For the Selection of a District Governor to Serve During Rotary Year: 2019-2020
Call for Suggestionsfor Nominations for District Governor from Rotary Clubs
In accordance with the By-Laws of Rotary lnternational and the Rules of Procedure of District 6780, andon behalf of the Nominating Committee for District Governor, this information is provided for use by any clubin this district desiring to submit for the consideration of the Nominating Committee, a suggestion forGovernor of District 6780 for Rotary year 2019-2020.
Any club desiring to submit a suggestion must submit the suggestion in the form of a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the club naming the suggested candidate. (District 6780 Rules of Procedure, Article 1, section 1.6)The resolution, when submitted to the Nominating Committee, must be certified by the Secretary of the club. (A sample club resolution is attached)
A completed and signed Governor-nominee Data Form, District 6780 – 2019-2020(provided with this Call for Suggestions for Nominations)must accompany this resolution. All information requested onthe Governor-nominee Data Formis to be completed electronically – should any issues arise during this process Clubs should contact the Chair of the Nominating Committee. Do not attach/submitany other pages or information that is not requested. The candidate and the Club Secretary must sign the form on page 4.
Any Club wishing to submit a name should refer to the provisions of Articles 10, 12and 13of the Rotary
International By-Laws,and Article1 of the District 6780 Rules of Procedure. As provided in Article 10of the By-Lawsof Rotary International,brochures, literature, letters or other materials includingelectronic media or communications are not to be distributed or circulated by acandidate for nomination as District Governor, or by others on his/her behalf to any clubs or members ofclubs. The By-Lawsprovide that the Board of Rotary Internationalshall disqualify from election anycandidate who violates the prohibition against campaigning or canvassing. (See attached District Election Guidelines)
Candidates must be available for interview January 6, 2017, at Noon, Oak Ridge.
Thecertified clubresolution and the completed and signedGovernor-Nominee DataForm, District 6780 – 2018-2019,are to be submitted bymail to:
PDGJerry L. Wear
Chair District 6780 Nominating Committee
3428 Rena Street
Pigeon Forge, TN 37863
Or by e-mail to:
And must be receivedno later than Dec. 15, 2016.
For additional information send e-mail to the above address or phone 865-228-1670.
To aid individuals whose clubs may be considering suggesting them for district governor in decision-making, the following informational items are included as attachments to this Call for Suggestions for Nominations: (1) District 6780 - Information Regarding District Governor Expenses, and (2) DGND, DGN, DGE, and DG Activities.
- Sample Club Resolution
- Governor-nominee Data Form, District 6780 – 2019-2020
- District Election Guidelines
- District 6780 - Information Regarding District Governor Expenses
- DGND, DGN, DGE, and DG Activities