FLS Packing List System – User Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction…………………………………………………………..…… 3
  2. IT Requirements………………………………………………..………… 4
  3. Step by Step User Guide……………………………………..….……… 8

3.1. Log In…………………………………………………..…………… 8

3.2. Menu……………………………………………………..…….…… 8

3.3. Create Packing List………………………………………….……. 9

3.3.1.  Advice of Readiness……………………………………….. 9

3.3.2.  Packing List (Normal)………………………………………. 14

3.3.3.  Consolidated Packing of several FLS Order Nos.… ..…. 17

3.3.4.  Container Packing List……………………………………... 18

3.4. View Packing List……………………………..…………………… 20

  1. Procedures between Vendor and FLS……………………….………… 23
  2. Enclosure………………………………………………………..………... 24

5.thEdition – July 2011


1  Introduction

Welcome to the FLS Packing List System. The system is a web based programme which enables the FLS-vendors easily to create correct FLS packing lists and in the same time ensure that the packing lists are sent and immediately received by FLSmidth (FLS).

The purpose with this user guide is to explain how to access and use the system. In order to access the system and utilize the functionality some technical requirements must be followed. These requirements are described in section 2. In section 3, the user guide will give a step by step introduction of all modules of the system and section 4 contains information about the procedures between the vendor and FLS once the system is in use.

Further it shall be noted that FLS is presently operating in several purchase order programmes and that the packing list system handles all types of orders.

2  IT Requirements

In this section the technical requirements to access the FLS Packing List System are described.

The FLS Packing List System has been developed for the Internet Explorer Document Object Model (DOM). Therefore Microsoft Internet Explorer is required as the browser to use for this application. Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher is required. The system has been tested with Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows XP and Windows 7.

To use the functionality communicating data to Excel, Word or Outlook, some security settings have to be set for Internet Explorer.

Since the object models for Excel, Word and Outlook are not marked as save, the security settings must allow initializing and scripting ActiveX components not marked as save. Furthermore, to avoid being prompted for a logon when downloading Excel templates, anonymous logon should be specified for user authentication.

It is highly recommended to add the Packing List site to the zone of trusted sites and then change security settings.

To setup security settings follow these guidelines:

  1. From Internet Explorer select Tools, Internet Options from the menu.
  2. Click on the “Security” tab.
  3. Select the zone of Trusted sites.
  4. Click the Sites button.
  5. Unselect Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone. Enter the URL of the packing list system and click on the”Add” tab.
  6. Click Ok to close the sites dialog.
  7. Back in the Internet Options dialog click on the “Custom Level” tab.
  8. Enable Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as save.
  9. For user authentication select Anonymous logon.
  10. Enable Access data sources accross domains.
  11. Click Ok to close the security settings dialog.
  12. Click Ok to close the internet options dialog.

The above procedure may require system administration for the individual work stations. In such cases contact your IT function.

3  Step by Step User Guide

The user guide is a step by step introduction to FLS Packing List System.

The system consists of following modules:

-  Log In

-  Menu

-  Create Packing List

o  Advice of Readiness

o  Packing List

o  Container Packing List

o  Consolidated Packing of several FLS order nos.

-  View Packing List

In the following the use of each module will be described.

3.1  Log In

The system is accessed by following web-link:


In order to log in, the user must enter user name and password and then click on the “login” tab. The vendor can provide the user name and password from FLS. (see contact information in Enclosure no. 1).

The log in screen is illustrated in Enclosure 2 (Figure 1).

It is possible for one vendor to have multiple users.

Please contact FLS for User names and Passwords.

3.2  Menu

From the menu it is possible to get access to the following modules in the system:

-  Create Packing List (described in Paragraph 3.3)

-  View Packing List (described in Paragraph 3.4)

Further, the following FLS instructions in English language are available in PDF-format:

-  Instr. 28031, Handling Orders from FLS

-  Instr. 520530, General Workshop Instruction

-  Instr. 12951-08-3.1, Packing and packaging of goods for FLSmidth

-  Instr. 7000730, Shipment of goods

Finally a Help-function for guidance of the system is also found in the menu screen. Click on the “?” tab to open this manual.

The menu screen is illustrated in Enclosure 2 (Figure 2).

3.3  Create Packing List

This module is accessed from the menu by clicking on the “Create Packing List” link from the menu. The purpose with this feature is to type a packing list including a corresponding advice of readiness.

The screen is divided in two parts – left and right. In the left part the function buttons to the “Create Packing List” feature are found. In the right part the actual information is typed depending whether the purpose is an advice of readiness or a packing list.

When “Create Packing List” is accessed it automatically starts up in the “Advice of Readiness” screen. How to issue an “Advice of Readiness” is described in the following Paragraph 3.3.1.

Regarding the actual packing list there are different ways to issue it depending of which main type of packing is used. The system distinguishes between following types:

-  Packing List (“normal”, described in Paragraph 3.3.2)

-  Consolidated Packing (described in Paragraph 3.3.3)

-  Container Packing List (described in Paragraph 3.3.4)

It shall also be noted that the system operates with several purchase order programmes/FLS departments, and consequently there are some differences depending on which kind of order to be registered.

3.3.1  Advice of Readiness

The advice of readiness document contains necessary information about the purchase order in question: delivery status, collection address, contact information, etc (the “Advice of Readiness” is illustrated in Enclosure 2, Figure 3).

When you start to create a Packing List the system automatically starts up in the “Advice of Readiness” screen.

The advice of readiness is divided into 7 sections:

-  To

-  From

-  Packing List Information

-  Collection of the Goods

-  Marking of the Goods

-  Country of Origin

-  Remarks and Comments

In the “To” section, you are able to choose the receiving department of the packing list and the advice of readiness document.

But typing in the correct project no. / PO no. the system will find the correct receiver automatically!!

In the “From” section the following information will be filled-in automatically based on the user logon.

Please contact FLS (see encl. No 1 – contact information), if any information needs to be changed.

-  Company name

-  Address

-  Zip code and city

-  Country

-  Phone No.

-  Fax. No.

-  E-mail address

The “Packing List information” section needs to be completed with the following information:

-  FLS Order No.

If the message

Is shown. You will not be able to send a packing list via the system for the project in question. Pls. contact FLS (expediting dept.)

If the message

Is shown. Accept and choose the plant via the drop down menu.

-  Supplier Reference

-  Terms of Delivery and city (i.e. FCA Valby)

-  Delivery Status

It is possible to choose the status “Complete” or “Partial”.

If the status “Partial” is selected for a particular order – it is possible to choose the status “balance” the next time you create a packing list for the same order No.

-  Date of readiness-

The fields “Total Packages”, “Total Gross Weight” and “Total net Weight” are filled-in automatically.

The “Collection of the Goods” section needs to be completed with the following information:

-  Collection Address

-  Zip Code and City

-  Country

-  Contact Person

-  E-mail (for Contact Person)

-  Phone No. (for Contact Person)

-  Fax No. (for Contact Person)


If all data is identical to the data filled-in in the “From” section – you can click on the tab “Copy from Vendor” – and the data (company name, contact person, etc.) will be transferred to the section “Collection of the Goods”.

Also receiver, DSV-terminal, CSO-terminal or FLS-A terminal can be copied via the tabs:

Please note that the standard Shipping Marks will be filled-in automatically in the section “Marking of the Goods” based on the Order No. and contract name in the Packing List you are creating. The marking must be completed with actual information (PO-no, weights & dimensions)

In the “Country of Origin” section please select the country of origin from the drop down menu. If more countries – pls. add info in “Remarks”

Choose, if containerisation in your workshop is included – or not.

In the “Remarks and Comments” section you have the possibility to put in information about the order (i.e. relevant information about collection, or any other relevant information).

The following menu can be accessed from the advice of readiness

Click on the “Advice of Readiness” tab to return to the Advice of Readiness document.

The tab “New Package” brings you to the stage where you can create a packing list.

Click on the “New Container” tab to create a container packing list.

The tab “attachments” gives you the opportunity to attach i.e. dangerous goods declaration, MSDS, special storage instruction etc. (any word-,excel- & PDF-file can be attached to the advice of readiness or to the individual packinglist).

The tab “Copy ” gives you the opportunity to copy a package already created in the system, or any packing list in correct excel form (use: “browse”). Copying from advice of Readiness will copy the advice of Readiness only. Copying from a packing list will copy the packing list(s) only.

If you wish to delete a package or container already created – click on the tab “Delete Pack/Cont.”. Please note that the system will delete the package or container showed on the screen.

The “Interim Save” tab gives you the opportunity to save your work for later. I.e. the packing list (incl. advice of readiness is saved in your system for later – and is not submitted to FLS.

When you click the “Submit” tab – the system automatically transfers the packing list (incl. advice of readiness) to FLS.

Click on “Print” tab to get either a single sheet or the whole Packing List incl. Advice of Readiness document printed.

If you click on the “Excel” tab – the packing list is automatically transferred to Microsoft Excel.

Print Tags – accessable from a packing list will print TAG(S), which must be placed on all items inside the package(s).

3.3.2  Packing List (“normal”)

The packing list is accessed from the menu bar – by clicking on the “New Package” tab.

The purchase order No. and plant name is automatically transferred from the advice of readiness.

The field “Packed in Case No.” needs to be filled in only if goods for more than one FLS Order No. have been packed in the same package, please refer to Chapter 3.3.3 for further information concerning consolidated Packing of several FLS Order Nos.

Start by filling in the section “Packages” – by entering:

- Total number of packages covered by this Packing List sheet.

- Type of packing (i.e. closed wooden case, wooden crate, pallet, etc.)

- Unit Gross weight (per package)

- The net weight must be filled in for each line and the system will add – and show the total net weight.

- Dimensions in mm.

Based on the total number of packages covered by this packing list sheet the system will automatically calculate the CBM and fill-in the column “Package No” with the package numbers covered by the Packing List sheet.

(i.e. if the packing List sheet covers 3 cases – the system will put in package numbers 1-3 in the column “Package No.”)

If the consignment contains any dangerous goods – it is necessary to put a check mark in the column “Dangerous Goods” .

And dangerous goods-information must be filled in.

The datasheets must be attached to the individual packing list – using the tab “attachments”.

Select the type of packing from the “Packing type” drop-down menu.

It is possible to choose between:

- Seaworthy packed

- Packed for later containerisation

- Packed for local transport

Specification of the delivered equipment – are activated by clicking on the “Add Row” tab from the menu bar.

Then it is possible to fill-in the necessary information describing all items covered by this packing list sheet (such as pcs, description, etc.

Please refer to the individual purchase order for this information.

For some orders, you might be able to copy lines from the FLS´ PO via “Select lines from PO”

It is possible to check mark in the small box left of quantity, if more lines at a time need to be deleted.

After having check marked the selected lines – click on the “Delete rows” tab.

The tab “Paste specification” can be used to paste a no. of rows from an Excel-sheet into the Packing List.

Mark the area in your excel-sheet (Ctrl+C) and paste into the packing list via “Paste specification”.

Please note: For this function to work, the information on the Excel-sheet needs to be stated in columns in the exact same order as given in the packing list. If the consignment consists of more packages, click on the tab “New Package” from the menu to get a blank packing list sheet ready to be filled-in for the next package.

When the packing list has been completed you can either click on the “Interim Save” tab if you need to save your work for later – or click on the “Submit” tab in order to transfer/send the packing list (incl. Advice of Readiness document) to the Expediting Department responsible for the contract at FLS.

From the menu you can switch between the different packing list sheets you have made.

An example of a normal packing list is illustrated in enclosure 2 (Figure 4)