
Course Title: Foundations of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Prerequisites: None

Course Facilitator: Taryn Goodwin


Phone: 804-827-2685

Mailing Address: 1314 West Main Street

P.O. Box 842011

Richmond, Virginia 23284

The Course Facilitator provides oversight to the entire course by implementing course activities and communicating with participants regarding course requirements and expectations. The Course Facilitator is also available to answer questions regarding course content.

In addition, each participant will be assigned to a group with a Course Instructor. This instructor will be there to assist the participants through the course content by sending reminders as you complete the course modules. The course instructors are there to answer your questions! If you have any questions about the course content, or expectations of the course for successful completion of the course, then please contact your Course Instructor. At the beginning of the course you will receive an email with your main contact person. You will also be able to access this information on the Blackboard course site (

Technology Support:

All technology support questions should be directed to Lucian Friel. You may reach him by email or phone Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. (EST). Requests for accommodations should also be sent to Lucian.


Phone: (804) 827-1434

Course Overview:

Autism Spectrum Disorder is considered to be a lifelong neurological developmental disability. With the number of individuals diagnosed with ASD on the rise, there is a strong probability that you will encounter someone with ASD either in your work or personal life. This course will provide participants with an understanding of the primary characteristics of ASD, which include impairments in communication and social development and the presence of repetitive patterns of behavior as well as sensory processing issues. Secondary characteristics, including executive dysfunction, imitation, sequencing, and motor deficits as well as common co-morbid conditions will also be explored. The course will discuss the myths and facts surrounding ASD as well as the supports and services available to those with ASD and their families. The course will also provide an overview of the history, cause, and early signs of ASD as well as discuss the importance of understanding and utilizing strengths and interests. This course will also examine ASD throughout the lifespan.

Pace of Course:

You may access the course at any time of the day, seven days a week. Participants will have access to the course for one month. Please see the dates listed in Blackboard for the exact dates of the course. The content is divided into two modules that must be completed. Please note that this is not a self-paced course. You will have assignments and due dates that must be met! You will work your way through one module at a time. Participants will have access to Module 1 for the first week of the course. Module 2 will become open at the end of the second week.


This course is designed for general education teachers, special education teachers, related service providers, paraprofessionals, administrators, family members and other service providers who serve students with ASD in the educational setting.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to:

  1. Describe the history and causes of ASD
  2. Discuss the primary and secondary characteristics of ASD
  3. Discuss the secondary characteristics of ASD
  4. Describe the common co-morbidities
  5. Describe interests and strengths of individuals with ASD
  6. Discuss services and supports available across the lifespan
  7. Discuss what ASD looks like across the lifespan

Access to the Course:

Participants will be able to access course materials on VCU’s “Blackboard” website. Each participant is provided the course URL, a unique username, and a password that is used to logon to the website. You will receive this information the first day of the course. Please note, the username and password should not be shared with other individuals and each participant should have his or her own email address.

Course Modules

Module One: Overview of Autism Spectrum Disorder and the Primary Characteristics

Consists of the following topics:

  1. Myths, facts, history and causes of ASD
  2. Communication
  3. Social Skills
  4. Behavior
  5. Sensory


  • Presentations 1-6
  • Respond to group discussion question posted on Blackboard
  • Quiz

Module Two: Secondary Characteristics, Co-Morbidities, and ASD across the Lifespan

Consists of the following lessons:

  1. Secondary characteristics
  2. Co-morbidity with other conditions
  3. Interests and strengths
  4. Services and supports across the lifespan
  5. Development across the lifespan


  • Presentations 1-6
  • Respond to group discussion question posted on Blackboard
  • Quiz

Course Standards

The following competencies are addressed from the “Skill Competencies for Professionals and Paraprofessionals in Virginia Supporting Individuals with Autism across the Lifespan” developed by the Virginia Autism Council.

General Autism Competencies

1.1K / Understands the characteristics and diagnosis of autism as defined by the most recent version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual and definition / description of the Virginia Department of Education.
1.1.1S / Lists and explains the defining characteristics of autism (Communication, patterns of stereotypical behavior, socialization and social skill development) and the impact on the individual.
1.1.2S / Lists and explains the associated characteristics commonly present in autism (ex: difficulties in autism (ex: difficulties in sensory processing, motor skills, theory of mind, and imitation) and the impact on the individual.
1.1.3S / Lists and explains the associated cognitive characteristics and learning styles commonly present in autism (ex: difficulties in executive functioning, attending, planning, abstract thinking, problem solving) and the impact on the individual.
1.1.4S / Describes typical child development (ex: communication, sensory, motor, cognitive, behavior, and social skill development).
1.1.6S / Describes the range of possible behaviors across the lifespan.
1.1.7S / Describes potential courses of development and outcomes in individuals with autism from infancy to adulthood.
1.1.8S / Describes the current understanding of etiology and prevalence of autism.
1.2K / Understands the impact of common medical issues (ex: seizure disorders, chronic otitis media, chronic constipation or diarrhea) and treatments (psychotropic medications and possible side effects, use of special diets) for persons with autism.
1.3K / Understands the implications of ‘dual’ diagnoses (autism
and any other diagnosis from the latest version of the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) and
1.3.1S / Lists behaviors that could indicate the presence of an additional mental health or disability diagnosis.
7.1K / Understands the sensory systems, sensory processing,
and sensory motor development.
7.1.1S / Describes the seven senses (visual, auditory, oral,
olfactory, tactile, proprioceptive, and vestibular) and the varying
patterns of hypersensitivity and hyposensitivity to sensory input.
7.1.2S / Describes the relationship between sensory motor systems
and behavior (ex: demonstrating stereotypical behaviors such as
rocking or hand flapping, or triggering fight, flight, or freeze

Course Requirements

This course is designed to provide you with foundational knowledge of autism spectrum disorders. The modules are comprised of recorded presentations, website links, videos and readings, discussion board assignments and a quiz. Participants will have two weeks to complete each module. All components of the course must be completed by midnight on the final date of the class. Questions and comments are encouraged. The instructors will do their best to make sure that the course meets each person’s needs for learning. Please e-mail the instructors if you need assistance.

  • Content Review: The course will include recorded presentations, web site links, and videos to provide the course content that will facilitate learning. The course content will be provided at the start date of the each module and remain available 24 hours a day until the last day of class. It is the responsibility of the participant to complete all learning activities prior to completing the module and taking the quiz.
  • Quizzes: There will be one quiz per module for a total of two quizzes. A total of 100 points are possible for each quiz. The quizzes will be multiple choice and true/false and are provided to determine acquisition of course content. The quiz will be available at the start of the module and is to be completed prior to the last day of the module. An average score of 80% or better is needed on each quiz to successfully complete the course. If a minimum score or 80% is not achieved on the quiz, the participant must contact the course facilitator (Taryn Goodwin at ) to discuss an alternative assignment designed to show comprehension of the module’s objectives. If an alternate assignment is required, it must be completed by the end of the course. Those who do not successfully pass the quiz or the alternate assignment will not be able to receive a course certificate of completion.
  • Group Discussion Board: In addition to passing the weekly quiz or an alternative assignment (if needed), participants are required to post on each module's Group Discussion Board. There will be one question posted by the facilitator. The participant must post 2 separate times prior to the conclusion of the module. Those who do not successfully complete the activity within the designated time frame will not be able to receive a course certificate of completion.

A total of 10 points are possible (5 points per entry) for each Group Discussion Question. You have to post a minimum of 2 times per lesson to earn these points. Please do not expect to post in all of the discussion boards at the end of the course and receive points for participation.

FIRST POSTING = Each lesson, one discussion question will be posted by the instructor. Answer the instructor’s question.

SECOND POSTING = Read instructor’s comments/questions and at least one other person's posting in your group. Respond to the instructor or the classmate by asking him or her a question or commenting on the posting from your own experiences.

*One of the major benefits of this course can be the instructor and participant interaction. If all you do is post your reply and never read any other responses, you are missing some of the content for the course. You can e-mail your group instructor at any time to ask additional questions. You can make this a rewarding experience and learn from each other if you will try to really "talk" to each other.

Certificate of Completion from Virginia Commonwealth University:

Participants can earn a Certificate of Completion from VCU if the following is successfully completed:

  1. Score a minimum of 80% on each of the two quizzes to receive a passing grade for each module.
  2. Participate in the discussion boards for each module and earn a total of 20 points.

Once the course instructor determines that a participant has completed the course successfully, a link to download a Certificate of Completion will be sent to the email address provided.

Points for educators working towards licensure renewal (recertification) may be awarded for completion of this online course. VDOE provides the following requirements regarding professional development activities: Point value: one point per clock/contact hour; must be a minimum of five hours per activity. We estimate this course to take a total of 20 contact hours to complete. Any teacher, who wants to use it as a professional development activity for re-certification needs prior approval of the school district. The school district will be responsible for designating the actual number of points that a teacher can earn for participating in the course.

Continuing Education Units:

Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) can be earned for successful course completion. VCU has determined that the course requires 20 contact hours to complete, which translates to two (2) CEUs. Once a person earns a certificate of completion for the course, he or she can request CEUs from the university. The cost is $30 paid directly to Virginia Commonwealth University. To purchase CEUs, please contact Teri Blankenship at .

Please note that the course/training does not meet any of the requirements for initial licensure in special education or any category of licensure endorsement.

Course Content Support:

Contact your group instructor, Lucy Nazario, at .

Course Technical Support:

Contact Lucian Friel for technical support issues at or (804) 827-1434.