Class – Mrs. Hultgren

Pencil, Folder, Paper,1 USB 2 GB flashdrive (required)

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