Resolution # Resolution Title Resolution Contents Date Key Word 1 Key Word 2 President’s Response


(Updated June 10, 2016 by GG)

Resolution # / Resolution Title / Resolution Contents / Date / Key Word 1 / Key Word 2 / PRESIDENT’S RESPONSE TO THE RESOLUTION
AS-1-75 / Resolution in Support of the Nuclear Forum / Supports the nuclear energy public forum to be held at Cal Poly. / 10.14.75 / Campus Events;
Sustainability / NO ACTION REQUIRED
AS-2-75 / Resolution on Disabled Student Awareness Day / Supports a Disabled Student Awareness Day at Cal Poly. / 11.18.75 / Campus Events;
Disabilities / Not available
AS-3-75 / Resolution Regarding Distribution of the List of Candidates for Graduation / List of Candidates for Graduation to be distributed to each department/instructional area. / 11.18.75 / Graduation / APPROVED
AS-4-77 / Resolution Regarding the Establishment of an Information Awareness Committee / Ad hoc committee to be formed to discover what faculty files exist and how they are used. / 11.13.76 / Faculty Affairs / (faculty files) / APPROVED
AS-5-76 / Resolution Regarding Addition to CAM 341.1.A, Consultative Procedures for RPT / Procedure for RPT review in departments with no tenured faculty. / 2.17.76 / Faculty Affairs / (RPT) / APPROVED
AS-6-76 / Resolution Regarding Recommendation of Consultative Procedures - Curriculum Packages / Curriculum proposals must be reviewed by the department before forwarding to the VPAA. / 2.17.76 / Curriculum / Not available
AS-7-76 / Resolution Regarding Policy and Procedures Revisions in CAM / President to consult with faculty re revision of policies and procedures as well as their initiation. / 2.17.76 / Consultation;
Policies, Campus / APPROVED
AS-8-76 / Resolution Regarding Use of CR/NC Grading for Post-Baccalaureate and Graduate Students / Graduate courses cannot use CR/NC grading. / 2.17.76 / Grading;
Curriculum / (CR/NC);
(graduate programs) / APPROVED
AS-9-76 / Resolution in Support of Collegial Governance / Faculty to elect department chairs/heads for fixed terms. / 3.9.76 / Department Chairs/Heads / APPROVED
AS-10-76 / Resolution on the Naming of Buildings / President urged to consult with Executive Committee regarding naming of buildings. / 4.27.76 / Facilities / (naming of buildings) / APPROVED
AS-11-76 / Resolution Regarding Faculty Input in the Budgetary Process / Faculty to have more direct input into instructional budget allocations. / 4.27.76 / Budget / (budget consultation) / APPROVED
AS-12-76 / Resolution Regarding Faculty Involvement in Student Politics / Faculty not to interfere with student elections. / 5.11.76 / Student Affairs / NO ACTION REQUIRED
AS-13-76 / Resolution Regarding Change-of-Grade Policy / When a change of grade is submitted, only the final course grade should appear on the student's record. / 5.25.76 / Grading / (change of grade) / NOT APPROVED
AS-14-76 / Resolution Regarding Recall of Department Heads / Faculty may recommend the termination of a department head. / 11.9.76 / Department Chairs/Heads / APPROVED
AS-15-76 / Resolution Regarding Faculty Library Building Committee / A new library should be the number one building priority. / 7.13.76 / Facilities;
Library / APPROVED
AS-16-76 / Resolution Concerning Legal Assistance Course in Political Science / Chancellor urged to resolve terminology question regarding legal assistance concentration. / 7.13.76 / Curriculum / APPROVED
AS-17-77 / Resolution Regarding Implementation of ACR-70 / Procedures for establishing a priority list for faculty promotions. / 1.11.77 / Faculty Affairs / (RPT) / NOT APPROVED
AS-18-77 / Resolution Regarding Faculty Parking / Faculty should be granted free parking privileges. / 1.11.77 / Faculty Affairs / (salary/benefits) / APPROVED
AS-19-77 / Resolution Regarding University Library Building / Funding should be secured immediately for new library building. / 2.8.77 / Facilities;
Library / APPROVED
AS-20-77 / Resolution Regarding Appointment of Instructional Department Heads/Chairs / Department chairs/heads to be appointed for renewable terms instead of indefinite terms. / 2.8.77 / Department Chairs/Heads / NOT APPROVED
AS-21-77 / Resolution Regarding Guidelines on Student Involvement in Faculty Personnel Actions / Postpone Academic Senate report due on this matter for two months. / 2.8.77 / Faculty Affairs / Resolution failed
AS-22-77 / Resolution on Enrollment Growth / President to consult with Academic Senate regarding university enrollment targets. / 3.8.77 / Enrollment / (enrollment targets) / NOT APPROVED
AS-23-77 / Resolution Regarding Faculty Review of Enrollment Quotas / Academic Senate to be included in review process of enrollment quotas. / 3.8.77 / Enrollment / (enrollment targets) / NOT APPROVED
AS-24-77 / Resolution on Class Scheduling / Guidelines for scheduling lecture classes be implemented uniformly by all schools. / 3.8.77 / Instruction / (class scheduling) / APPROVED
(with qualification)
AS-25-77 / Resolution Regarding Budget Information / Budget information to be provided to faculty annually. / 3.8.77 / Budget / (budget consultation) / APPROVED
AS-26-77 / Resolution Regarding Sponsorship of Events / Revision of procedures regarding approval/sponsorship of campus events (CAM 232). / 4.12.77 / Campus Events / APPROVED
AS-27-77 / Resolution on Administration of CAM 232.3, 772 and 773 / Adoption of guidelines for person(s) requesting use of campus facilities. / 4.12.77 / Campus Events;
Facilities / Not available
AS-28-77 / Resolution in Support of Faculty Development / Implement an experimental faculty development program during Fall Conference. / 5.10.77 / Faculty Affairs / (professional development) / APPROVED
AS-29-77 / Resolution Regarding Faculty Information Awareness / Revision to policy statement on faculty personnel files (AB 70-8). / 5.10.77 / Faculty Affairs / (faculty files) / RECEIVED
AS-30-77 / Resolution Regarding Selection Procedures for Dean of Students / Senate to be consulted regarding the procedures/selection of a new dean of students. / 5.10.77 / Administrative Appointments;
Consultation / APPROVED
AS-31-77 / Resolution Regarding Parking Regulations / "Staff only" parking be enforced in staff lots until 9 p.m. / 6.21.77 / Facilities / (parking) / APPROVED
AS-32-77 / Resolution on Membership of Election Committee / All members of the Election Committee to be elected senators. / 11.8.77 / Academic Senate / (Academic Senate committees) / Resolution failed
AS-33-77 / Resolution Regarding Sponsorship of Events / Revised procedures for use of campus facilities (CAM 232). / 11.8.77 / Campus Events / APPROVED
AS-34-77 / Resolution Regarding University Hour / Scheduling of classes during the University Hour to be kept to a minimum. / 12.6.77 / Campus Events;
Instruction / (University Hour) / APPROVED
AS-35-77 / Resolution Regarding Preferential Registration / Senate opposes preferential registration for students carrying minimum units. / 12.6.77 / Registration / (priority registration) / NOT APPROVED
AS-36-78 / Resolution Regarding Teaching Awards Committee / Nominee for '77-78 Trustees Outstanding Professor Award be made from the three '76-77 DTA recipients. / 1.10.78 / Faculty Affairs / (awards/honors) / APPROVED
AS-37-78 / GEB Committee Resolution / SP 317 and 318 to be added to the Basic Subjects Category of GE&B. / 1.10.78 / Curriculum / (general education) / APPROVED
(with qualification)
AS-38-78 / GEB Committee Resolution / Unit/course changes to the Basic Subjects Category of GE&B. / 1.10.78 / Curriculum / (general education) / APPROVED
(with qualification)
AS-39-78 / Resolution in Support of an Ad Hoc Committee on Teaching Development / Form ad hoc committee to continue programs on faculty/teaching development. / 2.14.78 / Faculty Affairs / (professional development) / APPROVED
AS-40-78 / Resolution Regarding Tennis Court Lighting / No fees or restrictions for the use of tennis courts and other facilities. / 1.24.78 / Facilities;
Student Affairs / (lighting);
(student fees) / NO ACTION REQUIRED
AS-41-78 / Resolution Regarding Teaching Overloads / Teaching overloads be eliminated. / 2.14.78 / Faculty Affairs / (faculty workload) / NO ACTION REQUIRED
AS-42-78 / Resolution on Archives / Establish library as depository for archival material; develop procedures for same. / 4.11.78 / Library / APPROVED
AS-43-78 / Resolution Regarding Credit/No Credit Grading in PE Level 100 Courses / PE level 100 courses will be graded CR/NC. / 5.9.78 / Grading / (CR/NC) / NO ACTION REQUIRED
AS-44-78 / Resolution Regarding Minimum Passing Grade / Only "D" will be the minimum grade for a prerequisite course. / 5.2.78 / Grading / (minimum passing grade) / APPROVED
AS-45-78 / Resolution Regarding the Time Table for Leaves with Pay / Calendar for submission of sabbatical leaves. / 5.23.78 / Faculty Affairs / (leaves) / APPROVED
AS-46-78 / Resolution Regarding Sabbatical Leave Committee (CAM 386.5C) / Guidelines and procedures for all sabbatical professional leaves. / 5.23.78 / Faculty Affairs / (leaves) / APPROVED
AS-47-78 / Resolution Regarding Presidential Selection Committee / Academic Senate Executive Committee to select faculty to President selection committee. / 10.10.78 / Administrative Appointments / NO ACTION REQUIRED
AS-48-78 / Resolution on Baccalaureate Credit for Remedial Work / Remedial courses should not be given baccalaureate credit. / 11.7.78 / Curriculum / (remedial courses) / APPROVED
AS-49-78 / Resolution Regarding Catalog Clarification / Wording changes suggested for GE&B Natural Science category in the University catalog. / 12.5.78 / Curriculum / (general education) / Not available
AS-50-78 / Resolution Regarding Teaching Overloads / Workload formula will be developed by each department to equalize faculty workloads. / 12.5.78 / Faculty Affairs / (faculty workload) / NO ACTION REQUIRED
AS-51-78 / Resolution Regarding the Election of Faculty to the Presidential Selection Advisory Committee / Commendation to Weber and Hughes for their participation in the election process. / 12.5.78 / Commendation / NO ACTION REQUIRED
AS-52-78 / Resolution of Commendation / Commendation to President Robert E. Kennedy for his service to the University. / 12.5.78 / Commendation / NO ACTION REQUIRED
AS-53-78 / Resolution Regarding Budget Cuts / President urged not to develop a program reduction list in response to budget reductions. / 12.5.78 / Budget / Not available
AS-54-78 / Resolution Regarding Student Evaluation of Faculty
COPY OFRESOLUTION NOT AVAILABLE (resolution missing from binder) / (see AS-55-78) / 4.10.79 / Faculty Affairs / (student evaluations) / NOT APPROVED
AS-55-78 / Resolution Regarding Student Evaluation of Faculty / Revision to "Guidelines for Student Evaluation of Faculty." / 1.23.79 / Faculty Affairs / (student evaluations) / NOT APPROVED
AS-56-79 / Resolution Regarding the Procedures for the Selection of a President / Senate to draft its opposition to the "Procedures for Selection of Presidents." / 2.6.79 / Administrative Appointments / NO ACTION REQUIRED
AS-57-79 / Resolution Regarding Natural Sciences Option for "Broadly Based" Course Work in SAED, SAGR & SENG / Specifies courses and course content for natural sciences requirement in these schools. / 3.6.79 / Curriculum / APPROVED
AS-58-79 / Resolution Regarding Mandatory Salary Savings / Redefines formula for meeting the University's salary savings requirement. / 3.27.79 / Budget / APPROVED
AS-59-79 / Resolution Regarding Curriculum Committee Policy Statement / Develops uniform policy and CAM language for curriculum development. / 3.27.79 / Curriculum / Not available
AS-60-79 / Resolution on Promotion / Requests legislature to provide funds to grant all recommended faculty promotions. / 5.8.79 / Faculty Affairs / (RPT) / APPROVED
(with qualification)
AS-61-79 / Resolution on State Supported Summer Quarter / Urges the continuation of statesupported summer quarter at Cal Poly. / 5.15.79 / Academic Calendar / (summer quarter) / APPROVED
AS-62-79 / Resolution Regarding Presidential Selection / Appointment of new campus President will be made from the list recommended by the President selection committee. / 5.8.79 / Administrative Appointments / NO ACTION REQUIRED
AS-63-79 / Resolution Regarding CSUC Employee Salary / Salary increases to equal CPI increase and salary losses of past will be restored. / 5.8.79 / Miscellaneous / (staff salary/benefits) / APPROVED
(with qualification)
AS-64-79 / Resolution Regarding Class Withdrawal Procedures / Clarifies procedures for a student's withdrawal from a class during the first three weeks of the quarter. / 5.8.79 / Registration / (course withdrawal) / APPROVED
(with qualification)
AS-65-79 / Resolution on Junior Level Writing Certification / Proposes two methods for students to meet the junior level writing requirement. / 5.22.79 / Curriculum / (degree requirements) / APPROVED
AS-66-79 / Resolution Regarding Time Table for Personnel Action for Faculty RPT / Adjusts the timetable for faculty reappointment, promotion, and tenure actions. / 5.22.79 / Faculty Affairs / (RPT) / NOT APPROVED
AS-67-79 / Resolution Regarding the Role of the Personnel Review Committee…(Negative) Tenure Recommendations… / Personnel Review Committee to review cases where tenure has been denied. / 10.9.79 / Faculty Affairs / (RPT) / APPROVED
AS-68-79 / Resolution Regarding Challenge Exams / Departments should formulate policy regarding the prerequisites for taking challenge exams. / 5.22.79 / Curriculum / (challenge exams) / Not available
AS-69-79 / Resolution Regarding Teaching Overloads / Faculty should not be required to teach more than 36 WTU per academic year. / 10.9.79 / Faculty Affairs / (faculty workload) / APPROVED
AS-70-79 / Resolution in Support of the Proposal by the Norman D. Alexander Memorial Committee / Support proposal to name the Norman D. Alexander Memorial reading room in the library. / 10.9.79 / Library / APPROVED
AS-71-79 / Resolution on the Treatment of Iranian Students at Cal Poly / Urges campus constituents to treat Iranian students in same manner as other foreign students. / 12.4.79 / Diversity / (campus climate) / NO ACTION REQUIRED
AS-72-79 / Resolution on the Treatment of Iranian Students at Cal Poly / Urges campus constituents to treat Iranian students with courtesy and decency. / 12.4.79 / Diversity / (campus climate) / NO ACTION REQUIRED
AS-73-79 / Resolution on Academic Minors / Endorses the concept, qualifications, and criteria for academic minors. / 12.4.79 / Curriculum / (minors) / APPROVED
AS-74-80 / Resolution Regarding the Add/Drop Period / Opposes a two week "add" period; supports a two week "drop" period. / 1.15.80 / Registration / (add/drop) / NOT APPROVED
AS-75-80 / Resolution Regarding the Role of the Personnel Review Committee…(Negative) Tenure Recommendations / Denial of tenure constitutes a negative recommendation even if additional probation recommended. / 1.22.80 / Faculty Affairs / (RPT) / APPROVE
(with qualification)
AS-76-80 / Resolution to Modify the Academic Calendar / Academic calendar recommendations. / 2.12.80 / Academic Calendar / APPROVED
AS-77-80 / Resolution Regarding Teaching Overloads / Faculty should not be required to teach more than 36 WTU per year. / 2.12.80 / Faculty Affairs / (faculty workload) / APPROVED
AS-78-80 / Resolution Regarding Teaching Overloads / Faculty and administration should seek ways of reducing workloads. / 2.12.80 / Faculty Affairs / (faculty workload) / APPROVED
AS-79-80 / Resolution Regarding Academic Senate Involvement in the Distribution of Promotion Funds / Senate declines to recommend how available promotion funds should be applied. / 2.12.80 / Faculty Affairs / (salary/benefits) / APPROVED
AS-80-80 / Resolution Regarding Promotion Funding / Modifies CAM procedures regarding the distribution of funds for promotions. / 2.19.80 / Faculty Affairs / (salary/benefits) / Resolution failed
AS-81-80 / Resolution Regarding Course Work Taken by Faculty for Credit / Courses/degrees offered by Cal Poly will not be recognized for RPT purposes. / 2.19.80 / Faculty Affairs / (RPT) / Resolution failed
AS-82-80 / Resolution Regarding Sabbatical Leaves / Sabbatical leaves are for the purpose of study and travel, not for meeting RPT requirements. / 2.19.80 / Faculty Affairs / (RPT) / APPROVED
AS-83-80 / Resolution on Final Examination / Faculty is urged to adhere to the final examination schedule. / 2.19.80 / Instruction / (final exams) / Resolution failed
AS-84-80 / Resolution Regarding Credit/No Credit Grading in Support Courses / Major/support courses cannot be taken on a CR/NC basis. / 3.4.80 / Grading / (CR/NC) / APPROVED
AS-85-80 / Resolution on Department Curriculum Committee / Each department should establish a curriculum committee and develop curriculum review guidelines. / 3.4.80 / Curriculum / NOT APPROVED
AS-86-80 / Resolution on School/Division Committees / Each school should establish a curriculum committee and develop curriculum review guidelines. / 3.4.80 / Curriculum / NOT APPROVED
AS-87-80 / Resolution Regarding the Curriculum Process / Proposal for a single track curriculum review process. / 2.12.80 / Curriculum / NOT APPROVED
AS-88-80 / Resolution Regarding Timetable for the Curriculum Committee and Academic Affairs / The Academic Senate Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committees to coordinate a timetable for curriculum review. / 2.12.80 / Curriculum / NO ACTON REQUIRED
AS-89-80 / Resolution…CAM 451.6.A: Term of Appointment…to CSUC Academic Council on International Programs / Representative to this council shall serve three to five years instead of one year. / 3.11.80 / International Education / Not available
AS-90-80 / Resolution on Amendment to the Constitution of the Academic Senate CSUC / Representatives to the Academic Senate CSUC cannot serve more than two three-year terms in succession. / 3.11.80 / Academic Senate / NO ACTION REQUIRED
AS-91-80 / Resolution Regarding Faculty Office Hours / Office hours no longer have to be scheduled everyday but still require five hours per week. / 5.6.80 / Instruction / (office hours) / APPROVED
(with qualification)
AS-92-80 / Resolution on 470 Courses / 470 and 471 courses are to be reviewed with all other curriculum proposals. / 5.6.80 / Curriculum / APPROVED
AS-93-80 / Resolution Regarding Possible Budget Cuts Due to Proposition 9 / Cal Poly should decline to submit a list of possible budget reductions to the Chancellor. / 5.6.80 / Budget;
Legislation / (state ballot measures) / N/A—Proposition 9 was defeated
AS-94-80 / Resolution Commending the Academic Senate CSUC Service of Dr. Mike Wenzl / Commends Mike Wenzl for his outstanding service to the statewide Academic Senate. / 5.6.80 / Commendation / NO ACTION REQUIRED
AS-95-80 / Resolution Regarding Appointment of Instructional Department Heads/Chairs / Adds CAM language to reflect the renewable three-year term provision for department chairs/heads. / 4.8.80 / Department Chairs/Heads / APPROVED
AS-96-80 / Resolution on Cross-Listing of Courses / Provisions for cross-listing courses between two departments. / 4.29.80 / Curriculum / Not available
AS-97-80 / Resolution Regarding Personnel Evaluation of Tenured Faculty / Faculty currently being evaluated adequately; additional evaluations are not needed. / 6.3.80 / Faculty Affairs / (RPT) / NO ACTION REQUIRED
AS-98-80 / Resolution on Drinking Policy on Campus / Beer and wine be allowed on campus after 5 p.m. where the consumer's age can be monitored. / 6.3.80 / Policies, Campus / (drinking) / APPROVED
AS-99-80 / Resolution of Commendation for the Academic Senate Curriculum Committee / Commendation for the Curriculum Committee and its chair, Harvey Greenwald. / 6.3.80 / Commendation / NO ACTION REQUIRED
AS-100-80 / Resolution on…Student Teaching and Field Experience During Strikes…Emergencies / Endorses university policy on student teaching/field experiences during strikes and emergencies. / 8.5.80 / Miscellaneous / (emergencies) / NO ACTION REQUIRED
AS-101-80 / Resolution Regarding Evaluation of Tenured Faculty and Administrators / Adds conditions to the performance evaluations of tenured faculty and administrators. / 10.14.80 / Faculty Affairs;
Administrative Appointments / (RPT) / Not available
AS-102-80 / Resolution Regarding Proposed Changes in the CSUC Faculty Salary Structure / Senate opposes revision of the faculty salary schedule to increase steps in rank. / 10.14.80 / Faculty Affairs / (salary/benefits) / APPROVED
(with qualification)
AS-103-80 / Resolution Regarding Guidelines for Withdrawal from Classes After the Census Date / Revision of guidelines regarding the interpretation of "serious and compelling" reasons for withdrawal. / 1.20.81 / Registration / (course withdrawal) / APPROVED
AS-104-80 / Resolution Regarding Survey of Graduates / Periodic surveys of graduates to be made by the Placement Office. / 2.17.81 / Student Affairs / (graduate surveys) / APPROVED
AS-105-80 / Resolution Concerning Enrollment Quota Determination / President to consult with the Senate regarding policies concerning enrollment quotas. / 2.17.81 / Enrollment / (enrollment targets) / APPROVED
AS-106-80 / Resolution on Consultation in Space Allocation / Administration to consult with the Senate regarding Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan and space reallocations. / 2.17.81 / Consultation;
Strategic Planning / APPROVED
AS-107-80 / Resolution to Modify the Dates for Personnel Actions / Calendar changes for personnel actions. / 1.20.81 / Faculty Affairs / (RPT) / APPROVED
AS-108-81 / Resolution Regarding Request for Consultation Regarding Peer Evaluation of Tenured…Faculty / Senate requests time to consult regarding the Trustees plan for post tenure review. / 1.6.81 / Consultation;
Faculty Affairs / (RPT) / Resolution failed
AS-109-81 / Resolution Regarding Grade Definitions and Guidelines / Revises the catalog definition of letter grades. / 2.17.81 / Grading / APPROVED
AS-110-81 / Resolution Regarding Athletic Advisory Commission / Accepts the report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Athletics; report to be included in CAM. / 12.2.80 / Athletics / APPROVED
AS-111-81 / Resolution Regarding University Resources and Controversial Information / Campus mail/resources can be used to distribute controversial material if pertinent to university discussions. / 2.3.81 / Miscellaneous / (mail) / Resolution failed