Nominating Committee

Minnetonka SDA Church

Committee Name: Nominating Committee


  1. To review the list of Church Governing Board positions to be filled and their functions;
  2. To thoughtfully and prayerfully identify those individuals who may best fill the vacant board positions;
  3. To seek advice and suggestions from church leaders and members as to who may be suited to serve as Governing Board members;
  4. To submit the Beliefs & Practices (B&P) Agreement and the Governing Board Questionnaire (GBQ) to all potential candidates for them to complete;
  5. To interview potential Governing Board members to ensure they conform to the standards set for Governing Board members, using the B&P Agreement, the GBQ, and the Governing Board Position Description as a guide;
  6. To ask agreed upon individuals to serve;
  7. To make formal nomination of consenting individuals to the church body for vote;
  8. To maintain all discussions in the strictest confidence;


  1. One member from the previously serving nominating committee;
  2. Four members newly elected: and
  3. The senior church pastor and one board member, appointed by the board, as non-voting advisors


  1. Elected annually by the church body during the ninth month of the church year.
  2. The previously serving nominating committee shall be listed with instructions for the church body to vote for two (individuals having served for two consecutive previous terms shall not be eligible to serve again for at least two years);
  3. All other active church members shall be listed with instruction for the church body to vote for ten;
  4. Votes shall be counted by the Governing Board chairperson and the senior pastor;
  5. The Governing Board chairperson and the pastor shall contact those individuals with the highest number of votes in descending order until agreement to serve has been received.
  6. The two previous committee members and the ten church members with the highest number of votes willing to serve shall be resubmitted to the church body to vote for one (1) previous committee member and four (4) additional church members to serve as the nominating committee.
  7. No current member of the church board shall be eligible to serve on the committee.
  1. The chairperson shall be elected by the committee from

among its members.

Information Available to the Committee:

  1. The full list of church members;
  2. The list of Church Governing Board positions to be filled;
  3. A copy of the Church Governing Board charter;
  4. Copies of the B&P Agreement to distribute;
  5. Copies of the GBQ to distribute;
  6. Any other information the church may have related to the skills and passions of its members;
  7. Guidelines for prayerfully seeking church members to fill the available positions; and
  8. A process by which potential Church Governing Board members are identified.

Date of Revision: March 28, 2007

Date approved by Board: April 24.2007