April 2017
- Sign in to your StarRez Portal
- Choose “Application” Tab at top of page and Select the Term Selector of the process for which you wish to apply (you may only see one option depending on your personal indicators, i.e. first-year, sophomore, etc.
- Navigate through the pages using the top Buttons. Read all pages carefully so you do not miss important details.
- Pages may be required.
- Some pages may be “Read Only” after completion, or “Single Use”.
Forming a Roommate Group
- The Group Leader must first “Create a new group”
- Enter your Group’s Name – MUST BE your Last Name, First Name
- Create a unique password to share with your members so they can “Join the Group”
- Members Join a Group
- Use the Group Leader’s details to join, (Name and Password – entered exactly).
- Last Step…
- Group Leader MUST Return to their “Roommate Group” page and “Verify Group” by the application deadline.
- Do NOT VERIFY until all you members have joined the group! Doing so will block your application from your members and eliminate your application from the Time Slot process
- Only applications with enough members to fill the space(s) will receive Time Slots, i.e.
- in the 5 pp Brainerd Sophomore Draw there must be 5 members total,
- in the 3 & 4pp Junior/Senior draw a group of 3 or 4 will be assigned random Time Slots (based on seniority) but a 3 pp group would only be able to choose a 3, a group with 4 members would have the option of choosing a 4 or 3 person location
- AFTER the end of an Application period for a process all groups which have submitted complete applications (i.e. enough members in the group to participate in a draw for that size space) will be assigned RANDOM Time Slots.
- All members of a group will have the same Time Slot
- There are no set rules as to how far apart Time Slots are spaces as it will depend on the number of applications and the timeframe for the process.
- A group’s Time Slot will stay open until either a space is assigned or the Selection process closes
Selecting a Space
- BE PREPARED – research the spaces your group would like and rank them. Doing so would help you to more efficiently find and select a space.
- Once a group’s Time Slot has begun any member of the group may sign on, go to the “Rooms” page and choose a space for the members of the group based on what is available as of that time.
- Use the Room Space Wizard
- Use the links to the properties to navigate to the different spaces.
- Although you may see a link for a space you/your group may not necessarily have access to that space or there may not be beds still available at that location.
- To back out and navigate to another location use the “Building>Floor>Rooms>Beds tree in the upper right corner of the page.
- After you select a Building, and then a Floor,
- To View Details about a Room/Bed Use the little magnifying glass to the right of the location…
- Choose the space your group wants and click “Save & Continue”
- WARNING – a selectin is FINAL so choose carefully
Assigning the Beds
- The last screen will allow you to sign the beds to the members of your group.
- Remember, students are required to reside within their officially assigned rooms and we want you to be able to have access to the correct rooms when you each arrive on campus in the fall.
- Click “Reserve Beds” to solidify the assignments.