Blessed Louis Martin Council #15256

Ashburn, VA

Subject: Grand Knight’s Situation Report (SITREP) #6 December 2013

Membership and Degree Updates: Brothers, we welcomed five new Brothers to the Order on 18 November, bringing our council membership up to 257 and exceeding our recruiting goal for this fraternal year. We currently stand at 119% of our goal with many more men to recruit! Our next 1st Degree is scheduled for 20 January but before that, we will host a 2d Degree on 16 December for all of District #18. Brothers in need of the 2d Degree should plan on attending. We will also host a 3d Degree on 8 February 2014. It has never been easier to become a full Knight of Columbus. Our worthy membership director and Warden, SK Jeffery Peiffer will send messages with more details in the weeks to follow.

Recent Events: The month of November saw us close out our Keep Christ in Christmas (KCIC) drive and thanks go out to our Worthy Chancellor, Leo Titus and all the Brothers who assisted with that program. On 9 November Deputy Grand Knight Tom Starchville and I along with Brother Mike Cinnamon met with Father O’Hare from the Banica Mission to discuss future programs in support of the mission. Brother Mike will be in touch soon with details relating to support opportunities. On 10 November, we held another successful Pancake Breakfast. Between our successes with that program along with KCIC, our finances are in good order.

Upcoming Events & Dates:

Mark Your Calendars! December is traditionally a very busy month for the council and parish with plenty of service opportunities. Here is a list of upcoming events with dates and locations. Please consider helping out where your desire and schedule match the requirement:

· 7 December St. Theresa Confirmation. Volunteers are needed contact Br. Larry Bayne

- 4th Degree presence is needed for the 10:00 and 2:00 Confirmation masses

· 8 December Pancake Breakfast St. Theresa’s school cafeteria 2 shifts + cleanup detail

· 14 December Leesburg Christmas Parade 9:30 muster 10:00 start, St. John the Apostle

· 14 & 15 December Festival of Trees. Worthy Lecture Ken Moore & family KofC Tree

· 16 December 2d Degree St. Theresa school cafeteria arrive 7:30 degree 8:00

· 22 December Children’s Christmas Party 2:00 St Theresa’s School cafeteria

· 24 & 25 December Parking lot control all masses

· 28 & 29 December Parish food collection after all masses

Knight of the Month: Brother Leo Titus Sr., for his leadership as council Chancellor, vocations advocate, KCIC Director and 1st Degree team member.

Family of the Month: Brother and Sir Knight Ken Moore & family for sustained support to the parish ministries and as a sterling example of a family of living faith.

Prayers and Remembrance: Pray for the Holy Family this month and all throughout the year. In an increasingly secular world where families and the values they uphold appear to be under constant attack, I ask that during this Advent and Christmas season, you pray for moral and virtuous family values that define the core of our faith, manifested through the sacrament of matrimony as our foundation for faith inspired families and in the service to the Church.

A Final Thought: Brothers, on behalf of the Officers of the council, we wish you the Merriest of Christmases and all the blessings of faith in the New Year. Vivat Jesus!

Disclaimer: This update is provided for the Brothers of the Knights of Columbus, Blessed Louis Martin Council #15256, Ashburn Virginia. Please limit distribution to State Officers, other councils within District #18, family members of the council and interested members of the St. Theresa Parish. Visit us at: