Greeting Card Rubric

Designer’s Name: Hour: Circle One: Friend or Vet

60 – 69 points / 70 – 79 points / 80 – 89 points / 90 – 100 points
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Cover / Cover could be more attractive, attention getting; simply a piece of clip art or an image from the Internet / Cover attractive, but a little cliché, obvious; colors / Cover attractive, attention getting; colors enhance each other / Cover attractive, attention getting; contains an image that is more than just clip art or an image from the Internet; colors enhance each other
Text does not reinforce graphic or give hint to what is inside; simply says “Happy Valentine’s Day” / Text reinforces graphic, gives a hint as to what is inside; needs to be more appropriate / Text reinforces graphic, gives a hint to what is inside; is appropriate for person receiving card / Text reinforces graphic, gives a hint to what is inside; is unique original and appropriate for person receiving card
Material alignment needs improvement / Material alignment needs improvement; may be centered arbitrarily / Material alignment needs improvement; some alignment may be off / Material aligned
Font selection does not reinforce mood of message; may not download properly; more than three fonts have been used—a sans serif, a serif, and a decorative OR only one font used; fonts do not compliment one another; does not work well with cover font(s) / Font selection weak, does not reinforce message; more than three fonts have been used—a sans serif, a serif, and a decorative OR only one font used; does not work well with cover font(s) / Font selection needs improvement, needs to better reinforce message; no more than three fonts have been used—a sans serif, a serif, and a decorative; works well with cover font(s) / Font reinforces mood of message; no more than three fonts have been used—a sans serif, a serif, and a decorative—all fonts work well together; all fonts (inside and cover) work well together
Clip art not placed correctly, may be stretched out / Clip art placed correctly / Clip art placed correctly, use of PhotoShop or Illustrator needs to be stronger / Art/Graphics placed correctly; PhotoShop or Illustrator has been used to enhance design
1 or more spelling errors / No spelling errors; 1 or more grammatical errors / No spelling or grammatical errors / No spelling or grammatical errors
Inside / Text is not an original poem or selected quotation; does not make a logical connection with cover / Text either an original poem or selected quotation; needs a stronger connection with cover / Text either an original poem or selected quotation; makes a logical connection with cover / Text either an original poem or selected quotation used in conjunction with designer’s original connection; makes a logical connection with cover
1 or more spelling errors / No spelling errors; 1 or more grammatical errors / No spelling or grammatical errors / No spelling or grammatical errors
Font selection does not reinforce mood of message; may not download properly; more than three fonts have been used—a sans serif, a serif, and a decorative OR only one font used; fonts do not compliment one another; does not work well with cover font(s) / Font selection weak, does not reinforce message; more than three fonts have been used—a sans serif, a serif, and a decorative OR only one font used;
does not work well with cover font(s) / Font selection needs improvement, needs to better reinforce message; no more than three fonts have been used—a sans serif, a serif, and a decorative; works well with cover font(s) / Font reinforces mood of message; no more than three fonts have been used—a sans serif, a serif, and a decorative—all fonts (inside and cover) work well together
Graphic connection missing; No dominant element / Graphics need a stronger connection to cover design; elements fight for dominance / Graphics logically follow design established on cover; contains an obvious dominant element / Graphics logically follow design established on cover; both sides of inside used effectively; one side of the card is dominant and contains a dominant element
Uses auto leading / Text formatted in an interesting fashion; Auto leading is not used.
Back Cover/Logo / 1 or more spelling errors / Logo uses designer’s name only; uses text only / Logo could be more original; uses text only; uses designer’s name; appropriate size / Logo original, unique; uses Illustrator or Photoshop; incorporates designer’s name; relatively small