FOI Team, Phoenix Place
Christopher Martin Road
Basildon, Essex
SS14 3EZ
Date: 6th August 2013
FOI Request: CHC Statistics
Our Reference Number: 1314122
Dear M Jones,
Further to your request made to NHS West Essex CCG for information relating to the above and pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please see the organisations response below:
In the financial year 2012-13:
1) What was the total number of CHC assessments completed?
557 Including Fast Tracks
2) What number and percentage of these assessments were for new patients (not currently receiving CHC funding)?
557 Including Fast Tracks
3) What number and percentage of these assessments were for existing patients (currently receiving CHC funding - including 12 week reviews)?
The above figures are all new assessments
4) What percentage of new applications for CHC funding are found eligible for the initial 12 week period?
5) What percentage of patients receiving CHC funding for the initial 12 week period are found eligible on the holding of the 12 week review?
We do not hold this information
6) How many and what percentage of the non-fast track CHC checklists were from the hospital teams (e.g. wards)?
210 out of 361 from hospitals
7) How many and what percentage of the non-fast track CHC checklists were from non-hospital teams (e.g. District Nurses and Social Workers)?
151 out of 361 from the community
8) How many fast track CHC forms were completed (i.e. funding provided on a fast track basis)?
9) What percentage of total people receiving CHC funding received it as a fast track application?
We do not hold this information
A) How many and what percentage of the planned 12 week reviews for those currently receiving CHC funding for the initial period take longer than 15 weeks to be held (i.e. the review does not take place in the initial period as planned)?
Estimate 70%
B) How many CHC nurse assessors are currently employed to carry out CHC assessments (e.g. lead the completion of decision support tools)?
C) What is the combined working hours (e.g. two full time workers = 37 hours x2 = 74 hours per week) for the CHC nurse assessors in the team?
75 Hours
D) Based on the combined working hours of the CHC nurse assessors what is each worker's share of the incoming requests for a CHC assessment or 12 week review (e.g. if have 300 decision support tools to compile each calendar month and 10 workers this will equate to 30 DSTs each per calendar month pro rata)?
We do not hold this information.
Not all CHC assessments are completed by the Nurse Assessors within the team and the volume of work is dependent of many different variables such as new referrals, changes of condition
E) How many people are currently in the initial (pre-12 week review) period of CHC funding?
F) How many people are currently receiving on-going (had a 12 week review and found to be eligible on an on-going basis) CHC funding?
We do not hold this information
G) How many people are being funded for one-to-one support?
H) How many people are receiving funding for over £750 per week?
During the 2012/13 period there were 340 patients with a care package of over £750.00 per week.
I) How many people are receiving funding who are in residential care (not nursing home) environments?
J) How many people are receiving funding who are at home (not in residential or nursing home environments)?
K) How many Multidisciplinary team meetings (CHC assessment meetings) are currently pending (i.e. awaiting to be held)?
25, although these are only the ones we are aware of we often receive completed assessments of clients who were not previously known to us.
L) What percentage of Multidisciplinary team meetings (CHC assessment meetings) take more than 3 months (approximately 90 days or more) to held from the date of referral (i.e. date CHC checklist is received by the CHC team)?
M) What percentage of Multidisciplinary team meetings (CHC assessment meetings) take more than 6 months (approximately 182 days or more) to held from the date of referral (i.e. date CHC checklist is received by the CHC team)?
N) What percentage of Multidisciplinary team meetings (CHC assessment meetings) take more than 9 months (approximately 273 days or more) to held from the date of referral (i.e. date CHC checklist is received by the CHC team)?
We do not hold this information
If you are dissatisfied with the response you have received, you have the right to request a review of our decision or make a complaint about how your request has been handled. Your request should be made within 40 working days of receipt of this letter, and we will reply within 20 working days of receipt. Any such request received after 40 working days will only be considered at the discretion of the organisation.
If our decision is unchanged following a review and you remain dissatisfied with this, you then have the right to make a formal complaint to the Information Commissioner who can be contacted at:
Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
To comply with The Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005, this information is provided to you under the Open Government Licence. Information on the OGL, together with conditions of use and exemptions, can be found here:
Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the FOI team via the methods above.
Yours sincerely,
Priscilla Driscoll
Freedom of Information Co-Ordinator
Essex Commissioning Support
Essex Commissioning Support is part of NHS Central Eastern Commissioning Support Unit.