2013 Olmo Ling Work Exchange Application Form

A limited number of work exchange opportunities are available for most of our retreats. Olmo Ling's work exchange program allows volunteers to attend retreats at a reduced price or on scholarship. We ask that volunteers sign up for specific tasks and complete a specified amount of service hours that vary depending on the type of work exchange selected.

Services must be completed in a timely and efficient manner. This application represents an agreement between you and Olmo Ling. You are expected to complete all services you have signed up to perform. If you have to cancel or cannot perform your designated tasks, please get in touch with Trish at as soon as possible or call 412-904-1112. Please note that half retreat fee payments and donations must be paid by the close of the retreat.

To apply, please fill out this application and send it to Olmo Ling, Attn: Patricia Podgorski, 1101 Greenfield Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15217, fax it to 412-421-1472 or email it to . If you have any questions, please contact us at 412-904-1112 or email to .

Name: / Date of Birth:
Address: / Home Phone: / Cell:
City, State and Zip Code: / Retreat you’re applying for (Please list title and dates):
E-mail: / Date of Application:
Olmo Ling Member? Yes No / How did you hear about us?
Have you volunteered with Olmo Ling in the past?
Yes No
If yes, when? / What tasks did you perform?


Please check one:

  • 25% Work Exchange. Responsible for 2 hours of service and pay 75% of retreat fee
  • 50% Work Exchange. Responsible for 4 hours of service and pay 50% of retreat fee
  • 80% Work Exchange. Responsible for 6 hours of service and pay 20% of retreat fee

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Below or on a separate page, please tell us why you are applying for work exchange and what your hopes are for this experience. (Please limit response to one or two paragraphs.)

Please check the tasks you would like to complete and the amount of time you’d like to spend on each task. You will be expected to complete the tasks, keep track of your time and return this completed form to Patricia Podgorski at the Olmo Ling office PRIOR TO THE RETREAT.

Please note that not completing your service hours without a valid excuse may result in disqualification from further work exchange opportunities.

Regular cleaning (every 2 weeks)
TOTAL TIME: ______/ Office/Bookstore:
Book/product sales
Fold flyers/Mailings
Video Editing
Design or Writing of Promotional Materials
Upload new pictures to website
Transcription for Tempa-la’s books
Help Tempa-la with books or other writings
Translation of Bon Scriptures
TOTAL TIME: ______/ Retreat/Event Work:
Clean temple before retreat/event
Clean up after retreat/event
Cook Asian Food for visiting lamas
TOTAL TIME: ______

Additional Questions:

  1. Do you need any special accommodations in order to perform assigned tasks? Yes No

If so, please describe on a separate sheet of paper.

  1. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Yes No

If so, please describe on a separate sheet of paper.

Signature: ______Date:______

Please mail, fax or e-mail your completed application to Olmo Ling.

/ Olmo Ling Bon Buddhist Center
1101 Greenfield Ave
Pittsburgh PA, 15217 / Phone: 412-904-1112
Fax: 412-421-1472
Web: olmoling.org

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