eText Database Procedure/Record Maintenance
Guidelines for Vendors
Release # / Date / Description
Original / 2011 / Original (Jessica Kajkowski)
Rev. 1 / May 24, 2012 / (Ann Sullivan)
Rev. 2(Ann Sullivan) / May15, 2013 / Addition of Digital Library and Special Book Section Fields (Ann Sullivan)
HED/INTL eText Database Procedure
eText Request
- eText Conversion Request form is submitted by BU
- Data from form feeds into the eText Database. Some fields will be automatically populated with data from forms.
- Vendor responsible for checking/maintaining all fields in each etext record. Many fields are fed from form but vendor should check that data is accurate and update as needed during course of production if things change or if data in original submission is incorrect.
eText Database Login
Access the Database with the URL provided by eText team. Log in with vendor account credentials.
After logging in, the Main Menu will appear. To Search for Higher Ed titles select Search Records under Higher Ed & International column (on left)
General Search Options
Additional Search Options
After entering search parameter the results will appear. To access the record to be edited click on the Request # for appropriate eText (first column)
General/Contact Info
- Request #: Number automatically generated when conversion form is submitted and creates a new record. Can also be referred to as a record number. Every parent record has a distinct request number. This value can not be changed.
- eText/Parent/Charge ISBNs: Data fed from form.
- BookID/GlobalBookID: Edit once ID’s are created after ingestion. If either ID changes during course of etext production Vendor must change in database and provide detail in Production Notes explaining why ID(s) changed.
- Title/Author: Data fed from form
- Division: Data fed from form
- UI Language: Data fed from form
- Copyright: Data fed from form
- Name/email/additional email/phone: Data fed from form. If BU primary contact changes make note of it in Production Notes
- Vendor: Not fed from form. Vendor selects their name from pull down
- Managed By: Not fed from form. Vendor selects BU/Vendor for all titles that were initiated directly from BU. If Ann Sullivan or Tyler Suydam initiated title then select their name.
- Source: Data fed from form
- Int’l Region: Data fed from form if Division is International
- iPad View: Data fed from form; edit as necessary; if BU originally does not want iPad and decides during production that iPad is needed make sure to changeiPad View pull down to Yes and make note of it in Production Notes
- Digital Library: Data is not fed from form. Vendor will need to edit as necessary. If BU requests Digital Library at any time during production of eText be sure to change pull down option to Yes and make not of it in Production Notes. This also applies to revisions. Revision record does not have Digital Library field so be sure to edit parent record to reflect that Digital Library assets are now available.
- UI/1st Page: Data fed from form
- Initial Comments from BU: Fed from form. Can not be edited or deleted. Anything BU enters in Additional Notes field will be found here. If record was migrated from original HED/Intl etext database all production notes will be found in this field as well.
- Production Notes:Regardless of whether the eText is a new project or revision the Production notes/comments field should reflect as much transaction information as possible. It is one of the most valuable sources of the project’s history.
Belowis an example of Production Notes. Make sure to provide full date and vendor name or name of individual at vendor followed by detailed note This way anyone reading the notes knows who made the comments.
01/04/12: Vendorname – Pam approves etext. No further work needed. Prjoect closed by Pam/BU and approved for invoicing.
12/28/11: Vendorname – Linking changes made. Sent to Pam/BU for review
12/26/11: Vendorname – Pam provides linking review notes and requests changes.
12/20/11: Vendorname – Linking review sent to Pam/BU for review
12/12/11: Vendorname – Pam approves 1st review changes. Instructs that linking should proceed. Hotspots from XML and spreadsheet will be created and repositioned.
12/11/11: Vendorname – 1st review changes made. Sent to Pam/BU for review
12/06/11: Vendorname – Pam provides 1st review notes and requests changes.
11/28/11: Vendorname – 1st review to Pam/BU for review
11/04/11: Vendorname – Pam gives instructions to proceed with Alpha ingestion.
11/1/11: Vendorname – Pam Weldin supplies Conversion Request email
This kind of transactional history helps provide a clear timeline of what was done during course of eText production. It states what was done by whom, and if there are any special details that are relevant, such as “PDFs received were missing trim boxes” or “question about apparent pagination change sent to Pam” that information should also be included. Sometimes projects run longer than they should, and having the explanatory notes such as these make it clear for anyone reviewing such exceptions why this particular project took longer.
Schedule Status
- Production Status: When form is submitted this will automatically be selected with “Initiation”. Vendor will be responsible for maintaining appropriate Status during all phases of etext production. Options are:
In Production
CM Tool Issue
Authoring Tool Issue
Content Issue
First Review
First Corrections
Second Review
Second Corrections
Third Review
Third Corrections
CD Master in Progress
CD Master Approved
Live(this should only be selected when all production is finished and vendor has been informed by BU that they have no further work to be done.)
On Hold - Request Form Submitted: Fed from form. Can not be edited/deleted
- Estimated Projected Completion: Automatically calculated to be 8 weeks after Request Form Submitted Date. This field can not be edited/deleted.
- Review Counts: If etext progress past 3 rounds of review than vendor will enter the appropriate revision round number as it changes.
- Project Initiated:Vendor enters date that the project begins, typically the day after it is submitted to the vendor. Make sure this date is accurate.
- Adjusted Projection: Not fed from form. Vendor will continually update this field as necessary to reflect most accurate date that project is estimated to be complete.
- Overall Completion Date:Not fed from form. Vendor will enter date that all production work is finished on project. BU has informed vendor that no further work is needed from them. (This is when Status field should be changed to Live
- Folder Name: Fed from form. BU provides folder where content is available in upload area of CM FTP
- # of hold days:If a project is put on hold for any reason, it is important to add the total amount of days on hold when the project is complete/live. If project goes on hold more than once during production vendor will continue to update number of hold days sequentially for each round it was on hold. When running the eText Production Timeframe report it will count the number of days between date request received and date initially completed. This report will minus the days on hold to the project.
**This would include delayed review responses. For example, If the BU doesn’t respond and provide the first review comments and/or proceed with the Linking Stage; any additional business days more than three should be added to the hold time box.
eText Information
Data fed from form. Provides information regarding eText production process and what the BU wants included in the etext. Many times the BU does not select the right information. Make sure to edit as needed to show all final decisions of how etext was produced and what BU actually wanted. Make sure to edit Production Notes with information about any changes made to delivery methods and dates.
- Source Files: Be sure to update if BU information is not accurate. Hi-res PDF’s only or XML from ETM and Hi-Res PDFs
- Compositor
- DisciplineCode
- PIMSInfo
- Cover Art: Be sure to update if BU information is not accurate. Options are Supplied or Not Supplied
- eText Type: Be sure to update if BU information is not accurate. Options are Full eText or Demo/Partial eText
- Page Count: This is typically an estimate. Be sure to update with final correct page count.
- Remove all captions/figs
- Retain these captions/figs: Notes from BU letting vendor know if some captions/figs should not be masked out of etext
- Non-permissioned to Exclude: Notes from BU letting vendor know if any other material in etext needs to be masked out.
- Special Book Features That Should Be Converted: Text elements that are not considered to be part of the main text. Most times these sections will have specialized page numbering and special attention must be paid to make sure that position of these sections is accurate as well as pagination.
- TOC Spreadsheet: Does TOC spreadsheet need to be created or will it be created from XML. Be sure to update with accurate information.
- Glossary Spreadsheet:Is a Glossary required. Will it come from XML or will vendor create. Be sure to update with accurate information.
- Contents Links/Hotspots:Are TOC hotspots required. Will it come from XML or will vendor create. Be sure to update with accurate information.
- Index Links/Hotspots:Are Index hotspots required. Will it come from XML or will vendor create. Be sure to update with accurate information.
- Cross Reference Hotspots: Are cross references hotspots within pages required. Will it come from XML or will vendor create. Be sure to update with accurate information.
- Hotspots Spreadsheet: Are additional hotspots (i.e. to media) required. Will it come from XML or will vendor create. Be sure to update with accurate information.
- CustomIcons
- Custom Baskets Spreadsheet:Are custom Baskets required. BU must provide spreadsheets.
- HotspotsUI
- Underlinehotspotcolor
- Underlinehotspothover
- Hex numbers: Visible/Underline/Hover
- Audio Synch:Non-Modal Audio (with or without Synchronized Highlighting) required by BU
General Process: Updating parent eText Record
1)Once a request is submitted to the vendor and the project is in production, the vendor will update:
a)Production Status: Change from Initiationto In Production
b)Project Initiated: Should be the day that the project begins, typically the day after it is submitted to the vendor.
c)Managed By
e)Production Notes: Update with the date sent to eText vendor, any special instructions, missing content, etc.
2)At the time of First Review, the vendor will update:
a)Production Status: change to First Review
b)Book ID
c)Global Book ID
d)Production Notes:
e)*** Business Unit may want the First Review Corrections to be done separately and not combined with the Linking Stage Request. Update the database as follows:
(1)Production Status (change to First Corrections)
(2)Production Notes (dates/comments for each transaction)
3)At the time of Linking Stage, the vendor will update:
a)Production Status (change to Linking)
b)Production Notes (dates/comments for each transaction)
4)At the time of Linking Stage Review, the vendor will update:
a)Production Status (change to Second Review)
b)Production Notes (dates/comments for each transaction)
5)At the time of Second Corrections, also known as Linking Stage, corrections, the vendor will update:
a)Production Status (change to Second Corrections)
b)Production Notes(dates/comments for each transaction)
6)At the time of Mantis QA corrections, the vendor will update:
a)Production Status (change to Corrections) add the appropriate review number 3,4,5 etc in the number field box next to the Production Status drop down field
b)Production Notes(dates/comments for each transaction)
7)At the time of Mantis QA Review, the vendor will update:
a)Production Status (change to Review) add the appropriate review number 3,4,5 etc in the number field box next to the Production Status drop down field
b)Production Notes(dates/comments for each transaction)
8)Throughout the rest of the production cycle, the vendor will update:
a)Production Status
b)# of days on hold (if the project is put on hold for any reason, the number of business days on hold should be entered here) **This would include delayed review responses. For example, If the business unit doesn’t respond and provide the first review comments and/or proceed with the Linking Stage; any additional business days more than three should be added to the hold time box.
c)Production Notes(dates/comments for each transaction)
d)Any other information that is changed throughout production should be updated and older or exceptional information is mentioned in original request comment.
e)Adjusted Projection (Vendor should alert BU if Projected Completion is coming up and will be missed and also update Adjusted Projection with the new date.)
9)Once production is complete, the vendor will update:
a)Production Status (change to Live or CD Master Approved)
b)Production Notes(dates/comments for each transaction)
c)Overall Completion Date (Enter date that the BU has given approval that the eText production work is complete.)
**If a project does go on hold for any reason, it is important to add the total amount of days on hold when the project is complete/live. When running the eText Production Timeframe report it will count the number of days between date request received and date initially completed. This report will minus the days on hold to the project.
eText Revision Request
- eText Revision Request form is submitted by BU. BU is required to provide BookID in Revision Request form. If BU supplies correct BookID then a revision record will be added to parent record (with same BookID) in the database. This allows Revision record to be associated original parent etext record. If the BookID does not exist in the database the request will still be accepted and a new database record will be created.
- Vendor needs to be sure to update Revision record (not parent record) during entire course of Revision production to update information. All the fields within revision record are the same as parent records. Vendor will update all records as needed during revision production process.
The only additional information for Revisions is the Revisions Detail Section.
This area is fed from Revision form. Vendor should update as necessary during course of production.
All instructions regarding Hold dates and Production Notes apply to Revision record as well. It is extremely important that vendor provide detailed information in all areas of etext database. This will alleviate unnecessary emails if titles are behind schedule.
**IMPORTANT NOTE**: Please keep in mind that if a demo/partial eText has been produced using the Simple workflow that the full eText will need to be produced using the Simple workflow in order to retain BookID. If a request comes in for a revision from Demo to Full eText and the Standard workflow is required then it should be pointed out to the BU that a new BookID will be created. In this the BU should not be submitting a Revision request. They should fill out a Conversion Request since it will be a new eText with a new BookID.
General Process: Updating eText Revision Record
1)eText Revision Request form is submitted by BU
2)Once the request is submitted to the vendor and the revision is in production, the vendor will update:
a)Production Status: Change from Initiationto In Production
b)Req. Form Submitted: will be fed automatically with date Revision Form was submitted.
c)Project Initiated: Should be the day that the project begins, typically the day after it is submitted to the vendor
d)Managed By
f)Initial comments from BU: will be fed automatically with comments BU entered in Revision form. This can not be edited/deleted. Description of revision, date production of revision was started by vendor
g)Production Notes: Update with the date sent to eText vendor, any special instructions, missing content, etc.
3)At the time of First Review, the vendor will update:
a)Revision Status (change to First Review)
4)Throughout the rest of the Revision production cycle, the vendor will update:
a)Production Status
b)** # of days on hold (if the project is put on hold for any reason, the number of business days on hold should be entered here)
c)Initial Comments from BU (dates/comments for each transaction)
d)Production Notes: Any other information that is changed throughout production should be updated and older or exceptional information is mentioned in original request comment.
5)iPad View and Digital Library fields (Parent Record): If Digital Library and/or iPad assets are being created for the first time as part of a revision Vendor must make sure to update these fields on Parent Record. Select Yes from pull down options for each field as appropriate.
6)Once production of Revised title is complete, the vendor will update:
a)Production Status (change to Live or CD Master Approved)
b)Production Notes (dates/comments for each transaction)
c)Overall Completion Date (Enter date that the BU has given approval that the eText revision work is complete.)
**If a project is put on hold for any reason, it is important to add the total amount of days on hold when the project is complete/live. When running the eText Production Timeframe report it will count the number of days between date request received and date initially completed. This report will minus the days on hold to the project.
Original/Revision Request Comments Field