Lead Specific Game Plan
Create a game plan with action steps to acquire property that meets specific parameters.
Lead Name: ______Phone:______
Describe the exact type of deal scenario to target:______
(Example: Any 3/2 in zip code 33614 under 60k total investment, to buy, fix and sell with a minimum 30% profit. Block or frame. Prefer pool and prefer at least 1 car garage. All cash. Investor has $70k total cash, proof of funds received.)
____ Cash Deal ____ Cash and Financing Deal ____ Owner Financing Only ____ All Scenarios
Review all “Property Acquisitions” training for detailed instruction on how to implement these strategies. Review the training on “Negotiating With Motivated Sellers” for detailed instruction on how to negotiate and make offers to the sellers. Take the following action steps immediately:
___ Check current inventory for any deals under contract that match scenario, call buyer with “opportunity”.
___ Contact wholesalers and investors in the exact area and get lists of available deals that meet scenario.
___ Search online classified sites for deals in the area. Call and make offers on ALL DEALS in area.
___ If local, drive area for FSBOs and For Rents. Call and make offers on ALL DEALS.
___ If an owner financed scenario, target For Rents and offer to buy with owner financing for same as rent.
___ Ask agent for Broker Synopsis Report and Spreadsheet of all deals in target area. Make multiple offers.
Offers might be as low as 70% of asking price. Many will be rejected. See training video.
___ If owner financed scenario, ask agent to send report of all For Rent/Lease deals. Make multiple
“purchase” offers instead of “rental” offers. Build in agent(s) commission as part of down payment.
___ Place signs in area “We Buy Houses” and/or “We Take Over Payments”.
___ Post Ads on classified sites: “We Buy Houses” and/or “We Take Over Payments”. Target “For Rent”
listings with ads like: “I buy rental homes, stop being a landlord and increase your cash flow.”
___ Contact Local Code Enforcement office and get list if properties with violations. Mail letters “I want to
buy your house, call me”.See training video.
___ Contact Probate Court and get list if Probate cases. Mail “Farming Letter”.See training video.
___ Get Out Of Town/Absentee Owners from MelissaData.com. Mail “Farming Letter”. See training video.
Team member(s) who will start working this Lead SpecificGame Plan:______
Lead Specific Game Plan Create a Game Plan with Action Steps to Acquire Property That