1st Marking Period Reading Standards Fifth Grade
1.Develop abilities in reading.
A.Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, decide, generalize, solve, relate, interpret, simplify, summarize).
B.Communications (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend).
C.Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist).
2.Read, write, speak, observe, and listen to express, explore, and learn about ideas.
- Read and enjoy literature (e.g. poetry, narratives).
- Use mass media (newspapers, magazines, radio, television, movies, Internet, software).
- Conduct and present research (locate/observe/gather information, analyze a situation, draw a conclusion, predict an outcome, defend a position, create a model, explain a process).
D. Demonstrate appropriate speaking behaviors (e.g. volume, pace, clarity, eye contact, erect and still stance, gesture, handling of notes and visual aids).
E. Present ideas in small and large group discussions and oral presentations.
3. Develop and apply basic reading skills and strategies across genres to read and understand texts.
- Apply word recognition strategies (phonetic principles, context clues, and structural analysis) to
determine pronunciations or meanings of words in passages. (RD-5-1.0.1) [EL-5-FF-S-4]
- Apply knowledge of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms/homophones/homographs, compound words,
or differences in meaning to assist comprehension. (RD-5-1.0.2 DOK 2) [EL-5-FF-S-4]
- Identify words that have multiple meanings and infer the correct meaning as to how the word is used.
(e.g. nouns, pronouns, verbs (1st MP), adverbs, adjectives) (RD-5-1.0.3 DOK 2) [EL-5-FF-S-5]
- Formulate questions to guide reading (before, during, and after). (RD-5-1.0.6) [EL-5-FF-S-4]
- Read grade-appropriate material – orally and silently – with accuracy and fluency. [EL-5-FF-S-3]
- Describe words in terms of categories (e.g. water is a liquid), functions (e.g. water is for drinking), or
features (e.g. water flows). [EL-5-FF-S-4]
- Apply context and self-correction strategies while reading. [EL-5-FF-S-2]
4. Use appropriate reading strategies to make sense of a variety of print and non-print texts (literary,
informational, technical, practical/workplace, persuasive).
A. Identify and describe characteristics of different types of literary texts/genres. (e.g. fiction, non-fiction, poetry, plays, stories, folktales, historical fiction, realistic fiction, mysteries, science fiction, autobiographies, memoirs, thesis, memorandum, resume, policy manual, and legal document)
(RD-5-2.0.1 DOK 2) [EL-5-DIU-S-4, EL-5-DIU-S-8, EL-5-IT-S-1, EL-5-IT-S-6]
B. Analyze and explain literary elements. (e.g. characterization, plot, setting (1st MP), theme, point of view, and problem/solution) (RD-5-2.0.2 DOK 3) [EL-5-EIU-S-8]
C. Explain a character’s or speaker’s actions, qualities, emotions, and dialogue based on a passage. (RD-5-3.0.1 DOK 3) [EL-5-IT-S-5]
- Interpret the meaning of specialized vocabulary (words and terms specific to understanding the content). (RD-05-2.0.4) [EL-5-DIU-S-5]
O. Complete an analogy found in informational text.
P. Evaluate information supplied in text to determine the most likely cause for a given effect.
- Self-select texts based on personal interests. [EL-5-DIU-S-2]
5. Interpret text and make connections to develop a more complete understanding of what
is read.
A. Identify and analyze text features (e.g. pictures, lists, charts, titles, schedules, labels, graphs, tables of contents (with or without Roman Numerals), indexes, glossaries, captions, diagrams, headings, and bibliographies) to answer questions about a passage.
(RD-5-5.0.3 DOK 2) [EL-5-DIU-S-1, EL-5-DIU-S-9, EL-5-IT-6, EL-5-DCS-1]
F. Use prior knowledge and connect information from a passage to students’ lives (text-to
self), other texts (text-to-text-e.g. novel, short story, song, film, website, etc.), and real
world issues (text-to-world). (RD-5-4.0.1) [EL-5-RRT-S-2, EL-5-RRT-S-3, EL-5-RRT-S-4,
- Read and use functional messages encountered in daily life. [EL-5-DIU-S-9]
May 2010