2014-15advanced placement language & composition

Mrs. Morris’ Expectations & Rules





Meetings with the students and/or student’s parents are welcomed, but please email me in order to schedule an appointment.

Course Description:

Advanced Placement English Language and Composition (also known as AP Lang) is a junior level course that corresponds with the objectives and expectations outlined in the College Board Course Description. This is a rigorous course that gives students ample opportunities to examine a writer’s purpose in accordance with the writer’s use of rhetorical devices, including tone, diction, audience, organization, appeal, style, and attitude. The course also teaches students how to read and evaluate primary and secondary sources in order to incorporate them into an original composition. The course material will be predominantly nonfiction. However, poetry and fiction will supplement the nonfiction. The course will cover a wide range of topics including cultural, political, and gender studies. Sources will come from a broad range of time periods. This will help students to develop critical thinking and reading skills. Student readers will move beyond comprehension and into deep analysis. Developing this skill will not only benefit the student’s ability to pass the AP exam, it will prepare him/her for college and other courses as well. All students will be required to document theirwriting sources using the guidelines set forth by the ModernLanguage Association (MLA). This course also requires students to write expository, analytical, and argumentative papers in response to a variety of prose and genres. Students will read and write (formally and informally) in the following rhetorical modes: narration, description, process analysis, example, definition, classification, comparison/contrast, cause/effect, and argument/persuasion. They will learn how to link technique and meaning into well-organized, supported, logical responses to complex texts (primarily nonfiction). All students are encouraged to take the AP English Language and Composition on May 13th 2015.

Outline of Semester 1:

-Card Marking 1 (ends October 10th)

RA strategies, Argumentative & Analysis writing, “Reading Like a Writer,” The Modes of Discourse, The Appeals, Exposure to the AP exam & Grading

-Card Marking 2 (ends November 25th)

Analysis & Synthesis writing, Words, Language & Rhetoric

-Card Marking 3 (ends January 22nd)

Synthesis writing cont., Logical Fallacies

Classroom Supplies:

*You MUST come prepared for class. The teacher will NOT provide basic supplies.

-2” 3-ring binder, loose leaf paper, and 5 clearly labeled dividers:


-Pencils, blue or black pens, a red pen, and highlighters

- Post-It Notes

Student Objectives:

The learner will…

•read deeply and reflect on reading through extensive discussion, debate, writing, and rewriting

•write, especially in persuasive, analytical, and expository forms, on a variety of subjects, such as personal experience, current events, and popular culture.

•use close reading of parts of a text to analyze and understand the meaning of

the whole text, focusing on writer’s use of rhetorical strategies

• develop clarity, complexity, self-awareness, flexibility, effectiveness, and confidence in writing

• develop awareness of the composing process, especially the exploration of

ideas, the consideration of writing strategies, and an understanding of the value of revision

• study the English language, especially differences between oral and written discourse, formal and informal language usage, while building vocabulary and articulate language

•employ rhetorical strategies as the student develops his or her voice as a writer

•write effective analytical, persuasive, reflective, and descriptive essays

Student Expectations:

Students are expected to be prepared both physically and mentally for class each day. This course should not considered a forum to socialize or a means to improve gpa. However, it will provide a set of skills and strategies that can be applied to life. College preparation will begin now. Students should be ready to think, interact, and work on reading and writing skills. Students are always to do their very best! I understand that learning involves making mistakes, which is what each of us is expected to do including me! Thus, we should use our time wisely. Students should strive to improve each unit of study. Active learning involves 4 aspects of language: speaking, listening, reading and writing. I expect that students recognize this need and embrace the process. I also demand respect for all peers, teachers and school property. The students should be honest about what they think, who they are, and what they do. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated. If a student is guilty of plagiarism, after receiving zero credit for the assignment or exam the matter will be taken up with administration. The student will be brought under the penalty of the Fordson High School Code of Conduct. That student is no longer eligible to become their class valedictorian or salutatorian.

Daily Procedures


Students are expected to be in their SEAT by the bell. The student will be given a specific prompt (Card Marking#-letter) to which they will respond (5 minutes). Shortly thereafter, the teacher will discuss the work and ask that students share their responses. All bellwork will directly relate to the daily lesson and be assessed daily for credit toward the card marking. Tardy students will NOT receive credit for bellwork. No exceptions!

Homework & Project Submission:

Homework is critical in order to pass the course. The class period is a brief 60 minutes, so it is important for students to go home and reflect upon the ideas and concepts covered in class. Homework is DUE when entering the class. NO exceptions. If it is NOT in the proper tray before the teacher gathers the class set, then it will NOT be accepted. Homework is submitted to the Homework tray ‘SUBMIT’ by hour (1st, 2nd, etc.). All homework, essays and exams will be evaluated in a timely manner and returned within 1week. All evaluated work may be picked up in the “RETURN’ trays also organized by hour. The work MUST be filed into the student’s AP Lang binder under Assignments. There will be periodic classes throughout the year wherein students will use prior essay drafts, homework, and impromptus in order to develop a writer’s portfolio. Therefore, the student will need to have access to highly organized past workand assignments. BEWARE!

Exam Retake Policy:

Each student will be given 1 opportunity during each semester (total of 2) to retake a unit exam. However, the student may not have any Focus Card Infractions for the current card marking. The retake exam will not be the same exam that was initially administered. Most often, it will take the form of an essay or short answer exam. There are a number of requirements to fulfill in order to qualify for the retake option: letter of explanation signed by parent, all original exam corrections, and attendance of at least 2 tutoring sessions, providing written proof, to the teacher. Once the requirements are fulfilled, then the student must report to the scheduled retake session on time. The points earned on the retake exam will be added onto the student’s original exam score. Under no circumstance will the retake grade “replace” the 1st exam grade.

Late Work:

Assignments are given due dates for a reason: student work deserves time to be fairly evaluated. Students should be mindful of this.

Make-up Responsibilities from Absence:

If the student has an excused absence, it is his/her responsibility to see the class iBlog (address provided above). All make-up work is expected within 2 days of the student’s return. All make-up quizzes and tests are to be scheduled with the teacher the day that the student returns. Quizzes and exams may be taken within a week. As for formal writing assignments and essays, there are no exceptions or accommodations for absences. You MUST email the typed essay to Mrs. Morris on the DUE DATE by YOUR CLASS HOUR. Otherwise, it is LATE and UNACCEPTABLE. Any student that travels during the school year will not be given work ahead of time. Please see the teacher upon return. Any student that “skips” a class period when there is a quiz or exam will NOT be allowed to make-up the credit. It is a “0.” It is also worth noting that it is the policy of the Language Arts Department that no student will be permitted to take his or her final exam early under any circumstance. In addition, all missing assignments incurred as a result of leaving school before the official end of the semester will be marked as zeroes in the grade book. Lastly, the Dearborn Public Schools audit policy will be applied to all absences.


There are ABSOLUTELY NO passes!


  1. Use the student center for any supplies needed. The teacher’s desk is OFF LIMITS!
  2. Respect yourself, your teacher, fellow classmates and all ideas shared in this room.
  3. One voice at a time and when called upon.
  5. The classroom is left the SAME WAY that it is found.


Grading System:

A 100-93%C+ 79-77%D- 62-60%

A- 92-90%C 76-73%E 59%

B+ 89-87%C- 72-70%

B 86-83%D+ 69-67%

B- 82-80%D 66-63%

*Students should stay informed about their grades through Parent Connect. The teacher will not take class time to check grades for students, unless specific time has been designated before the end of a card marking.

Final Grades are based upon the following:

Formative Assignments20%(Bellwork, Small Assignments, Drafts, & Participation)

Summative Assignments 80%(Exams, Projects, Impromptu essays Final Copy essays)

*Details and points awarded for each homework assignment, essay or project will be given to students on an as needed basis.

Language Disclaimer:

Teacher Consent

I will honor any and all policies described in this syllabus. I will make your learning experience as enjoyable as possible!

-Mrs. Morris

September 2nd, 2014

Student Consent

I have read and understood the class expectations for AP Lang. I agree to be courteous to others, to be responsible for my actions and my education, to respect the civil and educational rights of all individuals, to respect my belongings and the belongings of others, and to demonstrate integrity in word and deed.

Print Name:______




Parent Acknowledgment

I have read the class expectations for AP Lang and have discussed the information with my child. I will monitor my child’s progress through Parent Connect.

Print Name:______



Contact Phone Number:______

Please PRINT this ENTIRE Syllabus. Place the Syllabus in the FRONT of your AP Lang Binder. Place all required signatures and information on the above lines and SUBMIT THIS PAGE ONLY to Mrs. Morris BY Friday, September 5th, 2014.