Create a Purchase Order for Emergency (Incident) Purchases 2.0
Supplemental Job Aid
Date: December 28, 2017
Revision History
Date / Version / Location / Update Description12/28/2017 / 2.0 / All / Updated to include information on how to create the Emergency Procurement Contract to link to the PO.
Target Audience: Department PO Buyer, PO Buyer
Purpose: The purpose of this supplemental job aid is to provide additional instructions to the Department PO Buyer and the PO Buyer (Buyer) when entering Emergency (Incident) Purchase[1] Orders (PO) in FI$Cal[2]. Instructions include how to charge to prior FYs, as related to emergency procurement expenditure tracking.
NOTE: Prior to creating an Emergency PO, Buyers should refer to internal policies and procedures for tracking the Emergency Expenditures on the PO Chart of Accounts/Projects.
· Reference Job Aid: FI$Cal.339 to add the Statewide Emergency Attributes to Projects.
· Reference Job Aid: FI$Cal.340 to run the Emergency Expenditure Report and Query.
In addition, if a Procurement Contract is required for the Emergency transaction, a Procurement Contract will be created in FI$Cal using the term dates of the authorized and executed Emergency contract document (Reference UPK PO142/152). The PO will then be created by copying from this Procurement Contract in FI$Cal (Reference UPK PO123) and following the instructions and steps of this Job Aid.
Create a Purchase Order
Step 1: Create a PO (Reference UPK PO122)
· Purchasing > Processing Purchase Orders > Creating Purchase Orders > Creating a Direct PO
Step 2: Select PO Date:
· For prior FYs POs, click the PO Date calendar icon. Select prior PO Date.
· For current FY POs, click the PO Date calendar icon and select Current Date.
Step 3: Select the appropriate Emergency Acquisition Method:
o Emergency - Non-Natural Disaster (Form 42) - NON-COMPETITIVELY BID[3]
o Emergency - Public Contract Code - NON-COMPETITIVELY BID[4]
Step 4: Utilize the PO Reference field to enter an identifying name of the disaster, should be standardized for consistency and ease of reporting.
Step 5: Click the ‘Add Comments and Attachments’ hyperlink.
Step 6: In the Comments section, indicate what Emergency Documents are attached to distinguish them from other Comments and/or Attachments. Attach Emergency Procurement documentation[5]. Click ‘OK’ button.
Step 7: Update the Chartfields. Click the Schedule icon for each item in the Lines Details Tab.
Step 8: Click the Distribution/ Chartfields Icon in the Schedules Distributions Tab
Step 9: Select the Enactment Year (ENY)
· For prior FY/s POs, on the Distribution Chartfields Tab, enter a prior ENY.
· For current FY POs, on the Distribution Chartfields Tab, enter the current ENY.
Step 10: Click the ‘Budget Information’ Tab.
· For prior FY POs, update Budget Date to reflect the same prior PO Date.
· For current FY POs, do not update Budget Date.
Step 11: Click ‘OK’ button
Step 12: Perform steps 7- 10 for each line of the PO
Step 13: Continue to process PO per UPK PO122 and submit for approval and budget checking.
You have successfully created a purchase order for Emergency (Incident) Purchases.
FI$Cal.364 - Create a Purchase Order for Emergency (Incident) Purchases 2.0
Updated: 12/28/2017 Page 9 of 9
[1] Defined in SCM- F 2.B10.0 as an immediate acquisition necessary for the protection of the public health, welfare, or safety. An emergency purchase may be in response to a natural disaster, i.e. fire, flood, earthquake or not in response to a natural disaster, i.e., purchase of goods needed to manage drought conditions.
· Public Contract Code Section 12102(a)(2) allows for emergency purchases of IT goods and/or services are needed in cases of emergency where immediate acquisition is necessary for the protection of the public health, welfare, or safety.”
· Public Contract Code Section 10302(a) allows for emergency purchases for non-IT goods and services defined an emergency as “a sudden, unexpected occurrence that poses a clear and imminent danger, requiring immediate action to prevent or mitigate the loss or impairment of life, health, property or essential public services.”
[2] Policy dictates that Emergency Purchases be entered into FI$Cal: SCM-F Chapter 2, Section 10.2
[3] Defined in SCM- F 2.B10.3 when the purchasing activity exceeds a department’s authorized NCB contract purchasing authority threshold select Emergency - Non-Natural Disaster (Form 42) - NON-COMPETITIVELY BID as the procurement method in FI$Cal.
[4] Where immediate acquisition is necessary for the protection of the public health, welfare, or safety, Public Contract Code Section 12102(a)(2) allows for emergency purchases of IT goods and/or services. Public Contract Code Section 10302(a) allows for emergency purchases for non-IT goods and services.
[5] Per SCM-F (Chapter 2, Section 10.1), regardless of the classification of the emergency, documentation must be uploaded into FI$Cal system and kept in the procurement file. Please review policy to determine which information must be provided to DGS/PD.