Table of Contents
Computer Hardware ------5
Basic Information Technology Terminology – Part 1 ------6
Crossword 1 ------12
Basic Information Technology Terminology – Part 2 ------13
Acronyms 1: Fill in the Blank ------19
Basic Information Technology Terminology – Part 3 ------21
Matching 1------26
Basic Information Technology Terminology – Part 4 ------27
Acronyms 2: Fill in the Blank ------32
Basic Information Technology Terminology – Part 5 ------34
Crossword 2 ------40
Basic Information Technology Terminology – Part 6 ------41
True or False ------52
More Activities------53
Answer Key ------53
To become a computer/network operator, web technician, information systems analyst/consultant or a web designer/developer, you first need to learn the technical vocabulary (language) of information technology. The sections in this booklet introduce you to some of the basic terms of information technology. Once you understand the language of information technology, you will be prepared to interpret and communicate information accurately.
This guide mainly focuses on some of the essential terms for drafting. Self-tests and answer keys have been included in this guide. The activities are meant to be completed after you have studied the corresponding unit. After you feel you have understood the material you have read, you can then test yourself. If you are scoring below 80% on the self-tests, it is recommended that you go back and review those areas.
Computer Hardware
Basic Information Technology Terminology - Part 1
ACPI - Advanced Configuration and Power Interface enables the operatingsystem to control the amount of power given to each device attached to the computer.
Address Bus - A unidirectional pathway that carries addresses generated by theCPU to the memory and I/O elements of the computer. Also seeI/O, Bus, Data
Bus, Internal Bus.
AGP - Accelerated Graphics Port is a dedicated high-speed bus that is used tosupport the high demands of graphical software. This slot is reserved for video adapters only. Also seeBus, PCI, Expansion Slot.
Algorithm - A systematic procedure that performs a specific task. Computersuse algorithms to speed up and simplify procedures.
ALU - Arithmetic/Logic Unit is the component of the CPU that performs both thearithmetic and the logical operations for the computer. Also see –CPU, Control
Analog - A type of device that represents data by continuously variable physicalquantities, such as length, mass, temperature or pressure.
Analog Modem - A modulator-demodulator that converts the computer's digitalpulses to tones that are carried over analog telephone lines. Also seeModem.
AP - 1) Application process. 2) Application processor.
Application - A program that performs a function directly for a user.
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange is a code forrepresenting English characters as numbers, with each letter assigned a number from 0 to 127, making it possible to transfer data from one computer to another.
Asynchronous - In terms of data transmission, asynchronous means that noclock or timing source is needed to keep both the sender and the receiver synchronized.
AT - Advanced Technology is an IBM PC model with an Intel 80286 processor.This term is used to describe the form factor of one type of computer motherboard, power supply and case.
TM - Asynchronous Transfer Mode is a network technology based on transferringdata in cells or packets of a fixed size. The small, constant cell size allows ATM equipment to transmit video, audio and other data over the same network, assuring that no single type of data hogs the line. Also seeNetwork.
AVI - Audio Video Interleave is the standard audio/video format for MicrosoftWindows. AVI files, which end with an avi extension, require a special player.
Backbone - The main wire that connects nodes. The term is used to describe themain network connections composing the Internet. Also seeCommercialBackbone, Internet Backbone.
Baud - The number of signaling elements that occurs each second, which isnamed after the inventor of the Baudot telegraph code, J.M.E. Baudot.
BBS - Bulletin Board System is an electronic message centre that serves specificinterest groups.
Binary - A number system using two unique digits. Because of a computer’selectrical nature, all operations are performed using a representation of an open or closed circuit (0 for off, and 1 for on); therefore, computers use the binary
system when calculating operations. Also seeDecimal, Hexadecimal,
Numbering System.
Bios - Basic Input / Output System. The program stored in a ROM chip in thecomputer that provides the computer with basic code to control the computer’s hardware and perform diagnostics on it. The BIOS prepares the computer to load the operating system. Also seeChip, ROM, CMOS.
Bit - Binary Digit is the smallest unit of information in a computer. A bit can takethe value of either one or zero, and it is the binary format in which data is processed by computers. Also seeByte.
Bitmap-Based - A type of printer font that is represented as a graphics imagewith rows and columns of dots. This type of font is also known as raster-based.
Also see Font.
Boolean - A form of algebra where all values are reduced to “true” or “false.”Boolean logic is used with computers due to its similarities with the binary numbering system. Also seeBinary, Numbering System.
Boot - To start a computer. This refers to pulling on the bootstraps on the top ofyour boots to help get your boots on, and compares the action to taking the first step in a process. Also seeCold Boot, Warm Boot.
Boot Disk - A disk that can be used to start up a computer. The boot diskcontains the files needed for an operating system to run. Also seeBoot.
Bootstrap Program - A small program located in the BIOS chip that tests thecomputer’s hardware then locates and loads the operating system into RAM.
Also see BIOS, Chip, RAM, Boot.
Broadcast Domain - Set of all devices that receive broadcast frames originatingfrom any device within the set. Broadcast domains typically are bounded by routers because routers do not forward broadcast frames.
Bus - The media through which data is transferred from one part of a computerto another. The bus can be compared to a highway on which data travels within a computer. Also seeAddress Bus, Control Bus, Data Bus, Expansion Bus,
Internal Bus.
Byte - A byte is a unit of measure used to describe an amount of data. One byteconsists of eight bits of data. Also seeMegabyte, Gigabyte, Bit, File.
Cable - The media that connects electrical components. Cable consists of agroup of mutually insulated conductors usually bound or sheathed together and carrying an electrical or other type of signal.
Cable Modem - Modulator-demodulator device that is placed at a subscriberlocation to convey data communications on a cable television system.
Cache - The storage of instructions or data for future use.Also see RAM.
CAD – Computer-aided design describes the use of computers to designproducts. CAD systems are high-speed workstations or desktop computers with specialized CAD software.
Category 1 Cable - A type of power limited UTP cable used for alarm systemsand basic communications. Also seeUTP.
Category 2 Cable - A low performance UTP cable used for voice and other lowspeed data applications. Also seeUTP.
Category 3 Cable - A type of UTP cable used for hardware with transmissioncharacteristics up to 16 MHz. Typical applications include 10BASE-T Ethernet, 4-
Mbps Token Ring and basic rate ISDN. Also seeUTP, Ethernet, Mbps, Token
Ring, ISDN.
Category 4 Cable - A little-used UTP cable used for applications including 16Mbps Token Ring. Also seeUTP, Token Ring.
Category 5 Cable - A type of UTP cable used for most new data installations. Itsupports hardware with transmission characteristics up to 100 MHz. Typical applications include 16 Mbps Token Ring and Ethernet, among others. Also see
UTP, Token Ring, Ethernet.
Category 5e Cable - A Category 5 type UTP cable used for higher transmissionbandwidth for the frequencies beyond 100MHz.
CB - Citizens Band is a radio-frequency band used specifically for private radio
CDDI - Copper Distributed Data Interface is the implementation of FDDI protocolsover STP and UTP cabling.
CD-ROM - Compact Disk Read Only Memory is a type of optical disk capable ofstoring up to one gigabyte of data. Also seeByte, Megabyte, Gigabyte.
Channel - A pathway or route through which information is transmitted.Also see
Chip - A very small slice of silicon or germanium processed to have electricalcharacteristics so that it can be developed into an electronic component. Alsosee CPU, Semiconductor.
Circuit Board - A thin plate on which chips and other electronic components are
CLI - Command-line interface is an interface that allows the user to interact withthe operating system by entering commands and optional arguments. The UNIX operating system and DOS provide CLIs.
Client - An application that runs on a computer relying on a server to performcertain operations. Also seeServer, Client Operating System, Client/Server.
Client Operating System - Also referred to as a desktop operating system, it isthe operating system software that runs on the network's workstations that can access resources on the network. Also seeOperating System, Resources,
Client/Server - The relationship between computers on a network where the“client” computer uses the resources on a “server” computer. Also seeClient,
Server, Resources.
CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor is a type of semiconductorthat requires very little power. Personal computers use this device to store the date, time and system configuration data. Also seeSemiconductor, ROM, Chip.
CMTS - Cable Modem Termination System is a component that exchangesdigital signals with cable modems on a cable network. A cable modem termination system is located at the local office of a cable television company.
Coax - Coaxial cable is copper-cored cable surrounded by a heavy shielding thatis used to connect computers in a network. Either thin or thick coax can be used.
Crossword 1
- A very small slice of silicon or germanium processed to have electrical characteristics so
that it can be developed into an electronic component
- A program that performs a function directly for a user
- A pathway or route through which information is
- A type of device that represents data by continuously variable physical quantities, such as length, mass, temperature or pressure
- The main wire that connects nodes
11. A unit of measure used to describe an amount of data
- An application that runs on a computer relying on a server to perform certain operations
- A form of algebra where all values are reduced to true or false
- The media that connects electrical components
- A systematic procedure that performs a specific task
- The number of signalling elements that occur each second
- Binary digit is the smallest unit of information in a computer
- The storage of instructions or data for future use
- To start a computer
- The media through which data is transferred from one part of a computer to another
Basic Information Technology Terminology - Part 2
Cold Boot - Powering a computer up from the off position.Also see Boot, Warm
Collision Domain - In Ethernet, the network area within which frames that havecollided are propagated. Repeaters and hubs propagate collisions; LAN switches, bridges and routers do not.
COM - Common equipment describes items used by more than one channel orequipment function.
Commercial Backbone - An Internet work of commercially operated networksthat are provided by telecommunications companies. Internet service providers (ISPs) connect to these commercial networks to provide connections to the Internet. Also seeBackbone, ISP, Internet.
Computer - An electrical machine that can execute a list of instructions andperform calculations based on these instructions.
Configuration - The components that make up a computer system whenreferring to hardware, or the defined parameters of a device when referring to software. Also seeHardware, Software.
Connectivity Devices - Devices that are used to connect cable segments,connect two or more smaller networks into a larger network, or divide a large network into smaller ones.
Control Bus - This bus carries the control and timing signals needed tocoordinate the activities of the entire computer. Control bus signals are not necessarily related to each other. Some are output signals from the CPU and
others are input signals to the CPU from I/O elements of the system. Also see
Bus, Address Bus, Data Bus, Internal Bus.
Controller - A chip or device that controls data transfer between the computerand the devices that are attached to it. Also seeChip.
Control Unit - The component of the CPU that instructs the rest of the computersystem on how to follow a program’s instructions. It directs the movement of data to and from processor memory, holds data and instructions in the ALU, and directs control signals between the CPU and external devices. Also seeCPU,
Coprocessor - A processing unit that assists the CPU with certain types ofoperations to free the CPU of common tasks that can slow it down. Also see
Corona Wire - A wire in a laser printer or photocopier that is subjected to highvoltage, which is transferred to the drum and paper in the form of static electricity to charge the surface with positive ions.
CPU - Central Processing Unit is the chip or PCB where most of the calculationsin the computer take place. Also seeControl Unit, ALU, Chip, PCB.
Cross Talk - Interfering energy transferred from one circuit to another.
CRT - Cathode Ray Tube is an electronic device that fires an electron beamacross a phosphorous coated tube to illuminate parts of the screen. When many passes are made across the screen, the screen produces an image. CRTs are used in television sets and computer monitors.
CSMA/CD - Carrier Sense Multiple Access Collision Detect is a media-accessmechanism wherein devices ready to transmit data first check the channel for a carrier. If no carrier is sensed for a specific period of time, a device can transmit.
If two devices transmit at once, a collision occurs and is detected by all colliding devices. This collision subsequently delays retransmissions from those devices for some random length of time. Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 use CSMA/CD access.
DAC - Digital to Analog Converter is a device that converts digital data intoanalog signals. Also seeDigital, Analog.
Daemon - A program that runs in the background and performs specific functionsat certain times or in response to events.
DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is the central researchand development organization for the Department of Defense.
Database - A collection of data that is organized so that its contents can beeasily accessed, managed and updated.
Data Bus - A bi-directional pathway for data flow. Data can flow along this busfrom the CPU to memory during a write operation, and data can move from the computer memory to the CPU during a read operation. Also seeBus, Address
Bus, Control Bus, Internal Bus.
DDR SDRAM - Double Data Rate SDRAM is a type of memory that doubles inbandwidth by transferring data twice per cycle (on both the rising and falling edges of the clock signal). Also seeSDRAM, DRAM, RAM.
Decimal - A number system based on the number “10”. This number system isused on an everyday basis. Also seeNumbering System, Hexadecimal.
Default - A value or setting that is automatically applied by a device or program.
Desktop - The metaphor used to portray file systems. A desktop consists ofpictures, called icons, which show files, folders and any resource available to a user in a GUI operating system. Also seeGUI, Operating System, Icon.
Desktop Computer - A type of computer designed to fit on top of a desk, usuallywith the monitor on top of the computer to conserve space.
DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol provides a mechanism forallocating IP addresses dynamically, so that addresses can be reused when hosts no longer need them.
Diagnostic - Serving to identify the cause of a problem, as in diagnosticsoftware, that will find out what problem a computer may be having.
Digital - A system that is based on events or data that is not continuous, such asthe binary system. Also seeBinary, Analog.
Digitize - To convert data to digital form.Also see Digital.
Dimn - Dual Inline Memory Module is a circuit board with a 64-bit data bus thatholds memory chips. Also seeCircuit Board, RAM, SIMM.
Din - Deutsche Industrinorm is the standards-setting organization for Germany.
Dip Switch - A small switch on a circuit board used for configuring the board fora specific application. Also seeCircuit Board, Configuration.
Directory - A type of file that organizes other files in a hierarchical structure.Also
see File.
DMA - Direct Memory Access is a method for transferring data from thecomputer’s main memory directly to the device that needs it, without it having to pass to and from the CPU. This makes the transfer faster. Also seeI/O Address,
DNS - Domain Name System is an Internet service that converts names to IPaddresses. Also seeIP Address, TCP/IP.