Terms of Reference
Agro-Processing Specialist (International - 1 pm)
The position will be for an experienced agro-processor able to assess processing systems, and identify value adding investment options. The candidate will have a Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering or related engineering discipline, with at least 10 years working experience in managing the production line for private processing plants, employing GMP and HACCP, that produce beans, pulses, and/or oilseed products that meet CODEX and/or international standards.
As such the candidate will haveworking knowledge and experience in identifying and installing appropriate equipment and machinery for processing and adding value to beans, pulses, and/or oilseeds that meet international standards. At least two years experience in developing the technical and financial feasibility of such processing plants. At least 2 years related work experience in south and/or southeast Asian countries preferred.
The candidate will be responsible for the following:
- Assess the current processing technologies employed by Myanmar companies processing beans, pulses, and sesame for the export market.
- Prepare pre-feasibilities, including proforma financial statements, for primary processing of pulses, beans, and sesame (or a combination) in a fully equipped processing plant installed in Myanmar using modern cleaning equipment and machinery that has the capability of producing 99% pure product properly packaged and labelled, that meets the international (CODEX and developed countries') standards.
- Prepareindicativepre-feasibilities for optional value-added investments (e.g., roasting, making powder or paste, refined edible oil) in bean, pulses, and sesame processing that would add on to theprimary processing investment (above in #2) of products for export. Rank the optional investments in terms of technical and financial feasibility.
- Work with the PPP/Private Sector Development Specialists (International and National) in developing a modality (including, recommended incentives for investment, such as, training and technical assistance (i) to contracted farmers in Good Agricultural Practices/Climate Smart Agriculture, (ii) to processors inGood Manufacturing Practices and HACCP, and in accessing export financing) that engages, through specific roles and responsibilities, both public and private sectors in the PPP. Identify public sector entities (such as, Government Ministry and Department) and private associations, companies, groups, cooperatives, et. al. that the Project would target as potential partners in the private sector investment side of the PPP.
- Prepare and submit the assessment report on current processing technologies within 1 week of the start of the assignment, and the draft pre-feasibilities, and the modality with potential, targeted public and private partners 4 days before the end of the assignment to the Team Leader. Within one day, the Team Leader will return the drafts with comments to be made to the final draft, which is due by the end of the assignment.