Letter to churches and Prayer Partners
Dearly beloved in the Lord,
Greetings in the name of the soon returning Lord.
I do apologize for not writing sooner as Rachel and I were busy in India.
As you all know the new position as International Director of Bible Open Air Mission is very exciting and demanding. This is a unique ministry reaching the lost with life changing message of the Gospel through open air preaching, disciple making and planting churches in India, Philippines, Myanmar, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Gini, Ukraine, Honduras and Trinidad.
The Lord gave us good committed Christians to serve on the International BOARD. He also gave us dedicated men and women to serve on the teams in all these countries. As thousands are reached every month through open air preaching a good number of them accept Jesus as their personal savior. As the team go back establish them in the word number of them are baptized and churches planted. In India alone we got 24 open air teams as the result of their outreach ministry the Lord enabled us to plant 143 churches so far. One of the challenges was to find pastors for these churches as these congregations were in very remote places. The Lord helped us to find people from among the new believers to lead the churches. Now the challenge before us is to train these men and equip them. Please pray with us. We are working out a plan so experienced pastors from the western world can go to the third world countries for two weeks and teach those pastors. Please pray and if the Lord is leading you to accept this challenge let me know. We can work on the details.The situation in the Philippines, Myanmar and African nations are also similar. Please pray.
We moved down to Dallas TX last week. The unpacking is still on.
Our oldest daughter Jasmine and family live in New Zealand. Our granddaughter Abigail will turn 4 on August 7. Second oldest daughter Jemima and family live in Texas and our grandson Jonathan is 10 months and he was premature. Our son-in-law just graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with Th. M. Thanks for your prayers. Rachel will be taking care of Jonathan. Jamin our third daughter and her husband serve the Lord in India. Sarah the youngest joins Southern Methodist University in Dallas TX on August 12.
Rachel and I thank you all for your prayers and continued support in the transition. We need your support as we continue to serve Him. You may send the support to the address below.
Rev. A. L. & Rachel Subramanian
BOAM P. O. BOX 0398 FANWOOD NJ 07023.