Arizona Juvenile Detention Administrator’s Association

Meeting Minutes – August 13, 2009

Members Present:

Paul Gabaldon, Yavapai County

Gloria Dusek, Mohave County

Jolene Hefner, Yuma County

Cindy Reilly, Maricopa County

Grace Arriaga, Maricopa County

Omar Villa, Santa Cruz County

Jennifer Himes, Apache County

Randy Sullivan, Navajo County

Denise Smith, Pinal County

Jim Milligan, Cochise County

Julie Ramirez, Coconino County


Mark Koch, AOC

Jon Lindell, ADJC

Dottie Wodraska

Welcome and Introductions

Randy called the meeting to order at 9:55 a.m.

Approval of Minutes/Treasurer’s Report

The meeting minutes and the Treasurers report were approved as submitted.

State Agency Reports

Mark Koch advised that he sent everyone a check list for the new standards. The check list is to be used as a tool to ensure our policies and procedures are in line with the new standards. Mark reminded everyone that detention centers state wide had to be in compliance with the new standards by July 2010. In an attempt to ensure counties are on track with the new standards, he will begin conducting on-site assessments to review our policies and procedures and to address any areas of concerns with the new standards. Mark advised he will begin the on-site assessments with the medium-sized detention centers in a couple of months.

Members discussed the concern they had about the financial impact the new ratio’s is going to impose on the counties. Mark advised that per code, a Standards Committee will have to be established within the next year. Discussion followed regarding the concern that many detention administrators do not have any control over the education policies. Mark said that Dottie sent a copy of the new standards to each county superintendant.

Dottie Wodraski, AJDEAC, reviewed the FY 09 census report and Special Education Census Report. Dottie reviewed the upcoming professional development opportunities and reminded everyone that there are scholarships available for up to $250.00 through ACE.

Jon Lindell, ADJC, advised the group that he is starting on Cycle B of the inspection plan. Jon requested that materials be sent to him in advance of the on-site inspection. Jon said that as a result of a 12% budget reduction, 32 employees were laid off,but no programs or services were cut back.

Discussion Items

Jim Milligan asked if a copy of the curriculum was available for all required training and/or curriculum of the classes taught at the JDO academy. Discussion followed on what training was required. Each county was responsible for their own training program --- no statewide standards for training with the exception of PREA, Handle with Care and Suicide Prevention. Mark stated that AOC purchased software which will allow Education Services to develop their own CBT’s. Mark stated Ed Services is currently developing a PREA presentation for juveniles.

Mark stated that several people attended the PREA train the trainer class in Phoenix and trainers can modify the class as long as they cover PREA objectives. Cindy Reilly agreed to send everyone a copy of the PREA power point presentation they use in Maricopa County.

Sub-Committee Reports

Paul stated the next COPE meeting was scheduled for September 12. Paul advised that the Behavior Management lesson plan was available on the )))))))))) website. Paul said that AOC will continue to offer the JDO Academy; however, in an attempt to cut costs, AOC is considering moving the JDO academy to the CODA facility in Tucson. The facilities would include dormitories, food would be prepared on site, and real-life scenarios could be incorporated into the academy curriculum. The reduction in cost for meals and housing would be significant.

It was determined that the November AJDAA meeting and retreat would be held in Florence rather than in Prescott, Az.

Conclusion and Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned at 1:18 p.m.